
The "ecological community" has settled in Qiandao Lake! The green and high-quality development has borne fruit

author:The next heaven is the people

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The "ecological community" has settled in Qiandao Lake! The green and high-quality development has borne fruit

With the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, all localities continue to work hard to improve the ecological environment year by year while focusing on high-quality development. In recent years, the large-scale greening work on the land of China has achieved increasing results. Today, in Chun'an County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the "Qiandao Lake Ecological Community" is becoming another vivid practice of ecological civilization construction.

"Minshengjun" learned from the inaugural meeting of the Qiandao Lake Ecological Community Federation that Wu Daoyuan, Secretary-General of the Federation, said in his keynote speech that the establishment of the Federation is the result of everyone's joint efforts and the starting point of the common cause of all members. In the future, we should work together to promote the construction of ecological communities and continuously achieve new results. At the same time, the construction of ecological communities is also a concrete practice of ecological civilization construction, and everyone should contribute their own strength to the construction of ecological civilization with practical actions.

At the symposium held at the same time, experts, scholars and practitioners from the field of ecology gathered together to discuss how to promote the sustainable development of ecological communities in the context of the new era. During the period, Shao Wentao, vice chairman of the Chun'an County CPPCC, on behalf of the local party committee and government, attended the meeting and pointed out at the unveiling ceremony of the Qiandao Lake Ecological Community Federation that he would fully support the work of the Federation and promote the construction of the Qiandao Lake Ecological Community to make new progress.

According to Academician Zhang Fusuo, the new president of the Qiandao Lake Ecological Community Federation, the Federation will be committed to gathering global resources, funds and talents, building a hub think tank for ecological communities, providing solutions for the construction of ecological civilization communities at home and abroad, supporting member development, serving local governments, and promoting the long-term high-quality transformation of ecological value.

The "ecological community" has settled in Qiandao Lake! The green and high-quality development has borne fruit

Chen Zongxing, vice chairman of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), wrote in a congratulatory letter: "The establishment of the Qiandao Lake Ecological Community Federation is an important measure to strengthen the modernization of the grassroots governance system and governance capacity. The construction of ecological civilization is a fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, and I sincerely hope that the Federation can give full play to its role as a service and bridge to promote the construction of a beautiful China and continue to make new achievements. ”

Chen Cungen, President of the China Federation of Social Workers, pointed out at the meeting that the construction of ecological communities is not only a need for ecological protection, but also an important way to improve the quality of life of the people. The public should strengthen the governance of the ecological environment, deepen the education of ecological civilization, promote the green transformation of lifestyles, and form a grassroots governance pattern of ecological communities with co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Liu Yehua, former inspector of the Cadre Bureau of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, emphasized in his speech that the construction of talents for green development is the key to achieving green development, and it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation and introduction of talents to provide a strong talent guarantee for green development. Only by cultivating batches of talents with green development concepts and practical abilities can the mainland's ecological civilization construction continue to move forward.

Hou Li'an, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, was unable to attend the scene in person due to physical reasons, but said in a video speech that his enthusiasm and expectations for the construction of ecological communities have not diminished. This is a cause that will benefit the present generation and the future. We must work together to take it to new heights. It is hoped that the federation can play the role of a bridge and a link, gather the strength of all parties, and jointly promote the in-depth development of ecological community construction. ”

Academician Zhou Jinfeng, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, also warmly congratulated the establishment of the Federation at the meeting, and looked forward to its greater role in promoting the construction of ecological civilization. He combined vivid cases and reminded the participants: "The birds know whether the ecology is good or not!" and "The quality of the ecological environment is closely related to the daily behavior of each of us". The essence of the idea of ecological civilization in the new era is to emphasize the importance of ecological civilization construction in the national development strategy, as well as the balance between scientific and technological development and ecological protection.

The "ecological community" has settled in Qiandao Lake! The green and high-quality development has borne fruit

Pan Jiahua, a member of the Faculty of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, elaborated on the importance of ecological community construction at the meeting, emphasized the key role of ecological civilization construction in promoting the sustainable development of local economy and society, and placed high hopes on the future work of the Federation. This is also similar to the view of Xu Hengyong, a researcher at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Xu Hengyong believes that scientific and technological innovation is the key to the pursuit of green development. We need to give full play to the power of science and technology to promote the research and development and application of green technologies. Green technology is an important support for promoting green development, and we need to strengthen scientific and technological innovation and provide strong technical support for green development.

Professor Zhang Xiaode of the Department of Social and Ecological Civilization of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made a keynote speech on "Towards a Flexible Revolution in the New Era: Starting from the Lifestyle of the Heart" at the symposium: "In the face of global ecological challenges, we need to use Chinese wisdom, draw nutrients from traditional culture, and contribute Chinese solutions to solve international ecological problems. ”

Ju Jianhua, director of the Advisory Committee of the Consulting and Research Center of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said that the protection of the ecological environment and natural resources is the responsibility of each of us, and we must start from little by little to contribute to the beautiful China. Protecting the ecological environment is to protect the productive forces, and improving the ecological environment is to develop the productive forces, which is the development concept that we must adhere to.

It is worth noting that the meeting was also highly appreciated by the international community. In his congratulatory message to the conference via video, international ecologist Academician John Cobb Jr. emphasized: "Qiandao Lake's decision to establish an international network of ecological communities is wise. This will not only help promote the construction of ecological civilization in China, but also provide new impetus for the development of global ecological community partnerships. ”

The participants agreed that the establishment of the Qiandao Lake Ecological Community Federation demonstrated the achievements and determination of Qiandao Lake in the construction of ecological civilization, and also provided a useful reference for the construction of global ecological communities. This milestone event not only marks a new stage in the construction of ecological communities and the green development of Chun'an Special Ecological Function Zone, but also contributes Chinese wisdom and solutions to the construction of global ecological civilization communities.

The Federation emphasized that the construction of ecological civilization is a fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, and it is a cause that will benefit the present and future generations. In the future, with the joint efforts of all parties, we will contribute more wisdom and strength to building a beautiful China and promoting the construction of a global ecological civilization. (Editor-in-charge/Xiangyu)

*Editor's Note:

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