
In the 8090s, how many of the ten most popular snacks in the commissary have you eaten?

author:Uncle Nine talks about history

In the 8090s, how many of the ten most popular snacks in the commissary have you eaten?

I've eaten all of the following snacks, have you eaten them too?

In the distant 8090s, the commissary was a treasure trove of memories of our childhood, and the snacks in it were the eternal sweetness of our hearts. When we think back to those days, those snacks that once made us salivate always make people's hearts warm. Today, let's recall the ten most popular snacks in those canteens, and see how many you have eaten?

1. Popsicles

On summer afternoons, the sun scorches the earth, and the door of the kiosk is always crowded with children. At that time, popsicles did not have so many flavors and shapes as they do now, only a simple sugar water taste, but the coolness and sweetness were enough to make us forget the heat. I often take my pocket money, run to the commissary, pick out a popsicle from the freezer, can't wait to tear open the package, take a bite, the cold sweetness instantly spreads from the tip of my tongue, as if the whole summer has become refreshing.

In the 8090s, how many of the ten most popular snacks in the commissary have you eaten?

2. Popcorn

Popcorn is another snack that I won't forget. At that time, popcorn was not as delicate as it is now, and sometimes it even tasted a little burnt, but that unique aroma always made people want to buy a pack. I especially like to buy popcorn at the kiosk in front of the movie theater and eat it while watching a movie, and the enjoyment is beyond words.

3. Figs

Fig, the name sounds mysterious. At that time, figs were actually a snack made of shredded radish and saccharin, which tasted sweet and sour, and was very appetizing. I often share a bag of figs with my friends after school, chatting and tasting them, and that simple happiness is something that I can't get back now.

Fourth, spicy strips

Spicy strips, the name sounds full of temptation. At that time, although the spicy strips did not have as many flavors and shapes as they do now, the spicy and sweet taste always made people want to stop. I often secretly buy a pack of spicy noodles during recess, hide them in my desk, and secretly eat a bite while listening to the class, the excitement and satisfaction are simply irresistible.

In the 8090s, how many of the ten most popular snacks in the commissary have you eaten?

5. Sour plum powder

Sour plum powder, this snack occupied an important place in my childhood. At that time, sour plum flour was a powdered snack made from a mixture of plum flour and saccharin, which tasted sweet and sour, and was very appetizing. I often buy a packet of sour plum noodles after school and eat them with a spoon, and the sweet and sour taste always makes me feel extremely satisfied.

VI. Tang monk meat

Tang monk meat, this name sounds full of reverie. At that time, Tang monk meat was actually a snack made of soy products, which tasted salty and delicious, and was very popular. I often see a group of children gathered around in the commissary, sharing a bag of Tang monk meat, and the happiness and satisfaction seem to be all there is to childhood.

In the 8090s, how many of the ten most popular snacks in the commissary have you eaten?

Seventh, Hua Huadan

Hua Huadan, this name sounds a little special. This snack is a candy made from Chinese herbs such as licorice and tangerine peel, and it has a sweet and slightly bitter taste, which is very special. I remember when I was a child, whenever I was sick, my mother would buy me a pack of Huahuadan, saying that it could cure me. Although I now know the absurdity of this statement, the sweet taste will remain in my memory forever.

8. Big bubble gum

Big bubblegum, this snack was one of my favorite in my childhood. At that time, I always fantasized that I could blow bubbles bigger than anyone else. I would often buy a big piece of bubble gum after school, put it in my mouth and chew it, and then carefully blow bubble after bubble. That sense of joy and accomplishment is unmatched by any other snack.

In the 8090s, how many of the ten most popular snacks in the commissary have you eaten?

Nine, Mai Lisu

This snack also played an important role in my childhood. It is a candy made from a mixture of maltose and chocolate, with a thin layer of chocolate on the outside and soft maltose on the inside. I often share a packet of Mi Lisu with my friends after school, chatting and tasting it, and the sweetness and satisfaction are beyond any words to describe.

In the 8090s, how many of the ten most popular snacks in the commissary have you eaten?

10. Wahaha AD calcium milk

The last thing to talk about is Wahaha AD calcium milk. This drink has played an important role in my childhood. At that time, I always liked to buy a bottle of Wahaha AD calcium milk to quench my thirst when I was thirsty. The sweet, fragrant taste always makes me feel extremely satisfied and happy.

Reminiscing about these little snacks that once made us salivate is like going back to that carefree childhood. At that time, although our material conditions were not as abundant as they are now, that simple and pure happiness could not be found now. Let's cherish these wonderful memories because they are one of the most precious treasures of our lives.

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