
The man brought his second-married girlfriend home, and his parents scolded: The second-marriage is leftovers!

author:Hollow valley orchid

In recent years, the divorce rate in mainland China has continued to rise, and the number of divorced women remarrying has also increased. However, there has been no significant improvement in society's perception and judgment of second-married women. Taking the real incident of a Sichuan man who brought his second-married girlfriend home and was scolded by his parents as an example, we will analyze it in depth, understand the inner world of second-married women, eliminate misunderstandings, seek the greatest common divisor, and jointly build an inclusive and harmonious society.

The man brought his second-married girlfriend home, and his parents scolded: The second-marriage is leftovers!

A 33-year-old woman in Sichuan chose to divorce three years ago because of a failed marriage. For a period of time, she was depressed and her quality of life suffered. One day 3 years later, fate gave her a second chance - she met a first-married man, and the two knew each other and gradually developed into a relationship.

The man doesn't seem to mind his girlfriend's marital history and is willing to be honest with her. The two decided to officially enter the marriage hall. At this moment, God made a joke again - when he brought his girlfriend home to propose, his parents expressed strong dissatisfaction with her: "The second marriage is leftovers!"

The man brought his second-married girlfriend home, and his parents scolded: The second-marriage is leftovers!

When I heard about this, I was confused at first. Later, I summarized a few points:

1. In reality, the divorce rate remains high, and the responsibility mainly lies with the husband and wife. You can't deny the other person just because a marriage fails. The reasons or experiences of Ms. Wang's previous marriage, we don't know about it, so we can't comment too much.

Second, the theory that "second marriage is leftovers" emphasizes too much on the material aspect and ignores the value of spirit and soul. A person's marriage prospects should not only be judged by whether they are "good" or not. Mutual respect and understanding should be the premise of mutual respect and understanding between people.

The man brought his second-married girlfriend home, and his parents scolded: The second-marriage is leftovers!

3. In today's society, the value of the individual is no longer equal to the number of marriages. It's also normal to start your life after a divorce. Do not disturb the peace of others with a biased eye. Ms. Wang's request this time is nothing more than to get along with each other on an equal footing and be respected.

Fourth, even if Ms. Wang's first marriage was not satisfactory, she has been in love with her new friend for many years and expressed her firm intentions. True love cannot be influenced by prejudice. On the contrary, we should support the two of them to create new happiness with an open mind.

The man brought his second-married girlfriend home, and his parents scolded: The second-marriage is leftovers!

Fifth, the social public opinion environment has a far-reaching impact. The term "leftovers" is highly discriminatory and can easily cause secondary harm. The public should be guided to value the intrinsic value of each person and to dismantle such harmful labels.

When choosing a partner, second-married women consider not only financial issues, but more importantly, how much care and support the other party can give to themselves and their children. In this regard, the first-married man may have some limitations compared to her, but as long as he learns from each other's strengths and weaknesses in a sincere and tolerant manner, and is committed to maintaining the relationship, the problem can be solved.

The man brought his second-married girlfriend home, and his parents scolded: The second-marriage is leftovers!

After combing, I don't think it's necessary to measure a person by "second marriage". Everyone deserves a second chance. It is important to look at others with an open eye and to cultivate feelings with genuine care. I don't see anything to blame for Ms. Wang's actions. On the contrary, she showed a desire and courage for a new life, which is completely understandable.

In general, today's society has gradually moved towards individual freedom and pluralism. You can't judge others with the old rules. Instead, we need to look at every life in a more inclusive and responsible way. Only by creating an environment of understanding and mutual respect can second-married people get rid of prejudices, regain self-worth, and return to the track of happiness. I hope that through the current events, we can examine our own ideological preconceptions and work together to build a fairer and more open society.

The man brought his second-married girlfriend home, and his parents scolded: The second-marriage is leftovers!

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