
Li Xiang's mother and daughter appeared in a London Western restaurant, Wang Shiling wore a Dior necklace to order, wearing a black T like a 20-year-old

author:My Mido plus

Li Xiang took care of his domestic affairs after the New Year this year, so he went straight to his daughter's school to accompany him, and he stayed until the end of March and has not come back, and the focus of his whole life is on Wang Shiling, and the only daughter is really spoiled. During this period, Wang Yuelun reunited once in the past, but the man left within a few days, and most of the time Li Xiang's mother and daughter accompanied each other. Other people's studying abroad is a long time apart, but Li Xiang has retired early, and she spends the rest of her life with her daughter.

Li Xiang's mother and daughter appeared in a London Western restaurant, Wang Shiling wore a Dior necklace to order, wearing a black T like a 20-year-old

No. 6 Li Xiang shared a photo of taking Wang Shiling to a western restaurant on his social account, we are all busy working and moving bricks after the holiday, but they are happily enjoying afternoon tea time. Li Xiang handed over the right to order food to his daughter, Wang Shiling took the menu and looked at it seriously, this girl is too similar to her father, her facial features are a little heroic, and the appearance in the original camera is also very recognizable, and her personal characteristics are very distinct.

Li Xiang's mother and daughter appeared in a London Western restaurant, Wang Shiling wore a Dior necklace to order, wearing a black T like a 20-year-old

Wang Shiling has straight hair with a shawl all the year round, and she has not dyed any color, and her foundation without makeup is superior, after all, she is the second generation of stars who have filmed magazines, and her appearance is still highly recognized. Wang Shiling from Li Xiang's perspective is generous, the necklace around her neck is Dior's new style, and the accessories every time she goes out are not repeated, I really don't know how many things Li Xiang has prepared for her daughter, Wang Shiling's current clothes and jewelry are too many to count.

Li Xiang's mother and daughter appeared in a London Western restaurant, Wang Shiling wore a Dior necklace to order, wearing a black T like a 20-year-old

Taking advantage of Wang Shiling's ordering, Li Xiang took a look at the restaurant environment, the retro interior scene was elegant and atmospheric, the goblets and various tableware on the table were very exquisite, and two scented candles were lit to set off the atmosphere during the meal. Li Xiang even gave her daughter a sense of ritual when she ate, and she has often been exposed to these things since she was a child, and Wang Shiling's vision has also been cultivated very high. After the dishes are served, the dishes are also quite fine, and the things on the plate are really a little less, and there is a reason why Wang Shiling can't get fat over there, the quality of the food is good, but the amount of food is very small.

Li Xiang's mother and daughter appeared in a London Western restaurant, Wang Shiling wore a Dior necklace to order, wearing a black T like a 20-year-old
Li Xiang's mother and daughter appeared in a London Western restaurant, Wang Shiling wore a Dior necklace to order, wearing a black T like a 20-year-old

From another angle, you can also see Wang Shiling wearing a gold bracelet on her wrist, the child raised by Li Xiang, the appearance is the focus, just these decorations are enough to make people envious! Wang Shiling didn't wear those bells and whistles this time, a simple black T is a bit low-key, but because the color of the clothes is too dark, her temperament is a lot more mature, the whole person looks like she is in her twenties, and her confident eyes completely reproduce Li Xiang, how many 14-year-old girls are of the same type as her in reality?

Li Xiang's mother and daughter appeared in a London Western restaurant, Wang Shiling wore a Dior necklace to order, wearing a black T like a 20-year-old

I don't know how long Li Xiang will stay there, she doesn't have any career to be busy with now, and taking care of the children is the top priority. Wang Shiling has her mother to play everywhere while studying, and she has both material and spiritual enjoyment when she is a teenager, and she will be better than her mother in a few years!

Li Xiang's mother and daughter appeared in a London Western restaurant, Wang Shiling wore a Dior necklace to order, wearing a black T like a 20-year-old

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