
Yellow envelope

author:Sumi Shizukawa

My dear

I write you this letter, which lies in a yellow envelope, like a tender heart, quietly waiting to be opened. The color of this letter reminds me of the tenderness of the falling leaves in the sunset, which makes people feel warm.

Yellow envelope

The footsteps of the postman echoed in the quiet of the morning, and the letterhead full of words lay lightly in the green mailbox. I carefully selected the stamps, each one was so precious, as if it was a mark of time, recording my deep thoughts. The scenery depicted on the stamps is your hometown in the distance, the land that I have never visited in person, but it has blossomed in my heart.

I carefully pasted the stamps, and the small pieces of paper were like butterflies with wings ready to fly, carrying my dreams and hopes, flying over the mountains and across the murmuring waters. In my mind, these stamps are like messengers carrying souls, they draw beautiful arcs in the sky, heading in your direction.

Imagine the letterhead unfolding in your hand, the handwriting like a leaping note, playing the music of longing in your heart. And that stamp, it's not just a postage, it's a little bridge connecting us, one end is me, the other is you. It carries my concern for you, with my greetings to you, no matter the wind, frost, rain and snow, no matter how far away, it will fly to you firmly.

Yellow envelope

In this era of rapid change of information, stamps are particularly valuable. It is the sustenance of my emotions and the transmission of my true feelings. When I sealed the envelope, at that moment, I felt as if I saw the scenery on the stamp come to life, they were telling you that I was thinking about you all the time.

This stamp is like a piece of the sky in my heart, it is not only the place where my dream takes off, but also the place where my thoughts land. When I dropped the envelope into the mailbox, I seemed to see it carry my thoughts through thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally fall gently in your heart. Stamps, that small square inch of land, but carry my endless thoughts and expectations. The pattern on the stamp is like a unique scenery in my heart, like my deep thoughts and expectations for you.

The scenery on the stamp may be a beautiful landscape, a magnificent building, or a blooming flower. Every piece of scenery seems to come alive in my heart, as if a world belonging to the two of us has been built in my heart.

Yellow envelope

The scenery on that stamp is my deep miss for you. In the dead of night, I always open the stamps one by one, look at the familiar patterns, and my thoughts flood into my heart. Every piece of scenery is like your thoughts about me, and it is transmitted to me through the thin postal line.

The scenery on the stamp is also my deep expectation for you. I look forward to the day when we can walk into the world of the stamps together, enjoy the beautiful scenery together, and feel the beauty of the scenery together. Every piece of scenery seems to be my expectation for you, and it is passed to you through the thin postal line.

The scenery on the stamp is a unique scenery in my heart, and it is my deep thoughts and expectations for you. Every piece of scenery is like the words in my heart, passed to you through the thin postal line.

Yellow envelope

On those moonlit nights, I was often alone, letting the words roll in the moonlight. They are like a flood that bursts its banks, out of control, surging, rushing, and unstoppable. Those words, they are the emotions and thoughts that are deep in my heart, they need to be expressed, they need to be released. The moment my fingers touched the keyboard, they jumped out one after another, converging into an article, a piece of text.

The moonlight shone on the keyboard, reflecting my focused face. I felt the tenderness of the moonlight, and it seemed to be quietly listening to me. And I, too, felt the power of words in this gentle moonlight. They are no longer simple symbols, but a symbol of life, a transmission of emotions.

Those words, they have been nurturing in my heart for a long time, like seeds waiting to take root and sprout. When I released them, it was as if they had found their place and came to life. When I look at them, I seem to see vivid stories and good memories.

On this moonlit night, I let the words roll in the moonlight. They are like a flood that bursts a levee, unstoppable. This is my outpouring, my expression, my world. In this world, I feel the charm of words, the tenderness of moonlight, and the beauty of life.

Those words are the poems in my heart, the words I pour out to you, and the thoughts I miss you. They are like jumping notes, composing a moving music in the depths of my heart. Every word and sentence is an expression of my sincere feelings, and it is my endless thoughts and concerns for you.

Those words are the poems in my heart, they are like a drizzle of spring breeze, gently sprinkled on your heart. With my deep attachment to you, they turn into petals and weave a beautiful wreath for you. May you feel my endless thoughts and care for you in your busy life.

Yellow envelope

Those words are the psalms of my heart, and they are like the stars of the night, shining with my blessings to you. No matter where you are, no matter what kind of predicament you face, I am willing to light the way forward for you and send you warm care. Let these words become a bridge that connects our hearts and minds, so that our thoughts and love will never be separated.

Those words are the poems in my heart, and they are the condensation of my deep attachment and longing for you. May they turn into a wisp of fresh breeze and gently brush your face and bring you my sincere wishes. No matter how time passes, no matter how far away it is, I will always miss you and write the beautiful story between us. Those words, once burst the embankment under the moon, but they never crossed the invisible barrier, they are always in your heart.

In the silence of the night, the moonlight sprinkled on the windowsill, and those words poured into my heart like a flood that burst the embankment. They are spirits dancing in the night, shimmering with a silvery white light. However, no matter how much they tossed and surged, they could never get past that invisible barrier. That barrier is like a bottom line in the depths of the soul, blocking the words from the outside. They can't touch that mysterious land, they can't touch the true feelings in your heart.

Those words, like loyal companions, are always with you in your heart. They are like the gentleness of the breeze on the cheeks, like the warmth of the sun shining on the heart. They are the echoes of your heart, the call of your soul. Even if they can't cross that barrier, their existence is a kind of strength, a kind of companionship, a kind of comfort.

Those words are the reflection of your soul and the outlet of your emotions. They are your perception of life, your understanding of the world. They are your inner monologue, the call of your heart. Even if they can't get past that barrier, they are always there inside you and always by your side.

In this quiet night, let's listen to the sound of those words and feel their temperature. Let them gently brush by your heart, let them settle quietly in the depths of your soul. Because, those words, once burst the embankment under the moon, but they never crossed the invisible barrier, they are always in your heart.

The path of the poet is extended, like thoughts wandering. I am on this path, walking quietly, thinking about our past, our present, our future. I believe that those words will touch your face and gently touch your heart.

Yellow envelope

The hand of dawn brushes the moonlight, like your hand, gently brushing my heart. Those hands were so gentle and loving, that I felt endless warmth. I know that it is your hand and your personality that make me feel this warmth.

Beloved, let me lay this letter, like the yellow envelope, quietly on your desk, waiting for you to open it. Let me write this letter, with my thoughts and blessings, into your heart and warm your heart.



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