
What happens to you after the movie "Lightning Miracle" is struck by lightning

author:Sour lemon movie

Usually being struck by lightning is basically death.

There are also individuals who have possessed superpowers after being struck by lightning.

Became the fastest runner in the world. (The Flash)

What happens to you after the movie "Lightning Miracle" is struck by lightning

Today's film is also the protagonist's mother on the occasion of the birth.

Struck by lightning.

Then a child (Balder) was born with a white body and no hair or sweat.

What happens to you after the movie "Lightning Miracle" is struck by lightning

Looking at this movie, you say it's a science fiction film, or an ethics film.

Anyway, I only saw people's hearts. Balder, a man, was lonely for half his life.

But he has a superb IQ and can see through the minds of everyone.

Capable of sensing everything such as storms and souls, it can store and emit super-powerful electricity and magnetism.

Put it in someone else's place, it's a story like Spider-Man, Superman, and The Flash.

What happens to you after the movie "Lightning Miracle" is struck by lightning

But this film is not. It's peaceful, undercurrent undercurrent.

Let the audience's emotions follow a trace of seepage.

After reading the first half, a lonely indifference.

The image of an "albino" boy with superpowers is about to come out.

And the next part begins.

Peak Loop: Balder gave the hunters a first-hand experience of the doe's pre-death pain.

And therefore no longer pick up a shotgun.

So Balder saved the sheriff's heart.

Let him hold the hand of his critically ill wife and watch her leave quietly.

Let him finally hug his beloved son who has been estranged for a long time.

Even when the male classmate who maliciously insulted Balder was knocked unconscious by lightning.

Our protagonist is still heartless in the chest of an electric shock to save it.

What happens to you after the movie "Lightning Miracle" is struck by lightning

The school's physics teacher once said: the development of science and technology exceeds human nature, but one day.

Humanity will transcend technology. Balder made us believe that.

His abnormality came from the electric shock his mother suffered on that stormy night of his birth.

Due to abnormal skin, he grew up isolated from the rest of the world.

Only from many books can he understand the world in which he lives.

But it has an incomparably sound mind and personality, even surpassing any other human being of its time.

No matter how discriminatory others treat him like a monster.

Although he can easily eliminate opponents with electricity.

Yet he just wanted to go back to his lonely basement.

Until it was discovered that all the books had been "looted". He had other options.

It was the ignorant and brutal people who pushed him down the last path.

He almost had a good love, but the girl's father insulted him like a dog.

He could have gotten along well with his classmates, but the bullying classmates used various methods to make him insult him.

It's just that he's a little whiter than the others, even though there's nothing wrong with his body and even has the strongest IQ in history.

What happens to you after the movie "Lightning Miracle" is struck by lightning

Even so, Balder didn't blame anyone, didn't use his superpowers to punish anyone, even though he could have done so.

He felt that all things were one, and that the human body had once come from a tree, or even part of a tree.

From this he could feel the most subtle parts of other people's hearts, he could feel the wind and rain, he could feel the lightning and thunder that was coming.

What happens to you after the movie "Lightning Miracle" is struck by lightning

Since the mediocre earth could not tolerate him, he had to return to the universe.

Back to that dark and lonely cabin, back to the empty world.

His departure is enough to make any audience member cling to it, and we can't help but dislike the most beautiful child in the world.

Because in the face of all the difficulties, we can't do better than him.

He could leave with a smile, that was his best destination.

In fact, all of us are playing a good ending, using a lifetime of hard work.

No matter how much isolation, isolation, humiliation, hatred, deception, persecution, as long as you feel the world with your heart.

To love the world, to truly do a good job of being an indispensable part of the world.

Well, we can also leave with a smile.

The film was filmed in 1995.

Before that, Hollywood movies underwent a movement back to warmth.

And the movie "Lightning Miracle" tells people in a symbolic way.

The world simply does not allow the so-called purity to exist, if you want to survive.

Then you can only go along with the people around you, and there is no other way.

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