
My friend's wife was seriously ill that year, and I secretly put the envelope when I left, and I was seen 2 months later!

author:Smoke Moon wrote

That year, Xiujuan, the wife of my good friend Li Ming, became very ill. In order to treat her, Li Ming sold everything that his family could sell, but his condition became more and more serious. I work in the city, and when I heard the news, I took a long leave to come back and help.

That day, I came to Li Ming's house and looked at Xiujuan lying on the bed, with mixed feelings in my heart. I know Li Ming's family background very well, and I also know that he has been in debt in order to treat Xiujuan. When I decided to leave, I secretly placed an envelope under their pillows, which contained all my savings, hoping to help them get through the storm.

I said to Li Ming: "Brother, I'm back in the city, you take care of yourself and Xiujuan during this time." Li Ming sent me to the door with tears in his eyes: "Brother, thank you for coming to see us, I know it's not easy for you, I can't ask for this money." ”

I pretended to be angry: "Don't talk nonsense, who are we with whom? You have collected this money for me, Xiujuan's illness matters." With that, I turned and left.

Two months later, I returned to Li Ming's house again. As soon as I entered the door, I saw that Xiujuan's complexion was much better, and Li Ming was also busy in the kitchen. I couldn't help but ask, "Xiujuan, how is your illness?"

Xiujuan replied with a smile: "Thank you, big brother." I'm getting better and the doctor said I'll be discharged in a while. ”

I nodded reassuringly, and suddenly remembered the envelope, so I asked Li Ming, "Did you see the envelope I put under the pillow?"

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, and then said: "See, I have been keeping it, and I am going to return it to you when you come back." ”

I waved my hand: "The money is for Xiujuan's treatment, so you don't have to pay it back." ”

At this moment, Xiujuan suddenly said, "Big brother, in fact, we didn't use that money. Not long after you left, an old Chinese medicine doctor in the village told us about a home remedy, and we tried to use it, but we didn't expect it to work very well. So, I didn't touch the money. ”

I looked at her in amazement and thought: Is there such a miraculous remedy in this world?

Xiujuan continued: "Big brother, you are so good to us, we can't let you suffer. We'll pay you back. ”

I said firmly, "No, since you don't need it, let me sponsor you to improve your life." ”

As he was talking, there was a sudden commotion outside the door. When we went out, it turned out to be an old man collecting scrap who was arguing with his neighbors. The reason is that the neighbor's waste was sold to others, and the old man felt that he was at a loss, so he came to theorize.

Looking at this scene, I suddenly remembered an idea: "Li Ming, aren't you looking for a job during this time? ”

Li Ming hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Since then, Li Ming has been collecting scrap. Although it was hard, he never gave up. Xiujuan, on the other hand, was recuperating at home and gradually improved.

One day, while collecting waste, Li Ming stumbled upon a piece of porcelain that had been discarded. He took it for appraisal, and it turned out to be a priceless antique. Li Ming sold it and not only paid off the debt, but also saved a sum of money.

Li Ming said to me with emotion: "Brother, thank you, it was your letter that allowed us to find hope in life. ”

I smiled: "It's all the result of your own efforts, I just gave you a chance." ”

Nowadays, Li Ming and Xiujuan's lives are getting better and better, and I am happy for them. And that letter has become the most precious memory between us.

The days passed like this, and Li Ming's business of collecting waste products became more and more improving. He always finds some treasures that others have overlooked in those discarded objects, which pass through his hands as if they have been given new life. Xiujuan's body gradually recovered, and she began to help Li Ming take care of the business together, and the life of the two became more and more promising.

One day, when I went to visit them again, I happened to see Li Ming and Xiujuan sorting out some scrap that had just been collected. Li Ming picked up a worn-out notebook and said with a smile: "Brother, look at this, it is densely filled with words, and it is estimated that it is a thing with a story." ”

I took it and flipped through it, and it was indeed full of dense handwriting, although it was yellowed, but I could see the intention between the handwriting. I said, "It's a diary, maybe it's hiding some secrets." ”

Xiujuan's eyes lit up: "Then should we look for it, maybe we can help others." ”

The three of us sat around the courtyard, flipping through the pages of the diary. It turned out that this was an old man's record of his love story with his deceased wife. From the first love of youth to growing old together, every page is full of affection.

Reading the diary, I seemed to see the life of that old man, and I couldn't help but feel emotional. I said to Li Ming and Xiujuan: "The owner of this diary must love his wife very much, and their love is really touching. ”

Li Ming nodded: "Yes, we should also cherish the people in front of us like them." ”

Xiujuan looked at Li Ming with a smile, her eyes full of love: "We already cherish each other very much." ”

That night, the three of us decided to go to the old man together, hoping to return the journal to him. After some inquiry, we found the old man's home, but unfortunately, the old man had passed away.

The old man's son received us and told us about the origin of this diary, and he said with tears in his eyes: "My father's most precious diary is this diary, and he always said that it is a testimony of his love with his mother." Thank you for sending it back. ”

We handed the diary to the old man's son, and our hearts were full of emotion. This small book not only witnesses the love of the elderly, but also makes us cherish the feelings between each other more.

Bidding farewell to the old man's family, we returned to Li Ming's house. The starry sky was bright at night, and the three of us sat in the courtyard, chatting and reminiscing about the past.

I said to Li Ming and Xiujuan: "Do you know, that diary made me understand that the most important thing in life is love. With love, no matter how great the difficulties are, they can be overcome. ”

Li Ming held Xiujuan's hand and said affectionately: "Yes, where there is love, there is hope." Brother, thank you, it is you who make us know how to cherish more. ”

The three of us looked at each other and smiled, and at that moment, we seemed to see the figure of the old man and his wife, telling their love story under the stars.

And our lives have become better because of that deep friendship and love. That letter, that diary, have become the most precious memories in our hearts.

Time is like flowing water, fleeting. Since that night, our lives have quietly changed. Li Ming and Xiujuan cherish each other even more, and their relationship is as deep as the love story in the diary. And I, under their infection, began to cherish the people and things around me more.

One day, I was busy in the city when I suddenly received a call from Li Ming. His voice sounded a little excited: "Brother, come back quickly, we have something to look for you." ”

I was curious, but I could tell they weren't in trouble, so I smiled and said, "What's so urgent? I'll go back in the evening." ”

That night, when I returned to Li Ming's house, the two of them mysteriously dragged me out into the courtyard. Li Ming handed me a package and said, "Brother, this is what we found recently, and we think you should have it." ”

Puzzled, I opened the package, and inside was a quaint book, the pages yellowed, but fairly well preserved. When I opened it, it turned out to be a precious ancient book. I was surprised and asked, "Where did this come from?"

Xiujuan replied with a smile: "Li Ming found it when he was collecting waste, and we think this book should be very suitable for you, so we want to give it to you." ”

I looked at them with emotion: "You know I love these old things, and this book is priceless to me. Thank you. ”

Li Ming patted me on the shoulder: "Brother, what else is polite between us? As long as you like it, we will be happy." ”

That night, we sat in the courtyard, flipping through the ancient book and discussing its contents. The moonlight shines on us, and the atmosphere is harmonious and beautiful.

As the days passed, our lives were busy and fulfilling. Li Ming and Xiujuan's business has grown bigger and bigger, and they have even opened a small recycling station to help more people in need. I also found a new direction in my work and decided to devote myself to the study of ancient culture.

One day, I was researching that ancient book when I suddenly found a record of the history of our village. I excitedly ran to Li Ming and Xiujuan: "Do you know? This book records a secret of our village. ”

They gathered around curiously, and I pointed to the words on the page and said, "It is said that there is an ancient ruin under the old well at the east end of the village. ”

Li Ming's eyes lit up: "Really? Then we must go and find out." ”

The three of us decided to explore the secret together. After some preparation, we came to the old well with our tools. With the help of local villagers, we carefully excavated and found an ancient ruin.

At that moment, we felt as if we had returned to that ancient era and felt the weight of history. The three of us looked at each other and smiled, and this discovery not only allowed us to learn more about our hometown, but also deepened our friendship.

Since then, we've had a lot of shared adventures in our lives. We have traveled to many places together and seen many different customs. Each journey makes us cherish each other more and understand the true meaning of life more.

And those former difficulties have long become a testimony of our friendship. That letter, that diary, and this ancient book are all precious memories that will always be in our hearts.

As time went on, the three of us went deeper and deeper. After exploring the ancient ruins of the old well in the east of the village, we began to develop a strong interest in the history and culture of the surrounding area. We decided to study the land together and uncover more secrets hidden under the dust of time.

One day, we came across an ancient book about an ancient temple nearby. It is said that the temple was flourishing with incense a long time ago, but it was later abandoned due to a war. The temple houses a large number of precious artifacts, but with the passage of time, these artifacts have long since disappeared.

The three of us were so excited that we decided to go together in search of this legendary temple. After some arduous searching, we finally found this dilapidated temple on a barren mountain. Although the temple is dilapidated, you can still feel its former glory.

In the temple, we found some precious artifacts, including a well-preserved Buddha statue. This Buddha statue is beautifully carved and lifelike, leaving us in awe. We carefully transported the Buddha statue home and decided to hand it over to the relevant authorities for protection.

In the days that followed, we continued to search for artifacts near the temple, hoping to find more clues about the history of the land. However, as we dig deeper, we unexpectedly discover a cave hidden underground.

We cautiously entered the cave and found that it contained a number of precious ancient documents. These documents detail the historical changes of the land, as well as the rise and fall of the temple. We decided to hand over the literature to experts for study.

In the course of studying these documents, we found a record of a mysterious treasure. This treasure is said to be hidden in a secret location near the temple, but the exact location is unknown. The three of us decided to search for this treasure together in the hope of unraveling its mysteries.

In the search for the treasure, we have gone through hardships and encountered many difficulties and dangers. But every challenge makes us more determined to believe in each other and cherish each other more. Eventually, with our unremitting efforts, we finally found this treasure.

We were ecstatic to discover the treasure, but more importantly, we realized the value of friendship in the search for the treasure. Those difficulties in the past have now become the most precious memories in our hearts.

Today, our lives are still busy and fulfilling. Li Ming and Xiujuan's business is booming, not only helping more people, but also driving the development of the local economy. And I have also achieved fruitful results in the study of ancient cultures.

The friendship between the three of us was strengthened by this shared adventure. That letter, that diary, that ancient book, and this treasure hunt have become precious memories in our hearts forever. And our story is also continuing to write a new chapter in this journey.

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