
[Solidly promote the improvement of the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin] Continuously improve the rural public service system and create a livable, workable and beautiful village

author:Shanxi Pictorial Xinzhou Reporter Station
[Solidly promote the improvement of the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin] Continuously improve the rural public service system and create a livable, workable and beautiful village

Hequ County regards the improvement of the rural living environment as one of the key points to solidly promote the improvement of the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin, and the county's 11 townships and 170 administrative villages thoroughly implement the arrangements and deployments of the county party committee and the county government and the spirit of the city's rural human settlements environment "six chaos" rectification meeting, and strive to create a beautiful rural living environment. Focusing on areas along national highways, provincial highways and rural roads, village streets and alleys, farmers' courtyards, and fields, through the five measures of "demolition, clearance, rectification, greening, and construction", while completely solving the outstanding problems such as indiscriminate construction, indiscriminate stacking, and littering, we will strive to consolidate the foundation of rural public services and create a clean, tidy and orderly rural living environment according to local conditions.

[Solidly promote the improvement of the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin] Continuously improve the rural public service system and create a livable, workable and beautiful village

  In the middle of summer, when you walk into Shibiliang Village, Shaping Township, you will be greeted by clean and tidy roads, green fields, and confident smiling ...... of the villagers looking forward to the future. On the neat village road, villager Li Zhiwen is busy cleaning the villagers' domestic garbage, and with his skillful operation, the garbage cans of every household in the village are quickly emptied. "Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I come to clean up the household garbage in the village. In my free time, I don't do my own farm work by mistake, and I earn 300 yuan a month for cleaning and transporting garbage, which adds an extra income. Li Zhiwen said happily.

[Solidly promote the improvement of the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin] Continuously improve the rural public service system and create a livable, workable and beautiful village

  Since the beginning of this year, Shaping Township will focus on the establishment of a county, township, village three-level garbage removal and transportation system, publicity, centralized rectification, in May, Shaping Township People's Government for 806 permanent households unified purchase of garbage cans, and to village, group as a unit, each village set up a fixed garbage collection and transportation public welfare post at least. The village (group) transfer personnel regularly transport household garbage to the village buried barrel, and then transfer it to the county landfill by Chengtai Company, forming a sound and perfect garbage removal and transportation system at the county, township and village levels.

  At the same time, through online and offline and other forms of publicity, the Party Committee of Shaping Township guides the rural people to consciously form a healthy and civilized living habit of not littering and dumping garbage, and mobilizes the masses to consciously develop good living habits through means such as convening mass meetings, broadcasting, and slogan propaganda by the village committee, and linking garbage disposal with the selection of "Star Civilized Households" and the annual performance appraisal of village cadres, so as to provide guarantee for the implementation of the long-term cleaning system for the rural living environment. Through propaganda and education, cleaning up and standardization, and garbage transfer, we should gradually reverse the outdated and bad habits in rural areas, and completely reverse the situation of dirty, disorderly, and poor.

[Solidly promote the improvement of the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin] Continuously improve the rural public service system and create a livable, workable and beautiful village

  A good living environment is the most inclusive livelihood and well-being, and it is also one of the prerequisites and basic conditions for rural development. Since the start of the county's rural human settlements renovation work, Hequ County has promoted the normalization, refinement and long-term effect of human settlements by mobilizing and guiding market entities, social organizations and the masses to actively participate in the governance work, so that the human settlements environment can change from "one beauty" to "beauty everywhere", from "one moment of beauty" to "one time of beauty", constantly refresh the "appearance" of the village, effectively improve the living environment of villagers, and help rural revitalization.

(Zhang Liang)

Shanxi Pictorial Xinzhou Reporter Station

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