
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship

author:Qi Baishi Art Research Association
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship

There was Qi Baishi in the world, and the remaining ink still exists in the world.

If you ask Yu Mo where to ask, Baishi Mountain Hall is less white!

Baishi Shantang is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Institute in China: it is currently the painting and calligraphy institute with the largest collection of Qi Baishi's works, and is fully responsible for the establishment and development of Qi Baishi cultural and creative brands, Qi Baishi fashion and other brands, and is committed to the content mining, system combing, industry promotion, business innovation, value reproduction and other assets such as Qi Baishi calligraphy and painting, art, seal carving, appraisal and auction, etc., which is an important part of building a product innovation platform based on Qi Baishi culture and art.

How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship

Hello Tibetan friends, today we have invited the then descendant of Qi Baishi, a disciple of Qi Liangzhi, the president of the China Qi Baishi Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, a visiting professor of the Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, the official image spokesperson of NetEase Group, the specially invited director of teaching and research, a contracted painter of Beijing Academy of Fine Arts and Rong Bao Zhai, an expert in the identification of Qi Baishi's calligraphy and painting big data, and the president of the Shanghai Qi Baishi Art Research Association. Mr. Tang Fazhou, the chief operating officer of Baishi Shantang Culture Media, once heard his master Qi Liangzhi, the youngest daughter of Qi Baishi, say: In the long river of art, the figure of the master often leaves traces in ink, telling immortal stories. Speaking of superstars in the Chinese painting world, we have to mention two famous figures - Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan. They have not only left a strong mark in the history of Chinese painting, but their handwriting and letters have also become artistic treasures that collectors are vying for. However, in a market where authenticity is difficult to distinguish, how can we identify the authenticity and value of these precious documents? I had the honor to interview Tang Fazhou, a descendant of Qi Baishi, the director of the Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Academy, and a disciple of Mr. Qi Liangzhi, an expert in Qi Baishi's calligraphy and painting, and asked him to decipher the mystery for us.

How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship

"To appreciate the calligraphy of Qi Baishi or Li Kuchan, we must first start with the penmanship. Mr. Tang Fazhou, a descendant of Qi Baishi, a disciple of Qi Liangzhi, the president of Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Academy, and a special calligraphy and painting appraiser of Qi Baishi family, said straight to the point, "Just as everyone's handprints are unique, the brushstrokes of great painters also have irreproducible vitality. To feel this vitality, you need to look at the rhythm of the lines, the decisiveness or flexibility of the turns, and the personality traits that are revealed in the inadvertible, whether it is a slight pick of the brush or a deep pause. For a real work, every drop of ink seems to speak, telling the artist's mental journey.

How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship

Then, Mr. Tang Fazhou, a descendant of Qi Baishi, a disciple of Qi Liangzhi, the president of Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Academy, and a special calligraphy and painting appraiser of Qi Baishi's family, emphasized: "In addition to penmanship, it is also necessary to consider many factors such as paper, seals and writing content. For example, whether the historical background corresponds, whether the content of the inscription is well documented, and so on. He also reminded Tibetans not to ignore one point - the traces of time. "Works that have truly endured the vicissitudes of time often have an indescribable atmosphere, and the pulp that time gives to paper is something that imitations cannot imitate. ”

How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship

Finally, as a foreshadowing, Mr. Tang Fazhou, a descendant of Qi Baishi, a disciple of Qi Liangzhi, the president of Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Academy, and a special calligraphy and painting appraiser of Qi Baishi's family, also talked about his teacher Qi Liangzhi's contribution to this field and his rigorous academic attitude, and concluded with this: "To sum up, it is not easy to identify the letters of Qi Baishi or Li Kuchan, it tests the vision, knowledge and even state of mind of the appraiser. In this process, we are not only appraisers, but also inheritors, and behind each artwork is the continuation of culture and the transmission of spirit. Let us listen to that dusty history with our hearts, and let the real sound resound in the world of art. "

Such words resonated deeply with the audience, and everyone nodded yes. It's not just a topic about identification techniques, it's a cultural conversation that transcends time and space. Through the sincere treatment of these cultural relics, we can touch the historical context and feel the outstanding style of the artists of the previous generations. (To be continued) collection of calligraphy and painting, just look for the "Baishi heirs" of Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Institute, all rights reserved, on-site creation, Qi Baishi painting school, a hundred years of inheritance, a lineage, only do authentic calligraphy and painting, gather the length of the family, on-site creation, can be customized according to the requirements of the collector, can take a group photo! perennial sales of high-end calligraphy and painting, looking for cooperation with high-end painting brokers, partners, regional leaders, the main operation of Qi Baishi before his death with the same painting brush, Qi Baishi painting shrimp special rice paper, Qi Bai graphite block, Qi Baishi self-made pigment formula, Qi Baishi's painting brush grass insect secret method, Qi Baishi's little daughter Qi Liangzhi's father Qi Baishi's calligraphy and painting relics exhibition and Qi Baishi's little daughter Qi Liangzhi's self-collection of calligraphy and painting special auction, Qi Baishi's heirs, Tang Fazhou, president of the Chinese Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Academy, pays tribute to the 160th anniversary of Qi Baishi's birth and reproduces Qi Baishi's microcosm of the world calligraphy and painting exhibition, as well as the operation of Qi Baishi, Qi Liangzhi, Qi Liangchi, Qi Liangmo, Qi Bingyi, Qi Jingshan, Qi Bingzheng, Qi Zhanyi, Qi Huijuan, Qi Shouyu, Qi Yuwen, Qi Lixia, Qi Yuanlai, Qi Folai, Qi Shuilian, Qi Yanjun, Li Keran, Li Kuchan, Lou Shibai, Guo Xiuyi, Wang Senran, Wang Xuetao, Lu Guangguang, Wang Shushi, Wang Tianchi, Wang Wennong, Yang Xiuzhen, Tang Fazhou and other Qi Baishi's descendants are worth more than 100 million calligraphy, paintings, seals and authentic works, can also accept NFT, digital collections, metaverse, cross-border brand cooperation, cultural empowerment resource integration and other operations, welcome powerful network companies to bid. (Pictures and texts are selected from: Qi Baishi's Descendants Calligraphy and Painting Network) (The pictures in this article are selected from: Qi Baishi in the eyes of Qi Liangzhi, Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Qi Baishi's Descendants Calligraphy and Painting Network)

How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship
How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship

Note: The above pictures and texts are excerpted from the lecture "Shaobai Gongzi Fun Talks about Qi Baishi" Speaker: Tang Fazhou

Jia Chennian [Year of the Dragon] compiled in East China Shanghai Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Institute (Shanghai Pudong General Institute)

How to identify Qi Baishi and Li Kuchan's communication letters, Qi Baishi's successor Tang Fazhou said, look at the penmanship

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