
A stack of yellowed envelopes: loyalty in the depths of memory, the story of grandpa's party fee!

author:Gossip miscellaneous

Today is the founding day of the party, and I feel it!

In this ever-changing world, there is a kind of tenacity and perseverance that does not fade with the erosion of time, and does not diminish with the weakening of the body. This is a steadfastness to faith, a loyalty to duty, it is hidden deep in the heart of an old man who has had a stroke, although he may have forgotten many things in his daily life, he always remembered one thing - paying party dues.

A stack of yellowed envelopes: loyalty in the depths of memory, the story of grandpa's party fee!

My grandfather, an ordinary and great man, was now lying quietly on his sickbed, deprived of the ability to walk by illness, and sometimes even the faces of his children were blurred. However, there is a lamp in his heart, and that lamp illuminates his loyalty and love for the party, which is the main line of his life and the pillar of his spirit.

Every time we went to visit him, no matter how wandering his eyes were, no matter how confused his memory was, he would always fumble for the familiar stack of envelopes containing his monthly party dues. At that moment, his eyes became firm, and his persistence and persistence seemed to let us see what he looked like when he was young, the one who was silently dedicated to his job and always adhered to his original intention.

A stack of yellowed envelopes: loyalty in the depths of memory, the story of grandpa's party fee!

"The party fee is small, but it is of great significance." That's what he taught us. There were 12 envelopes in total, which he bought 50 years ago, "At that time, the income was low, and there were many children in the family, so I was afraid that when I would not have money to pay the party dues, I bought 12 envelopes, filled them with a year's worth of party dues, and put them in a drawer, no matter how big things were, I couldn't move them." Over time, this became my grandfather's habit. Even after living conditions improved, the twelve envelopes continued to be used. This is not only a gift to his faith, but also a practice of his social responsibility. Even though life has brought him many difficulties, he still chooses to use this way to express his loyalty to the party and his contribution to society.

A stack of yellowed envelopes: loyalty in the depths of memory, the story of grandpa's party fee!

My grandfather's story made me deeply feel that true faith is not a superficial slogan, but a habit that goes deep into the bone marrow, and a commitment to adhere to at all times and places. His story makes us understand that even in the twilight of life, that original intention and responsibility can shine brightly and illuminate the way forward.

This is my grandfather, an ordinary but extraordinary old man. His story may be the epitome of countless people like him, who interpret loyalty and stick to their beliefs in their own way, reminding us not to forget our original intention and remember our mission.

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