
Watermelon seeds are "natural heart pills"? Reminder: If you want a strong heart, eat 4 more high-magnesium snacks!

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Lao Zhang, how is your health lately? Is my blood pressure stable? Doctor Dr. Liu, wearing a mask and carrying a small medicine box, walked through the door of the convenience service center, and suddenly saw Uncle Zhang, who had just finished his errands.

Uncle Zhang, a retired teacher, had just come out of the medical insurance procedures at the convenience service center and was sitting on a chair at the door to catch his breath.

Uncle Zhang is 68 years old this year, and his physical condition is not bad, but in recent years, his heart is not very strong, and he feels tightness in his chest from time to time.

"Oh, Doctor Liu, don't mention it, as soon as the weather has been hot recently, my heart is not very good, I always feel chest tightness, and I occasionally have palpitations," Uncle Zhang patted his chest, squeezing out a helpless smile on his face.

Watermelon seeds are "natural heart pills"? Reminder: If you want a strong heart, eat 4 more high-magnesium snacks!

Hearing this, Dr. Liu frowned, walked closer, and asked with concern, "This is something that can't be careless." By the way, have you been paying attention to your diet lately? The heart is uncomfortable, and sometimes the nutrition can't keep up. ”

"Basically, there are no major changes in the diet. I heard someone say that eating watermelon seeds is good for the heart a while ago, so I eat some every day, but it doesn't have any special effect. Uncle Zhang replied.

After hearing this, Dr. Liu couldn't help laughing: "Watermelon seeds are delicious, but they are really not a panacea for protecting the heart."

In fact, if you want to have a good heart, there are more effective foods than watermelon seeds. Doctor Liu changed his words and said mysteriously.

"Oh? Doctor Liu, then tell me, what snacks are better than watermelon seeds? When Uncle Zhang heard this, he was interested, and his eyes flashed with curiosity.

As he spoke, Dr. Liu took out a small notebook and began to list it: "When it comes to snacks that are good for the heart, foods high in magnesium are indispensable.

Magnesium is important for heart health, helping to maintain a normal heart rhythm, lower blood pressure, and reduce the burden on the heart. ”

When Uncle Zhang heard this, he quickly took out a small notebook and prepared to write down Dr. Liu's "secret recipe".

Watermelon seeds are "natural heart pills"? Reminder: If you want a strong heart, eat 4 more high-magnesium snacks!

"The first, nuts. Especially almonds, cashews, and pumpkin seeds. Not only are these nuts delicious, but they're also rich in magnesium.

Eating a small handful a day can be of great benefit to the heart. Do you know? Studies have shown that consuming enough magnesium per day can reduce the risk of heart disease by more than 20%. Dr. Liu said seriously.

"The second, dark chocolate. Don't look at chocolate sweetness, it's a good friend of the heart. Dark chocolate is rich in magnesium and also has antioxidants that help protect blood vessels and reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis.

But remember, you must choose the kind with high cocoa content to have an effect. Dr. Liu continued.

Uncle Zhang listened with relish and nodded incessantly.

"The third type, oats. Oats are not only a good choice for breakfast, but also a good magnesium supplement. A bowl of oatmeal every morning can not only replenish energy, but also protect the heart. Dr. Liu continued.

"The last one, dark green vegetables. Vegetables such as spinach and kale are also high in magnesium. Eating more vegetables can not only supplement magnesium, but also consume a lot of fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. ”

After listening to this, Uncle Zhang smiled with a smile on his face: "It turns out that these common foods still have so many benefits!" It seems that I will have to eat some of these things in the future. ”

Watermelon seeds are "natural heart pills"? Reminder: If you want a strong heart, eat 4 more high-magnesium snacks!

Dr. Liu nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, these foods are not only delicious, but also protect the heart." Especially for us seniors, heart health is particularly important, and we must pay attention to our diet. ”

"That's right, I need to go home and tell my wife to eat more of these things. You see, just now I heard that the neighbor's Lao Wang was hospitalized for a heart attack, and I was scared. Uncle Zhang said with emotion.

Doctor Liu nodded: "I know Lao Wang's situation, he had heart problems before, he usually doesn't pay much attention to his diet, and he likes to smoke and drink." These habits aren't kind to the heart. ”

The two were chatting energetically, when they suddenly heard a familiar voice next to them: "Lao Zhang, Doctor Liu, what are you talking about here?" ”

It turned out to be Uncle Li next door, he had just come out after running errands, and when he saw the two of them chatting about health, he came over to listen.

"Uncle Li, just now we were talking about how to protect the heart through diet." Uncle Zhang hurriedly said.

"Oh, that's a good topic, I've got to hear about it. Where are you talking? Uncle Li patted Uncle Zhang's shoulder and asked with a smile.

Dr. Liu looked at the two elderly people and thought that this was a good opportunity to popularize health knowledge, so he continued: "Uncle Li, we just talked about several snacks that are good for the heart, foods high in magnesium, which are very good for the heart. ”

Watermelon seeds are "natural heart pills"? Reminder: If you want a strong heart, eat 4 more high-magnesium snacks!

When Uncle Li heard this, he was also interested: "High magnesium food? I've heard of it, but I don't know exactly which ones. ”

"Nuts, dark chocolate, oats, and dark green vegetables, these are all good options for high magnesium." Dr. Liu patiently explained.

"I remember a neighbor's aunt whose son is a nutritionist said something like that. It seems that we will have to eat more of these things in the future. Uncle Li said thoughtfully.

"Yes, pay more attention to your diet, coupled with proper exercise, your heart health is naturally guaranteed." Dr. Liu added.

Uncle Zhang was fascinated by what he heard, and suddenly thought of a question: "Doctor Liu, what else can old people like us do to protect our hearts?" ”

Dr. Liu smiled: "In addition to diet and exercise, there is another very important factor, which is to maintain a happy mood. If you are in a good mood and your blood pressure is stable, your heart will naturally be healthy. ”

Uncle Li nodded: "That's right, if you are in a good mood, your body will be good." It seems that in the future, we will get together more, chat, and keep a good mood. ”

Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li both laughed, and they decided to pay more attention to their health in the future, eat more high-magnesium foods, and maintain a happy mood.

Watermelon seeds are "natural heart pills"? Reminder: If you want a strong heart, eat 4 more high-magnesium snacks!

At this time, Dr. Liu suddenly thought of a small story and decided to share it with the two old people: "Do you know?

I had a patient who had a serious heart problem, and then he listened to my advice and insisted on eating high-magnesium foods every day, and as a result, after a few months, his heart function improved significantly. ”

Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li listened attentively and said that they should study hard and stay healthy.

On this sunny morning, the three of them chatted happily and shared health knowledge. Dr. Liu's patient explanation, Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li's active learning, made this ordinary day extraordinarily meaningful.

This is not the end of the story. Dr. Liu looked at the two elderly people, and suddenly had a new idea in his heart: "Since you are all so concerned about health issues, why don't we organize a health group, and everyone gets together regularly to exchange health knowledge and share experiences." ”

When Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li heard this, their eyes lit up: "This is a good idea!" We can also invite our neighbors to come and benefit more people. ”

So, under the leadership of Dr. Liu, a new health group was born.

Every week, everyone gets together to listen to Dr. Liu explain health knowledge and share their experiences. This not only allowed everyone to learn a lot of health knowledge, but also enhanced the relationship between neighbors.

The group is getting better and better, and its members are growing. Everyone shared health experiences together, encouraged each other, and lived a fulfilling and meaningful life.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Zhang Lesong. Experience in the use of diathermy to qi in the treatment of stasis coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, Global Chinese Medicine, 2024-06-18

Watermelon seeds are "natural heart pills"? Reminder: If you want a strong heart, eat 4 more high-magnesium snacks!

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