
Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

author:Sister Dong said gossip
Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

On June 30, a unique interview attracted a lot of attention. In this interview, Liu Dan not only shared his experience in the entertainment industry, but also talked about his deep feelings with his family. Especially when he talked about his granddaughter Xiao Nuomi, the love and pride in his eyes made people feel the warmth and responsibility behind this old actor.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

Liu Dan, a veteran who has been in the film and television industry for decades, has created many classic roles with his superb acting skills and profound artistic accomplishment. From Hong Qigong to Feng Jingyao to Wu Sangui, every character is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

Liu Dan's acting career was not all smooth sailing. When he first entered the industry, he only earned 30 yuan a day of filming, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for fledgling newcomers. However, Liu Dan did not give up because of this, and he has come to this day step by step with his love and dedication to his acting career.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

In addition to acting, Liu Dan also worked part-time as a jockey in a horse farm, earning more than 100 yuan a day. Such an experience not only exercised his will, but also made him cherish every hard-won opportunity even more. It is these seemingly inconspicuous experiences that have shaped Liu Dan's tenacious character and solid acting skills.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

When talking about family, Liu Dan's face is always filled with a happy smile. When he talked about his granddaughter Xiao Nuomi, he was full of love and pride. Liu Dan's success in his career is inseparable from his attention and dedication to his family. He knows that family is the backbone of his career, so he always tries his best to balance the relationship between family and career.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

Liu Dan said in an interview that he would not interfere too much in his son's marriage, but hoped that his son could obtain Xiao Nuomi's consent before remarrying. Such a view reflects Liu Dan's respect and understanding of family relationships.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

He understands the importance of family harmony and always tries his best to maintain the relationship between family members. This concept of family is still of great relevance in today's society.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

When asked if he would let his son Hawick Lau mention the word "retirement", Liu Dan said that he would resolutely not allow it. He emphasized that he loves acting, and as long as his physical condition allows, he will continue to act. This kind of love and persistence in the acting career makes us deeply admire.

In the highly competitive arena of the entertainment industry, it is not easy to maintain the love and pursuit of art. And Liu Dan is such an artist who does not forget his original intention and forges ahead.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

In the interview, Liu Dan also shared his married life with his wife. The two have been married for half a century, and his wife is his first love. Such a love story is very moving. I think Liu Dan's deep relationship with his wife is an important support for his career success. A happy family environment can make people more relaxed and confident in their careers.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

When talking about his deep relationship with Weng Meiling, Liu Dan's eyes flashed with tears. He sighed that Weng Meiling's death brought him a huge blow and pain. It is this pain and nostalgia that makes Liu Dan cherish the happiness and beauty in front of him even more.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

Through this interview, we have a deeper understanding of Liu Dan, a veteran actor, in his acting life and family warmth. With his hard work and talent, he has won the love and respect of the audience; He used his wisdom and responsibility to maintain the harmony and happiness of the family.

Liu Dan revealed that Xiao Nuomi's recent situation "let her choose by herself", and Hawick Lau was not allowed to mention 2 words in person

Liu Dan is not only an excellent actor, but also a respectable life mentor. He uses his own experience and stories to tell us how to maintain his original intention and pursuit in the highly competitive entertainment industry; How to balance family and career in a busy life. This kind of Liu Dan is worth learning and learning from each of us.

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