
On my birthday, my wife and I had Western food, and my daughter-in-law posted a circle of friends to express me, so I decided not to sponsor my son anymore

author:The old horse has something to say

On my birthday, my wife and I had Western food, and my daughter-in-law posted a circle of friends to connote me, ostensibly to bless me and my wife, but secretly it was mocking us, I decided not to sponsor my son's family in the future, do you think I did it right?

In the family, each person's roles and responsibilities are unique and important. As elders, you and your spouse play an integral role in the family, while your son and daughter-in-law have another share of responsibility. However, when the lines between family members become blurred, especially when it comes to financial and emotional support, this can lead to unnecessary misunderstandings and tensions.

In your case, your daughter-in-law's remarks on social media may make you feel misunderstood or disrespected. Although we can't be sure of her true intentions, this public expression has clearly affected your feelings. In this case, your decision not to sponsor your son's family is a reflection of your dissatisfaction with the current family dynamics and your preservation of personal dignity.

On my birthday, my wife and I had Western food, and my daughter-in-law posted a circle of friends to express me, so I decided not to sponsor my son anymore

However, there are several factors to consider before making such a decision:

1. Communication: It's essential to have an open conversation with your son and daughter-in-law. Understand where they stand and what they struggle, while also articulating your feelings and expectations clearly.

2. Set boundaries: Being clear about the scope and conditions of your willingness to help can help avoid misunderstandings in the future.

3. Support & Independence: Encouraging your son and daughter-in-law to develop their own financial abilities will not only help them grow personally but also ease your financial burden.

On my birthday, my wife and I had Western food, and my daughter-in-law posted a circle of friends to express me, so I decided not to sponsor my son anymore

4. Emotional support: Although you may decide not to provide financial support anymore, maintaining emotional connection and support is still an important part of family relationships.

5. Personal well-being: Make sure your decisions don't negatively impact your own quality of life. Your well-being is equally important and should not be overlooked.

On my birthday, my wife and I had Western food, and my daughter-in-law posted a circle of friends to express me, so I decided not to sponsor my son anymore

When dealing with such a family matter, it is essential to remain calm and rational. Remember that every family member has the right to express their own opinions, and through constructive communication and mutual understanding, we can work together to find solutions that meet the needs of all parties.

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