
The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

author:Marumaru Bungakusha
The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

On a hot summer day in August 1989, an incredible scene was staged in Sparrow Mountain in Wanfang Town, Nancheng County, Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province. While a few children herding cattle were playing on the hillside, the sharp-eyed little ones spotted scraps of paper scattered all over the ground.

At first, they thought it was just ordinary coins and began to collect these "toys" with great interest.

However, when they looked closely at the pieces of paper, their mouths opened in surprise - they turned out to be real money! One of the lucky boys even picked up a full 800 yuan in one go, which was equivalent to two years' salary of a grassroots civil servant at that time.

The unexpected discovery quickly spread in the village, causing a commotion. Faced with this huge amount of money from unknown sources, the parents decided to call the police to deal with it.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

No one expected that this seemingly simple act of collecting gold would become a key clue to uncover a 29-year-old murder case.

An eager customer approached Yang Jinwen and begged him to set off immediately to transport a truckload of live pigs to Guangdong. Yang Jinwen wanted to refuse politely, because he was exhausted from the days of running.

However, in the face of repeated requests from customers, he finally reluctantly agreed. In order to ensure safety, Yang Jinwen arranged for his eldest son to go with his wife's younger brother.

In the early hours of June 25, the shadow of fate loomed over the truck loaded with live pigs on National Highway 206. Suddenly, a deafening explosion pierced the silent night sky.

Yang Jinwen's son, brother-in-law and cargo owner were killed instantly, and their lives were frozen in that terrible moment.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

The local police quickly arrived at the scene after receiving the report, and the scene in front of them was shocking. The truck was blown up beyond recognition, the wreckage was scattered all over the ground, and the air smelled of burnt burning.

What is even more puzzling is that there are also a large number of burned banknotes scattered at the scene.

This appalling case is like a bombshell that has caused a huge sensation in the local area. Yang Jinwen rushed to hear the news, and when he saw the tragic situation in front of him, the old man almost fainted.

Faced with police questioning, Yang Jinwen's voice choked up, his hands trembled, and he insisted that he had never carried any dangerous items, which was definitely a premeditated murder.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

As the investigation deepened, the police gradually realized that this was not a simple traffic accident, but a well-planned robbery and murder. However, under the technical conditions at the time, it was extremely difficult to solve the case.

In this way, this tragedy has become an unsolved mystery in the local area, and it has also brought irreparable pain to Yang Jinwen's family.

Since then, Yang Jinwen has been deeply trapped in the whirlpool of grief, and will be awakened by nightmares every night. He couldn't accept that his relatives had left like this, and he couldn't forgive those murderers who were still at large.

In this way, Yang Jinwen began a long wait, looking forward to the day when justice will finally come.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

As the investigation deepened, the police gradually uncovered the truth of this appalling case. The suspects are local villagers Li Tianhua, Jin Guoqiang and Wu Yingshou. These three ordinary rural youths embarked on a road of no return due to greed, which caused this tragedy.

And Li Tianhua is a bachelor without a wife and children, and he is a gambler by nature. He used to work in the hog trader and knows the ins and outs of the business. He told Jin Guoqiang that the butchers who returned from Guangdong often carried large amounts of cash, and if they could get their hands on them, they would be a lot of money.

After Jin Guoqiang heard this, the greed in his heart began to swell. They hit it off and recruited Wu Yingshou from the same village to join their criminal plan. The trio had been plotting for a long time, buying dangerous items such as explosives and detonators to carry out this heinous robbery.

On that fateful night, they lay in ambush beside National Highway 206 and waited for the target vehicle to pass by. When Yang Jinwen's van arrived, they did not hesitate to detonate the explosives, taking three innocent lives in the most brutal way.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

After the explosion, they quickly looted the cash on the car, totaling about 20,000 yuan.

However, the distribution of the spoils after the success has led to new contradictions. Jin Guoqiang felt that he had contributed the most and should have more share, while Li Tianhua thought that he had come up with this plan and deserved more.

The three of them argued, and Jin Guoqiang had evil thoughts in his heart, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to brutally kill Li Tianhua.

In order to cover up the crime, Jin Guoqiang and Wu Yingshou dumped Li Tianhua's body on Sparrow Mountain and fled the scene in a hurry. They would not have imagined that it was this hasty decision that would become the trigger for the future revelation of the case.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

This series of criminal acts not only ruined the lives of innocent people, but also changed the fate of themselves and their families forever. Jin Guoqiang's heart is full of fear and anxiety after the killing, and he begins to regret what he has done, but there is no turning back.

Wu Yingshou began to drink heavily under huge psychological pressure, trying to numb his conscience. And Li Tianhua's family is still in the dark, not knowing that his relatives have suffered an accident.

This case shows the darkest side of human nature, and also lays the groundwork for the restoration of the legal net in the future. Their crimes will eventually be revealed in the baptism of time, and what awaits them will be the severe punishment of the law and the condemnation of conscience.

After the case, Jin Guoqiang became known as Yu Zhaoyan and began a 29-year fugitive career. Like a frightened bird, he travels around the country, always alert to the danger of revealing his identity.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

Every time he arrives in a new place, he carefully constructs a new identity and tries to integrate into local life, but he never gets rid of the shadow of the past.

During these long years of fugitive, Jin Guoqiang experienced two failed marriages. Despite being a fugitive, he still has to shoulder the responsibilities of a father and raise his two young children with hard work.

The hardships of life and the inner torment made his character more and more perverse, which eventually led to the failure of both marriages.

What is interesting is that Jin Guoqiang named his son "Yu Funan", hiding his longing for his hometown of Fuzhou Nancheng. This name has become an inseparable nostalgia in his heart, and it is also the only link he can connect with the past.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

Whenever his son's name is called, Jin Guoqiang will go back to the night of the bloody crime in a trance, and his heart is full of contradictions and pain.

However, with the advancement of technology, it is becoming more and more difficult for Jin Guoqiang to hide his true identity. The popularization of high-definition monitoring equipment and the application of big data technology made him feel that the legal net was being tightened step by step.

Whenever he sees the dense cameras on the street, Jin Guoqiang's heart beats faster, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead, for fear that his true identity will be revealed.

In these years, although Jin Guoqiang has escaped the punishment of the law, the condemnation of conscience has followed. He was often awakened by nightmares, which always showed the bloody night and the Li Tianhua he had killed.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

In order to atone for his crimes, he even handed over his stolen son to the police, hoping that his son would be on the right path and not repeat his mistakes.

However, none of these actions can erase the heinous crimes he committed. Jin Guoqiang knew deep down that he would one day be brought to justice. As he grew older, he felt more and more tired and regretful, and even had the idea of turning himself in.

But every time he thought about the severe punishment he might face, and the concern for his family, he flinched again.

In this way, Jin Guoqiang struggled between freedom and captivity, remorse and escape, and spent a long 29 years. His life has become a living tragedy, interpreting the deep cost of crime.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

August 24, 2023, is a day worth remembering for the Jiangxi police. After nearly 30 years of pursuit, they finally used advanced big data technology to lock down and successfully capture Jin Guoqiang, who had been on the run for 29 years.

When the police appeared in front of him, the former outlaw did not resist in the slightest, as if he had unloaded the burden of a long time, and tears of relief and remorse flowed from his eyes.

In the interrogation room, Jin Guoqiang's voice trembled and recounted all the events of that year. He confessed that he had been blinded by greed and had committed an unforgivable crime.

Recalling that bloody night, his hands kept shaking, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Jin Guoqiang said that over the years, he has lived in remorse and fear every day, and his heart has been tormented, and he has even had the idea of turning himself in many times, but he has withdrawn because of his concern for his family.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

When Jin Guoqiang was escorted back to the southern city of Fuzhou, he once again set foot on his homeland after a 29-year absence. The familiar and unfamiliar hometown scene made him cry like rain, and he felt ashamed of what he had done.

Facing his former folks, he lowered his head and couldn't look directly into their eyes. He expressed his deep apologies to the victims' families, especially the 71-year-old Yang Jinwen, even though it was far from enough to compensate for the harm he had caused.

The cracking of the case has brought belated solace to the victims' families. The old man Yang Jinwen finally waited for this day, and the knot in his heart for many years seemed to have loosened a little.

However, when he faced Jin Guoqiang, he couldn't say a word, just cried silently. The pain of losing a loved one has been deeply rooted in his bones, and even if the murderer is punished, he can't erase the torment of these years.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

For the police officers involved in the investigation of this case, this is a moment of both relief and emotion. Many young police officers grew up listening to the story of this unsolved case, and now they have solved it with their own hands, and their hearts are full of a sense of accomplishment.

The older generation of police lamented that the progress of science and technology had finally solved this seemingly unsolvable case.

Jin Guoqiang's arrest is not only the end of an old case, but also a powerful demonstration of social justice. It proves that the legal net is restored, that no crime will be brought to justice.

The case, which took 29 years to solve, has also become a powerful warning to potential criminals.

The guy picked up a huge amount of dark money, fixed his eyes and saw that it was real money, and his parents called the police, and caught the murderer decades later

This case, which took 29 years to solve, is like a mirror, reflecting the greed of human nature and the deterrent power of the law. It sends a clear warning to society that even the most savvy criminals will not escape justice, and that justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

Jin Guoqiang's tragic life illustrates a profound truth: only by abiding by the law and cherishing the present can we walk out of a bright and smooth road. Any attempt to gain benefits through illegal means will end up at a heavy cost, not only ruining one's own life, but also causing irreparable harm to innocent people and their families.

The cracking of this case also demonstrates the important role of scientific and technological progress in safeguarding social fairness and justice, and points out the direction for future law enforcement work.

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