
Gleaning Pavilion | Cao Tingdong to Shen Youpeng Xin Za Kao (I)

author:Jiaxing Zhengchun and culture

Text | The golden body is strong

In recent years, the collection of letters has become a hot topic. In addition to its inherent artistic value and economic value, the value of its historical materials has attracted the attention of more and more people of insight.

A correspondence can often play a role in preserving and proving history. It can make up for the deficiencies of history and correct the errors of history. It's fun to dig into the stories behind the letters. There are many kinds of letters of celebrities in Jiashan in the past dynasties, and Cao Tingdong, a famous scholar and health master in the Qianlong period, wrote to Shen and Peng Xinza, which is one of them.

Gleaning Pavilion | Cao Tingdong to Shen Youpeng Xin Za Kao (I)

Cao Tingdong to Shen Youpeng Xinzha (studio collection)

1. The author of the letter

Let's take a look at the contents of this correspondence first:

Yesterday, the younger brother came out of the school, but he was not reported.

The masterpiece screen goes to the speech, the unique standard is timeless, and the sarcasm can't be recited. For the elegance of the stroke, the Xizhuang can also be used to add glory, very fast, very fast! Brother Yaofeng President Shi Xi, classmate Brother Tingdong bowed down. "Cao" and "Liupu" two seals.

This correspondence tells us that the author is Cao Tingdong, a scholar and health practitioner of the Qing Dynasty. Cao Tingdong was born in 1699 and died in 1785. A Tingdong, the word Kai people, the number of six gardens, also known as Cishan monks, Jiashan Weitang people. He lived in the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong periods of the Qing Dynasty. The name of the residence is "East Garden". A legend. Less fond of learning poetry, after middle age, he is determined to forge ahead. In the place where the soil is a mountain, the ring is planted with flowers and trees, in order to serve the mother, the name is called "Cishan", and the site is in Jiashan No. 1 Middle School today. Because of the self-named "Tzu Shan Layman". From time to time, he played the piano and wrote poems, and wrote blue stone and copied seals to express his loneliness. After being obsessed with writing, those who did not go downstairs for 30 years sat on the wooden couch and made up for it, which shows his temperament.

Gleaning Pavilion | Cao Tingdong to Shen Youpeng Xin Za Kao (I)

The former site of Cao Tingdong East Park (taken by Jin Shenqiang in 2024)

Look at the calligraphy of this book again is natural and ancient, in and out of the Yan Plain, between the Minan Palace, there is a frustration, and the surviving Cao's calligraphy works are compared, with the same pen. This book is done at will, with a smooth pen, without a sense of stagnation, the view is like flowing water, there is movement in the stillness, and there is silence in the movement. After more than 200 years, the paper is naturally old, the ink color is precipitated, and the printing is a typical style of the early Qing Dynasty. To sum up, there is no doubt that it is the authentic work of Cao's.

Second, the above paragraph of the "remote peak" test

Next, I would like to do a little research on the recipient. Cao Tingdong's correspondence was originally the old collection of Zhang Tingji in Xiushui. Zhang Tingji (1768~1848), a Qing Dynasty scholar and calligrapher. The original name is Rulin, the word Shun'an, the number Shuwei, the word boat, the word as Tian, and the disciple of Haiyue Nunnery, the old man Meishou in the evening, and the Xinhuang people in Jiaxing, Zhejiang. In the third year of Jiaqing (1798), Xie Yuan. Gong poems, simple style, good use of allusions, fine gold and stone research based on learning, especially good at cultural relics appreciation, a monument and a device can distinguish its authenticity, do not its source. He likes to collect all kinds of ancient artifacts and cultural relics, and has a lot of Ding Yi, tablets and calligraphy and paintings. Zhang Tingji has a lot of connections with Jiashan. His father-in-law was Shen Youpeng, a famous doctor in Jiashan in the Qing Dynasty. And his youngest daughter, Zhang Changxi, married Jiashan Cha Shihuang.

According to Guangxu's "Jiashan County Chronicles" volume 26 of the art category, there are Shen and Peng:

Shen Youpeng, the word Yaofeng, filial piety and Dunxing, less Xi Ziye...... Especially in medicine. Chinese New Year's Eve to give birth to three sons of the country...... Peng is also open-minded, singing, and Cao Tingdong, and the reward is handsome. He is the author of "Reading the Medical Scriptures", "Reading of Typhoid Fever", "Reading of Women's Medicine", "Reading of Asthma Syndrome" and "Reading of Miscellaneous Diseases", which can be published before before.

According to the 1995 "Jiashan County Chronicle", Shen Youpeng wrote a collection of poems "Bamboo Shadow Yin, Snow Shadow Yin" and so on.

The ancient words of Jiashan "Yao" and "Yao" have the same sound. Therefore, the "Yaofeng" on the letter is likely to be another way to write Shen Youpeng's character "Yaofeng". From the quotation of Guangxu's "Jiashan County Chronicles", it is known that Shen Youpeng "made friends with Cao Tingdong", and the two advocated harmony in poetry, "handsome for a while", which shows that the two were very good friends at that time.

Gleaning Pavilion | Cao Tingdong to Shen Youpeng Xin Za Kao (I)

Shen Youpeng's "Female Science Collection" Qing Engraving Book Shadow (Zhu Yicun Collection)

In the letter, Cao Tingdong called the other party "Brother Yaofeng President Shi Xi". In ancient times, literati had a good reputation for association, and "President Shi Xi" was an honorific title for the scribes of the same generation who had written and written history in the same society. Shen Youpeng has written a lot, and he is worthy of the word "Shi Xi". In addition, Cao Tingdong referred to himself as a "classmate" in his letters, and "classmate" had various interpretations in the Qing Dynasty.

First of all, it is the self-humility of being an official of the same dynasty. But Cao and Shen are not officials. Secondly, it is a humble title among the literati of the same society. There is also the address between readers in the same school. Guangxu's "Jiashan County Chronicles" Cao Tingdong has "Liao Gongsheng." In the first year of Qianlong, he was filial piety and honesty, and he couldn't resign. "Here it is pointed out that the name of the Cao family is Di Gongsheng.

Di Gongsheng is one of the names of students in the imperial examination system, and the number of places is fixed. Every month, I give a meal to subsidize my life. But Cao Tingdong had no intention of being an official, and in the first year of Qianlong, he was filial piety and honesty, and he couldn't resign. What about this Shen Youpeng, as mentioned above, "less Xi is a child...... Born ...... with the son of the country". It can be seen that Cao and Shen were both students of the county school, and the two were literati of the same society, so Cao called himself a "classmate", which not only has the modesty of the literati, but also because the two were students of the same county school, and Shen Youpeng was indeed older than Cao.

Cao Tingdong is not an official, but his full stomach should always be useful. So Cao was obsessed with the art of health preservation, and wrote "Lao Lao Hengyan" and so on. And Shen Youpeng, "Sanfu Zhejiang", was disheartened and had no intention of fame, so he studied Qihuang and became a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty. Health care and medicine are the same, and the two are of the same age, both work in poetry, so they become close friends. It can be inferred from this that this correspondence should have been written by Cao Tingdong to his friend Shen Youpeng, and when Shen died, it is reasonable that the correspondence was left by his son to Zhang Tingji, a son-in-law who likes to collect.

To sum up, the fiduciary of this correspondence "Yao Feng" was initially identified as Shen Youpeng.

[From Jiashan Jinshengqiang Local Literature Studio]


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