
Folk tale: A man sells cakes in the early morning, and when he sees a woman buying cakes with a dark coin, he quietly sprinkles a handful of glutinous rice

author:It's Zhang Zhang

Folk tale: A man sells cakes in the early morning, and when he sees a woman buying cakes with a dark coin, he quietly sprinkles a handful of glutinous rice

In a distant ancient village, there lived a young man named Li Ming. He was industrious and simple, getting up in the early hours of the morning, pushing his old wooden cart to the entrance of the village to set up a steaming cake stand. The crust made by Li Ming is thin and filling, sweet and delicious, and is deeply loved by the villagers.

On this day, as soon as the sky was bright, Li Ming lit the fire as usual, and began to knead the dough, roll the skin, wrap the filling, and bake. His technique was skillful and swift, and in a few moments, the stalls were filled with fragrant cakes.

Just as Li Ming was busy, a woman in a plain white dress walked slowly. She had a delicate countenance, but her face was as pale as paper, and there was a subtle sadness in her eyes. The woman walked up to the stall and whispered, "Please bring me two loaves." ”

Li Ming glanced up at the woman and saw that she had an extraordinary temperament, but it gave people an indescribable sense of coldness. Although he had doubts in his heart, he smiled and handed over two steaming cakes. The woman took the cake, took out a silver ingot from her sleeve, and placed it on the stall. Li Ming was stunned, this silver ingot was full of weight, enough to be worth a month's income. He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Girl, there are too many silver ingots, and I deserve it." ”

The woman just smiled faintly, pushed the silver ingot back to Li Ming, and said, "You are worth it." With that, she turned to leave. Seeing this, Li Ming hurriedly chased after him, stuffed the silver ingot back into the woman's hand, and said, "Girl, I really can't accept this silver ingot." If you like my bread, come often. ”

The woman stopped and looked at the silver ingot in Li Ming's hand, and a hint of strange color flashed in her eyes. She sighed softly and said, "Okay, I'm not going to be polite to you." As she spoke, she took out another copper coin from her sleeve and handed it to Li Ming. Li Ming took the copper coin, only to feel that his hand was cold and piercing, and his heart couldn't help but tighten. He looked up at the woman, only to see that her face was even paler, and her eyes were a little more misty.

Li Ming secretly wondered in his heart, what is the origin of this woman? Why is her silver ingot so cold and piercing, and her copper coins are so weird? He was about to ask, but saw that the woman had already turned away and disappeared into the morning mist.

Folk tale: A man sells cakes in the early morning, and when he sees a woman buying cakes with a dark coin, he quietly sprinkles a handful of glutinous rice

On this day, Li Ming's cake stall business was particularly prosperous. He was very busy, but he was always thinking about the mysterious woman. In the evening, when he cleaned up his stall and was about to go home, he suddenly found that the strange copper coin was missing. He searched everywhere, but found nothing. Li Ming couldn't help but be a little flustered in his heart, could it be that woman was really not a mortal?

That night, Li Ming lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The woman's face and the cold copper coin kept coming to his mind. Suddenly, he remembered the story he had heard from his grandfather when he was a child, that some ghosts would use the underworld currency to buy food from the world. Could it be that the woman ...... Li Ming didn't dare to think about it anymore, he got up and lit the oil lamp, took out a handful of glutinous rice from the cabinet and sprinkled it on the side of the bed. Glutinous rice has the effect of warding off evil spirits, and he hopes to use it to dispel the uneasiness in his heart.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Ming got up early to prepare for the stall. When he walked to the entrance of the village, he suddenly found that the mysterious woman was already standing in front of his stall. She looked at Li Ming with a complicated look on her face. Li Ming's heart tightened, but he still pretended to be calm and said hello to her. The woman nodded slightly, and asked to buy the cake again. Li Ming didn't shirk this time, he silently made two cakes for the woman and handed them to her.

The woman took the cake, took out a copper coin from her sleeve and handed it to Li Ming. Li Ming took the copper coin, only to feel that the feeling of buying it this time was even colder than yesterday. He looked up at the woman, and saw that her face was even paler than yesterday, and her eyes were a little more misty. Li Ming's heart tightened, he knew that he couldn't sit idly by anymore. He took a deep breath and said to the woman, "Girl, do you have anything unspeakable, can you tell me your true identity?" When the woman heard Li Ming's words, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she regained her composure. She sighed slightly, as if she was hesitating about something, but finally spoke: "Li Gongzi, I can't hide it, I'm not an extraordinary person." I was originally an ordinary village girl in this village, but I passed away in an accident, and now I am a lonely ghost wandering in the world. ”

After Li Ming heard this, although he was shocked in his heart, he was more sympathetic and merciful to the woman. He took a deep breath and tried to make his voice sound calmer: "Girl, since you are no longer alive, why do you still want to be nostalgic for the world, and why do you use the Dark Coin to buy cakes?"

The woman shook her head slightly, and a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes: "My greatest wish in life is to be able to taste all the food in the world, but unfortunately fate makes people, and I can't do it." After I passed away, I found that I was still obsessed with food, so I used the Dead Coin to buy food from the world to satisfy my cravings. ”

After Li Ming heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't expect a lonely ghost to have such a persistent desire. He thought for a moment, and said to the woman, "Girl, since you are so fond of good food, how about I make you bread every day?" ”

Folk tale: A man sells cakes in the early morning, and when he sees a woman buying cakes with a dark coin, he quietly sprinkles a handful of glutinous rice

After hearing this, a trace of gratitude flashed in the woman's eyes: "Gongzi Li, you are really a good person." I promise you that you will no longer use the Underworld. But please remember that I am a lonely ghost, and I cannot stay in the world for long. I will come to pick up the bread on the first and fifteenth day of each month, and I hope you will not be disgusted. ”

Li Ming nodded, and secretly decided in his heart that he would do his best to help this poor lonely ghost. From then on, he would make a few more loaves of bread every day and leave them for the mysterious woman. The woman also came to the stall to pick up the cake on the first and fifteenth days of the new year of each month, although her face was still pale, but there was a trace of warmth and gratitude in her eyes.

Time flies by like water, and in the blink of an eye, it is already a year later. During this year, a special bond was established between Li Ming and the woman. Although their identities are very different, the respect and care for each other make them the most sincere friends.

However, on the last night of the year, Li Ming encountered a bizarre thing. That night, while he was resting at home, he suddenly heard a sharp knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw the mysterious woman standing in the doorway, her face full of anxiety.

When the woman saw Li Ming, she hurriedly said, "Li Gongzi, come with me quickly! I have something important to tell you!" As she spoke, she took Li Ming's hand and ran out of the village.

Although Li Ming was confused, he still followed the woman to a forest outside the village. Deep in the woods, they came to an ancient temple that was deserted. The woman stopped, pointed to the ancient temple and said to Li Ming: "Li Gongzi, there is a secret hidden in this ancient temple. I found it by accident. I'm worried that this secret will bring disaster to the villagers, so I've come to you to discuss countermeasures. ”

After Li Ming heard this, he couldn't help but get nervous in his heart. He looked at the ancient temple and saw that it was dilapidated, but it had a strange aura. He took a deep breath and said to the woman, "Girl, don't worry. I'll find a way to find out the secret. No matter what, I will keep the villagers safe. ”

Folk tale: A man sells cakes in the early morning, and when he sees a woman buying cakes with a dark coin, he quietly sprinkles a handful of glutinous rice

After hearing this, a trace of gratitude and relief flashed in the woman's eyes: "Li Gongzi, I am relieved to have your words." I will help you in secret. But remember, you have to be careful. ”

Li Ming nodded, already having a plan in his heart. He decided to start tomorrow and delve into the secrets of this ancient temple. And that mysterious woman will also become his most important partner and helper. And just like that, an adventure story of courage, wisdom and friendship is about to unfold in this ancient village......

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