
My father died because of the death of my third uncle, and the two families have been cut off since then, and my third uncle secretly gave me an envelope when I got married

author:Yamashiro Former Guest

(This article declares: This article is a short story, the content is purely fictional, please watch it rationally, the picture is selected from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted!)

Every time the Chinese New Year comes, there will be inexplicable more gifts at my doorstep, sometimes milk, eggs, and sometimes local specialties.

I don't have to think about these New Year's gifts to know that they were sent by the third uncle, but every time my mother either asked me to send them back, or let me throw them away, just because our family and the third uncle's family have a deep hatred, so that we can't pass it for so many years.

It wasn't until I got married a while ago that the conflict between my third uncle and my family was resolved, and it was from that day that we learned the truth of what happened back then, not what we imagined.

My father died because of the death of my third uncle, and the two families have been cut off since then, and my third uncle secretly gave me an envelope when I got married


When I was born, my third uncle still came to see me, and my memory is not very clear, I only know that my father told me that my third uncle liked me very much and held me and didn't let go.

When I was a child, I also saw the third uncle, until my father passed away, I never saw the third uncle again, and even our family hated the third uncle, so much so that we cut off relations with him!

's father is the eldest in the family, and there is a younger sister and a younger brother below, and the third uncle is the youngest in the family, so he can't help but be favored by the family.

When everyone in the family works in the fields, or helps the family to do things, the third uncle goes down to the river to fish every day, except for the cat and the dog, and lives a very happy life.

When he reached the age of going to school, his grandfather ignored his grandmother's objections and let all the children in the family go to school, the family was obviously not so rich, plus in that era, the most important thing was the labor force, the more labor in the family, the better the life of the family would be relatively speaking.

The other families are all five or six children, and the father only has three brothers and sisters, and there is not much labor in the family, so if all of them are allowed to go to school, the pressure on the grandparents will be very great.

But Grandpa knew that knowledge changed fate, and if they didn't study, then the family's predicament would not change, so he had to let all the children in the family go to school.

I didn't think that the children in the family were all going to school, among which my father and third uncle had the best grades, and my aunt stopped going to school after finishing junior high school, so she took the initiative to drop out of school to reduce the burden on the family.

Only the father and the third uncle were left, and the teacher said that the two of them were the most promising to be admitted to college, but the teacher's words except for the grandfather, the rest of the family was not happy, because the family had no money for the two of them to go to college.

My father died because of the death of my third uncle, and the two families have been cut off since then, and my third uncle secretly gave me an envelope when I got married

Grandpa told his father and third uncle not to worry, just go to school, and don't worry about the cost, but my father knows how much ability my grandfather has alone.

So on the day of the exam, my father deliberately wrote a lot of wrong answers, and on the day the results came out, everyone was surprised, my father was not admitted to college, and my grandfather seemed to guess why my father did this, but he persuaded my father to repeat his studies for another year, and I believe that with my father's grades, there is no problem at all.

But his father smiled and did not agree, as the eldest son in the family, he knew how heavy the burden was, and at the same time he also wanted this younger brother to achieve something.

Later, the third uncle was successfully admitted to a key university and became the most promising of his father's generation, he was the only one in the village who was admitted to the university.

After the third uncle went to college, his father and his family worked hard, and they would send it to the third uncle if they had some money, after all, the third uncle was alone and still had some money in his hand.

As time passed, the third uncle successfully graduated, and then entered a very good unit to work.

Since the third uncle went to work, the living conditions of the family have been significantly better, and at that time my father was already married and chose to stay in his hometown to take care of his grandparents.

Originally, all life had developed in a good direction, but the death of his father broke the peace of the whole family.

My father died because of the death of my third uncle, and the two families have been cut off since then, and my third uncle secretly gave me an envelope when I got married


The third uncle rarely goes home since he goes to work, and only sends money home from time to time, and his father often tells the third uncle to let him go home to see, grandpa's health is getting worse and worse, and he often looks forward to the third uncle's return.

But every time the third uncle faced his father's urging, he was extremely disgusted, and always made excuses to shirk until his grandfather died, and the third uncle didn't have time to see his grandfather for the last time because he was on a business trip.

With the death of grandpa, grandma did not withstand the blow, and also left with grandpa, and the old people in the family were gone for a while, and until then, the third uncle did not come back.

The father hated the third uncle for this, until the third uncle came home after being busy, the father did not want to see the third uncle, and the mother took the third uncle to the grandfather's grave, and the third uncle couldn't cry himself.

Later, the third uncle left again, and this time he didn't come back after leaving, but he would send money back from time to time, and his father put all the money sent back by the third uncle without spending a penny.

Every time the third uncle called, his father wanted to answer, but because of the awkward heart, he kept refusing, and the third uncle couldn't wait for his father's response, so he hung up the phone, and the two never said a word in this awkwardness until his father died, and this matter became the third uncle's eternal regret.

Speaking of his father's death, it was inseparable from the third uncle, who called at that time and said that he was about to get married and wanted to decorate the house in his hometown, and then asked his father to help contact the construction team.

Of course, these words were conveyed by the mother, and the father said on the surface that no matter what, in fact, he was more concerned than anyone else, and the third uncle came back in a few days, and he was busy with the things of decorating the house.

My father died because of the death of my third uncle, and the two families have been cut off since then, and my third uncle secretly gave me an envelope when I got married

When the third uncle was not at home, his father would help take care of one or two, and at that time, his father found that the third uncle piled all the construction materials on the second floor, which was a bit unsafe.

The materials were too heavy, and the house was too old to hold up, so my father asked my mother to tell the third uncle to move the materials below.

It was such a forgetfulness that made my father pay with his life.

It was raining heavily that day, and my father was afraid that the materials used by the third uncle to build the house would be eroded by the rain, so he hurriedly ran over to check on it, and planned to come back after covering all the things.

Just when he was about to go out, the beam collapsed, and the material on it buried my father directly below, and my father was hit by the beam and hit his spine and couldn't get up at all.

The mother found that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the father never came back, worried that something would go wrong, but she was a woman, and she didn't find her father when she went out, so it was not cost-effective to drop herself, so she called the third uncle.

The third uncle said that he was in the county seat, and now it was raining too much, and he couldn't go back, so he had no choice but to find his mother by himself, and at this time more than three hours had passed since he was pressed.

By the time my mother found my father, my father was dying, and when he was sent to the hospital, people said that his father was late, which delayed the best time for treatment.

The death of my father brought our happy family to the brink of shattering, my mother fainted from crying, and I also held my father's hand tightly and did not let go.

At that time, I thought to myself, my father must have a lot to say to me, a lot of things that I haven't explained, and when I was suppressed, I must hope that my mother and I would go over to save him, and no last words will become my father's last regret.

My father died because of the death of my third uncle, and the two families have been cut off since then, and my third uncle secretly gave me an envelope when I got married


With the help of relatives and friends, my father's funeral was held as scheduled, but what is puzzling is that the third uncle was not present during the whole process, from the father being pressed, to the father being sent to the hospital to die, and then to the father's funeral, the third uncle did not appear once.

The aunt called the third uncle, but the third uncle couldn't go except for not saying a word, and the aunt cried and asked the third uncle what was important, and he couldn't even attend the funeral, and the third uncle didn't speak.

It was also at this beginning that the mother hated the third uncle, and the mother felt that the third uncle was a ruthless person, and the third uncle was angry that he didn't listen to his father's materials and put the materials down, and he didn't come to his father's funeral, just like he didn't come to his grandparents' funeral before.

My mother told everyone in the family that our family had severed relations with the third uncle's family, and that our two families would no longer move around in the future, and that we would not notify each other during the New Year's holidays and any joys and funerals.

But this can be said to be just the mother's unilateral side, the third uncle doesn't want to break off the family, every time he comes back, he will buy a lot of things and put them at the door of the house, his mother just threw them a few times at first, and then he didn't care, sometimes I would secretly take them home.

Mother also knew, but she didn't say anything, in fact, I knew that my mother was angry that Uncle San didn't come to my father's funeral, and my mother said that my father's death was not good.

The mother said that after the death of his father, there was only one pillar left in the family, but this person who carried the banner did not even participate in his father's funeral, either looking down on his own family, or letting the neighbors see jokes, and his father's death was more like a joke.

In this way, many years have passed, and our family and the third uncle's family have not interacted with each other until I am going to get married, I asked my mother if I would notify the third uncle, and my mother said that I should consider it myself, and I can't add the grievances of the previous generation to the next generation.

My father died because of the death of my third uncle, and the two families have been cut off since then, and my third uncle secretly gave me an envelope when I got married

I knew that this meant that I agreed to send an invitation to the third uncle, but the third uncle still didn't come on my wedding day, and I was a little disappointed about it.

However, after the wedding, the hotel staff told me that someone was looking for me at the door, and I went out to see that it was the third uncle, so I hurriedly asked the third uncle to go in, but the third uncle said that he would not enter anything, but secretly stuffed me with a big red envelope.

"Your mother hates me, I won't go in to make people suspicious, the money in this is the third uncle's blessing to you, don't you dare to let your mother know, otherwise you should be quarreled again!"

I said to the third uncle" "Actually, my mother doesn't hate you for a long time, but I don't understand what is worth it for you not to even attend your brother's funeral after my father dies, after all, my father died more or less because of you." ”

As soon as the third uncle heard me say this, he cried directly, it turned out that the third uncle did not come to the funeral because of a car accident, at that time the third uncle and his aunt were shopping in the county, and after receiving a call from his mother, he hurriedly ran back, but he didn't think of a car accident, and his aunt was directly pressed under the car.

At the time of his father's funeral, his aunt was in the intensive care unit, there was no family around him, and the third uncle couldn't leave him, but in the end, the aunt still had a leg that was not saved.

I was shocked when I heard it, it turned out that we hated the third uncle for so long, we were wrong, I asked the third uncle why he didn't tell the family, the third uncle said that my father had just died at that time, and he didn't want to cause trouble to the family anymore.

After that, I told my mother about it, and my mother took me to visit the third uncle's house without saying a word, and the third uncle was very shocked when he saw me and my mother, and hurriedly let us go in and sit.

Just as we went in, we saw my aunt wearing a prosthetic leg in a panic, and my mother's eyes turned red as soon as she saw her, and she hugged her and said sorry to her aunt.

But the aunt said that they were sorry for us, and the death of my father became an eternal pain in the hearts of the couple.

So far, the relationship between our two families has not only been reconciled, but even closer than before.

My father died because of the death of my third uncle, and the two families have been cut off since then, and my third uncle secretly gave me an envelope when I got married
This article declares: This article is a short story, the content is purely fictional, please watch it rationally, the picture is selected from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted!

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