
Yao Ming's family of five traveled to Qiandao Lake, and their 14-year-old daughter supported the old man to be sensible, and it was really pleasant to enjoy the scenery by boat

author:Jack Entertainment Detective

During the May Day holiday, almost half of the Chinese people are traveling, basketball superstar Yao Ming is no exception, rare holidays, he also takes his family to play together, and many people go to the city to visit scenic spots, feel the "pleasure" of crowding, Yao Ming chooses to escape from the city, take his family to the suburbs to see the landscape, that is really comfortable!

Yao Ming's family of five traveled to Qiandao Lake, and their 14-year-old daughter supported the old man to be sensible, and it was really pleasant to enjoy the scenery by boat

On May 4th, some netizens happened to meet Yao Ming and his family on a boat trip to Qiandao Lake, in addition to Yao Ming and his wife and daughter, there were two elderly people, a group of five, which attracted the attention of many tourists.

According to the photos taken by tourists, Yao Ming wore an all-black dress that day, which was very suitable for his identity as a basketball star.

Yao Ming's family of five traveled to Qiandao Lake, and their 14-year-old daughter supported the old man to be sensible, and it was really pleasant to enjoy the scenery by boat

After a long absence, he seems to have gained a lot of weight, his face is rounded, and his belly bulge is very obvious, fortunately he is relatively tall, even if his figure is fat, he does not look too ugly.

Yao Ming's 14-year-old daughter, Yao Qinlei, wore an artistic sweatshirt jacket and a black headscarf, and her figure was amazing.

Yao Ming's family of five traveled to Qiandao Lake, and their 14-year-old daughter supported the old man to be sensible, and it was really pleasant to enjoy the scenery by boat

It is reported that although Yao Ming's daughter is only 14 years old, she is already 1.9 meters tall, and she has perfectly inherited the genes of her parents, and the family of three is a "giant".

The little girl is very well-behaved, supporting the elderly all the way, and Yao Ming's wife also supports another old man, and the family gets along harmoniously and is very warm.

Yao Ming's family of five traveled to Qiandao Lake, and their 14-year-old daughter supported the old man to be sensible, and it was really pleasant to enjoy the scenery by boat

This time, Yao Ming and his family were suspected of staying in the suburbs for one night, and they changed into two different clothes, but no matter how they changed, Yao Ming was wearing black, which was very casual.

Yao Ming's family of five traveled to Qiandao Lake, and their 14-year-old daughter supported the old man to be sensible, and it was really pleasant to enjoy the scenery by boat

During the day, take a boat to visit the lake, feel the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and at night the family goes to the farmhouse restaurant to eat, and the itinerary is very rich.

Yao Ming's family of five traveled to Qiandao Lake, and their 14-year-old daughter supported the old man to be sensible, and it was really pleasant to enjoy the scenery by boat

Yao Ming has always been very busy at work, and it is rare to have time to travel with his family, this trip will definitely make their family unforgettable, I hope they have fun!

"Original article, plagiarism is prohibited; the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted!"

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