
Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

author:Derpy talks about history

Zhou Xun, a talented actor, has won the love of the audience with his amazing acting skills. Her screen image is changeable, sometimes gentle and moving, sometimes heroic, and every time she appears, she is impressive.

However, behind her shining star journey, there is a hidden emotional journey of ups and downs. Since stepping into the entertainment industry, Zhou Xun has treated every relationship with a serious and rigorous attitude.

She has had a deep relationship with many outstanding men such as Dou Peng, Pu Shu, Jia Hongsheng, Li Yapeng, Wang Shuo, etc. Every relationship is like a wonderful performance, Zhou Xun is fully engaged, and his eyes are flashing with longing and longing for love.

However, in the end, these feelings failed to come to fruition, leaving some regrets. On this road of pursuing sincere feelings, Zhou Xun has never stopped. Even after experiencing failure, she still maintained her belief in love.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

As she said in 2021: "I am convinced of love; If you feel insecure, I'll tell you frankly, not at all! These words reveal her dedication and courage to love.

Zhou Xun's attitude seems to tell that everyone's understanding and experience of love is unique and extraordinary, as the popular song sings: every song is a love story.

She firmly believes that as long as she pays sincerely, she will eventually meet the person who is destined. In the journey of chasing love, Zhou Xun has always been steady and never stopped moving forward. There is always a glint of hope in her eyes, as if to say: the next corner, maybe happiness.

This persistent attitude is not only reflected in her love life, but also in her acting career. Whether in front of the screen or in real life, Zhou Xun is interpreting the true meaning of love in his own way.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

In 2013, at a dinner party in Hong Kong, Zhou Xun, who was 40 years old at the time, met Gao Shengyuan, who was 13 years younger than her. At that moment, Zhou Xun was deeply attracted by Gao Shengyuan's eyes shining with wisdom and his handsome demeanor.

Her eyes showed amazement and curiosity, as if she had seen the person she was destined to do. The two quickly developed a deep friendship during the conversation, and then the relationship quickly warmed up and fell in love.

Zhou Xun seemed to have found the other half of his life, completely ignoring his advantages in career and external influence, and was determined to walk hand in hand with Gao Shengyuan. Her eyes sparkled with happiness, and her face was filled with a sweet smile, as if she had regained the throbbing of her youth.

In the early morning of May 8, 2014, Zhou Xun disclosed his relationship with Gao Shengyuan through social platforms. She posted a photo of the two of them, and the two were smiling and happy in the photo.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

Zhou Xun wrote: "This is Archie, please take care of it." This move detonated the warm attention and heated discussions of the entire entertainment industry, and fans sent their blessings.

Just two months later, on July 14, 2014, they held a grand and romantic wedding in beautiful Hangzhou. Zhou Xun, who was wearing a pure white wedding dress, had tears in his eyes and made a solemn vow to Gao Shengyuan: "Although I have played many bride roles and read many vows, the vow expressed as Zhou Xun's identity today is the first experience in my life.

Such an affectionate confession not only deeply moved the groom Gao Shengyuan, but also moved all the guests present. The happy life of this pair of golden boys and girls makes everyone envious.

Their marriage is as beautiful as a fairy tale, and Zhou Xun's face is always filled with happiness, as if he has found a home in life. However, no one would have thought that this seemingly perfect marriage would face many tests in the future.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

After entering the marriage hall, Zhou Xun, who has crossed the threshold of forty years old, is looking forward to giving birth to the crystallization of love with her husband Gao Shengyuan as soon as possible. She had personally promised Gao Shengyuan that a new life would come within two to three years.

Gao Shengyuan is also looking forward to having a future baby that belongs to the two of them with great eagerness. In order to realize this wish, Zhou Xun began the arduous journey of preparing for pregnancy. On the one hand, she continues to be busy among various troupes, tenaciously and dedicatedly to her work; On the other hand, she had to endure the pain of cutting her skin and swallow all kinds of tonic pills to adjust her body.

Zhou Xun's eyes were full of expectation, but there was also a trace of anxiety. However, the bitter thing is that after unremitting efforts, Zhou Xun still failed to get pregnant. Worried about his physical condition, the couple decided to go to the hospital for a full check-up.

The results were surprising, and they did not have any obvious physical problems. Medical experts then made an accurate judgment: the reason why Zhou Xun was difficult to get pregnant was most likely because of the high-intensity work pressure over the years, which led to some potential damage in the body.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

Doctors suggest that if you can meditate and recuperate for a while, you will have a chance of healing. Gao Shengyuan is convinced of medical advice and hopes that his wife can temporarily put aside her busy career and recuperate at home.

However, for Zhou Xun, who has an independent and strong personality, she can't wait for the birth of her child at home like other women. Her eyes flashed with determination, and her tone was full of responsibility: "There are still many employees in the company who rely on me to support their families, and if they suddenly stop, it will definitely seriously affect their livelihoods."

Zhou Xun resolutely chose to continue to struggle at work, and actively cooperated with drug treatment to recuperate his body. She is determined to use the power of love miracles to realize her dream of "pregnancy" as soon as possible.

At that stage, she even did not hesitate to join various variety shows, and she and her husband Gao Shengyuan frequently made high-profile appearances in the public eye, showing their loving daily life, in order to hope to achieve their wishes as soon as possible.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

However, reality is often harsher than imagined. Although she starred in well-known films such as "Eavesdropping" and the hit movie "Spending the Long Years with Anthony" written and directed by herself in the following days, which made her career reach new heights, her expectations of having children are still as weak as the distant stars.

At the same time, Gao Shengyuan's acting career in China has always been hovering at a low point. Although he sometimes flew from his home in Los Angeles to Beijing to spend a short time with his wife, he spent most of his time alone at home, patiently waiting for Zhou Xun to return to his warm home after a hard day's work.

In 2017, Gao Shengyuan, who saw that his wife was still busy running around and focusing on her acting career, could no longer bear the torment in her heart. His eyes showed a deep sense of loss and helplessness, and he finally made up his mind to return to the United States alone, where he began to pursue a new life in solitude.

Since then, Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan have started a long long-distance relationship. Conversations between the two have thinned, and even social media exchanges have stalled for months.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

Zhou Xun's face began to show a look of exhaustion and worry, and his eyes flashed with worry about the future of marriage. One day, Gao Shengyuan returned to the motherland with great effort, and after a few days of reunion with his wife, when he was about to set sail and leave, he did not have time to say goodbye, leaving only a vague "I will leave first" as a reply.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Xun was full of doubts, wondering why her husband chose to disappear mysteriously when she was about to return? She dialed Gao Shengyuan's phone without hesitation, but the other party's response was cold and ruthless, and the cold and distant tone made people's hearts cold.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Xun finally couldn't hide her sadness, tears flowed, and she began to wonder if this marriage had come to an end. Her eyes were full of confusion and pain, as if she could not see the direction of the future.

Although the teams of both sides tried their best to refute the rumors of the marriage change, Gao Shengyuan's absence from Zhou Xun's birthday celebration for two consecutive years has already made the outside world deeply curious and questioned.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

All these phenomena suggest that this sweet couple, who were once hailed as a "model couple", are at the bottom of their married life. Finally, in December 2020, Zhou Xun announced the end of his six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan with the words "I wish to cherish".

Although this result was foreshadowed to outsiders, it was a heavy blow to Zhou Xun. She sighed: "I have had deep love in this marriage, I have made sincere efforts, invested all my passion and loyalty, and I am worthy of myself and have no regrets."

Zhou Xun's tone was full of helplessness and sadness, but his eyes still flashed with a strong light. Who would have thought that the two smiling and energetic couples at the wedding would end this good time in such a sloppy way? I am afraid that only Zhou Xun himself can deeply appreciate the unforgettable pain of facing the death of love.

The divorce brought a huge blow to Zhou Xun, but the strong and determined actress did not give up her love for her career because of this. After the divorce, she devoted herself to the development of her personal career, and her performance in the film and television industry can be described as dazzling as a meteor piercing the sky, and her career has returned to normal.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

Zhou Xun's eyes burned with enthusiasm for work, as if he wanted to fill the emptiness in his heart with busyness. In contrast, the development process of her ex-husband Gao Shengyuan is a little bumpy.

After the divorce, he chose to return to his native Hollywood in the United States, hoping to start a new chapter in his life there. However, it is not easy for a Chinese-American actor to really make a name for himself in Hollywood, and he mainly plays the role of green leaf in some movies and TV series.

Gao Shengyuan's eyes sometimes showed loss, sometimes flashed confusion, and seemed to be full of uncertainty about the future. Disappointed, Gao Shengyuan had no choice but to return to China to seek development, but the opportunities here have not improved either.

His career development seems to have reached a bottleneck and is difficult to break through. However, what is even more embarrassing is that only three years later, the media disclosed the fact that Gao Shengyuan already has a new love.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

The new love is a beautiful and touching Chinese lady who is already pregnant with a child between them, and it is clear that their relationship is progressing quite quickly. In many photos, we can see Gao Shengyuan's affectionate confession letter to his new girlfriend, which depicts his deep love and admiration for his new love: "I will wait for you with enthusiasm", he said in the letter.

"Even though there are thousands of roses in the world, I just want to be the only one for you." When Zhou Xun saw these contents, a trace of gloom flashed in her eyes.

After all, she was also Gao Shengyuan's lover who promised "uniqueness and uniqueness". I couldn't help but feel endless sourness and helplessness in my heart, as if I had tasted the bitterness of failed marriage again.

Although the divorce brought a huge blow to Zhou Xun, this strong woman did not give up her belief in love. When the time comes to 2021, the 46-year-old Zhou Xun once again threw himself into the arms of love with a passionate attitude and confirmed his outstanding relationship with the lead singer of the young band.

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

Although there is a huge age difference of 13 years between the two, which has attracted countless doubts, Zhou Xun is unwavering about it. In the face of the outside world's discussions, Zhou Xun's eyes flashed with determination and confidence.

She candidly said that excellence is not only the person she needs at this stage, but also like a spiritual friend in her heart, and the two have an unparalleled fit on the soul level.

Zhou Xun's words are full of anticipation and cherishment for the new relationship. Zhou Xun's perseverance, courage and openness made him quickly absorb the powerful power to rebuild a happy life when he walked out of the shadow of divorce.

Her unswerving loyalty and persistent pursuit of love, ignoring the age gap, are the most precious and rare qualities in her life. Looking back, Zhou Xun once quoted a meaningful sentence on social networks: "The two of us have traveled to heaven many times, tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, and only hope that we can meet again in the end."

Zhou Xun: My six-year marriage with Gao Shengyuan makes me feel remorseful, and I am willing to return to my family if I can do it all over again

This sentence may express her memories of her past marriage, and also express her expectations for the future. Her tone is filled with both feelings for the past and hope for the future.

Zhou Xun's experience proves that even after experiencing the failure of her marriage, she still chooses to move forward strongly, and uses this magnificent emotional journey as a guiding light on the road to happiness, leading her to move forward bravely.

She interprets her unremitting pursuit of happiness with practical actions, showing the courage and wisdom of a mature woman in the face of love.

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