
The greedy aunt went on a blind date, thinking she was very beautiful, and she wanted to eat Western steak when she met, and asked her eldest brother for a room

author:Eager to learn little fisher

In a small city in Henan, there is such an aunt, and her reputation for greed is far and wide. This aunt's name is Zhang Cuihua, who is more than 50 years old, but she is young and keen on various blind date activities. She thinks that beauty and wisdom coexist, and she is ambitious to find a wishful husband.

The greedy aunt went on a blind date, thinking she was very beautiful, and she wanted to eat Western steak when she met, and asked her eldest brother for a room

Zhang Cuihua's confidence comes from her exquisite makeup skills. Every morning, she dressed herself carefully, covered her wrinkles with various cosmetics, and dressed herself as if she was twenty years younger. In the eyes of Aunt Cuihua, the magic of cosmetics makes her a veritable beauty.

On this day, Aunt Cuihua met a big brother named Dabai through a blind date platform. The two agreed to meet at a high-end Western restaurant. Aunt Cuihua wore a noble cheongsam, a silk scarf, and high heels, and walked into the restaurant vividly.

The greedy aunt went on a blind date, thinking she was very beautiful, and she wanted to eat Western steak when she met, and asked her eldest brother for a room

Big Brother Bai warmly greeted Aunt Cuihua and ordered a delicate steak for her. However, the aunt frowned: "Can this steak really be delicious?" I still prefer to eat bud rice. One sentence made the atmosphere of the scene embarrassing. Big Brother's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that this gorgeously dressed aunt actually liked to eat bud rice.

During the meal, Aunt Cuihua began to inquire about the family situation of Big Brother Bai. When she learned that Big White Brother owned a spacious house, her eyes lit up instantly. She smiled and asked, "Brother Dabai, is your house luxuriously decorated?" I don't like to live in a shabby house. Wait until we get the certificate, fill in my name on the house" Big Brother Bai's face sank, and he had an opinion on this greedy aunt in his heart.

The greedy aunt went on a blind date, thinking she was very beautiful, and she wanted to eat Western steak when she met, and asked her eldest brother for a room

After the meal, Big White decided to teach Aunt Cuihua a lesson. He said seriously: "Aunt Cuihua, in fact, I have always thought you are quite beautiful, but you are so greedy, it really scares me." I'm afraid I won't be able to support you, and I won't dare to buy you a house. Goodbye. After saying that, Big Brother Bai turned around and left.

Aunt Cuihua was stunned, she didn't expect that she would be so popular on the blind date that she would be rejected by Big White Brother. She reflected on her actions, a blush of shame on her face. From then on, Aunt Cuihua began to reflect on her behavior and was no longer so greedy. She finally understands that true beauty is not only about appearance, but also about the kindness and humility of the heart.

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