
Zhou Xun is still popular after the divorce, and he also gains sister and brother love, what is the current situation of his ex-husband Gao Shengyuan?

author:Watermelon University Hall

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Zhou Xun is still popular after the divorce, and he also gains sister and brother love, what is the current situation of his ex-husband Gao Shengyuan?

On that special day, Zhou Xun stepped into a high-profile awards ceremony in Hong Kong with excitement. The moment the bright light fell on her, a strange and unforgettable figure suddenly appeared in her sight - he was Gao Shengyuan, an outstanding Chinese-American actor from the United States.

For Zhou Xun, who met for the first time, Gao Shengyuan's charming temperament like encountering blooming flowers in spring made her heart surge. Her clear and flawless temperament deeply attracted Gao Shengyuan, so that he did not hesitate to ask her for contact information.

Zhou Xun was moved by this fiery emotion, and the relationship between the two began.

In the following year, Gao Shengyuan flew from Los Angeles to Beijing several times, just to be able to spend more time with the goddess in his heart. This unswerving pursuit made Zhou Xun have an endless affection for him, and finally in 2013, the two were honest with each other and officially confirmed their relationship.

Zhou Xun is still popular after the divorce, and he also gains sister and brother love, what is the current situation of his ex-husband Gao Shengyuan?

However, for Zhou Xun, this glorious love journey was not all smooth sailing. As the only daughter in her family, she endured strong opposition pressure from her parents.

After all, a daughter who marries far away from a foreign country is destined to be separated from her parents for a long time, which makes Chen Yiqin and his wife deeply saddened. But even so, in the face of family obstacles, Zhou Xun still firmly chose his true love.

In July 2014, when Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan signed their marriage certificate, they firmly believed that they would start a happy married life. However, the ensuing real life is like a cruel test, bringing countless difficulties and challenges to the couple.

Life after marriage was not as good as Zhou Xun once dreamed of. In order to usher in the crystallization of love as soon as possible, Gao Shengyuan sincerely persuaded Zhou Xun to temporarily put down his career and devote himself wholeheartedly to the process of conceiving a child.

Zhou Xun is still popular after the divorce, and he also gains sister and brother love, what is the current situation of his ex-husband Gao Shengyuan?

However, Zhou Xun can't let go of her beloved acting career, in her opinion, career and childbirth are equally important, and she is eager to find an ideal balance between the two.

As a result, the couple was embroiled in a dispute over fertility. Despite their great efforts, fate doesn't seem to favor the lovers too much.

Until 2016, their marriage still did not usher in the long-awaited good news.

The huge gap in the career field has undoubtedly become an untiring knot between this loving couple. As one of today's sought-after movie superstars, Zhou Xun is in the prime of her career, and she has participated in a number of high-profile masterpieces in a short period of time, such as "Dragon Gate Flying Armor", "Red Sorghum", etc., which have been widely praised by audiences and the industry.

Zhou Xun is still popular after the divorce, and he also gains sister and brother love, what is the current situation of his ex-husband Gao Shengyuan?

However, in strong contrast, Gao Shengyuan's acting career in China seems to be quite difficult, and he has been working hard in small and medium-sized works for many years.

The disparity in income levels undoubtedly makes Gao Shengyuan's heart often shrouded in a layer of inferiority complex. In the midst of this growing contradiction and disagreement, a sudden decision completely upends the couple's original life trajectory.

On a sunny day in June 2017, when Zhou Xun returned to her warm home with exhaustion, the nanny unexpectedly informed her that Gao Shengyuan had quietly left two days ago and embarked on a journey to the distant United States, and since then a long separation life has begun.

Such a major decision was made unilaterally by Gao Shengyuan without Zhou Xun's consent. In the face of all this, Zhou Xun naturally couldn't accept it. She immediately picked up her phone and tried to communicate with her husband for a plausible explanation.

Zhou Xun is still popular after the divorce, and he also gains sister and brother love, what is the current situation of his ex-husband Gao Shengyuan?

However, Gao Shengyuan's indifferent response was like a basin of cold water poured head-on: "I can't be sure of the specific return date, it may take half a year, or it may take a year." ”

Seeing the beautiful life he once longed for collapse in an instant, how could Zhou Xun hide the pain in his heart? She leaned feebly against the cold wall, tears sliding down like broken pearls, like a river bursting its banks.

Since then, the relationship between the two has gradually lost its vitality and vitality like a stream that is about to dry up. Even on the special day of his birthday, Gao Shengyuan failed to send a sincere blessing to his wife.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a year, two, and three years have passed, and the number of contacts between them is only a handful, and each time they see each other is only a short stay.

Zhou Xun is still popular after the divorce, and he also gains sister and brother love, what is the current situation of his ex-husband Gao Shengyuan?

In 2018, the media broke rumors that Gao Shengyuan was in love with an unidentified Singaporean woman. When Zhou Xun questioned this, Gao Shengyuan flatly denied it, but the doubts in her heart became more and more serious, and she lost all expectations for the future of this marriage.

However, the development of the situation was beyond everyone's expectations, Zhou Xun resolutely chose to reach a divorce agreement with Gao Shengyuan in December 2020, and since then this marriage has officially ended! When faced with continuous questions from the media, she couldn't help but burst into tears on the spot, and expressed loudly: "In this marriage process, I have no reservations, I devote myself wholeheartedly, I have a clear conscience, and I also know that I will never make any regrets about this!" ”

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