
In 2014, Zhou Xun got married, and Chen Kun's son came to the stage to give her a ring. Standing in the middle of the red carpet wearing a white wedding dress, Zhou Xun looked at Chen Kun's son with a happy face and said to Gao Shengyuan: "This is also."

author:Uncle Chai will take you to a movie

In 2014, Zhou Xun got married, and Chen Kun's son came to the stage to give her a ring. Standing in the middle of the red carpet wearing a white wedding dress, Zhou Xun looked at Chen Kun's son with a happy face and said to Gao Shengyuan: "This is also my son."

If this matter is put aside by others, it will definitely write a front-page headline, which is probably similar: Chen Kun's son's birth mother, who has been hidden for many years, has finally hammered!

But this matter was placed on Zhou Xun Chen Kun, and everyone only felt that this was a show of friendship, and it was also a sentence in Zhou Xun's heartfelt declaration of happiness that was in happiness at that time.

The friendship between Chen Kun and Zhou Xun began in youth, when one of the two was a fledgling student, and his eyes were melancholy and had a temperament of "not entering when he was born".

One is already a small experienced "drama master", the two met on the set of "Like Fog Like Rain and Like Wind", in which Du Xinyu confessed to Chen Zikun: "You let me like you, in fact, I think you also like me." ”

The audience in front of the screen is anxious, like it must like ah, run to the present.

As a result, the two really came out, and they liked each other, but not the kind of likes of the people in the play, but this kind of like has surpassed any kind of feeling.

There is such a story, one day Chen Kun was in a bad mood, a person drunk and felt very uncomfortable, called Zhou Xun: "Xun, you come out, I am very sad now." ”

Zhou Xun didn't say a word and rushed to the end, Chen Kun lay on the table and died to the extreme: "Do you know, I have no friends in my life!" Zhou Xun didn't say a word, just sat quietly on the side, like stroking an injured puppy, gently, slowly but rhythmically, gave Chen Kun a "head-touching kill".

In this way, Chen Kun actually slept in the past, and when he woke up, he asked very strangely: "Just now, why didn't you talk to me, why didn't you comfort me?" ”

Zhou Xun said: "People have a time when they can't stop collapsing, and what they need at this time may not be preaching, just a hug, a reassurance without asking for reasons, it's good to pass, isn't it?" ”

This incident let Chen Kun know that Zhou Xun understood him, and Chen Kun also understood Zhou Xun.

In this way, they healed and comforted each other, were good friends for decades, and were good neighbors who lived upstairs and downstairs and could visit each other at will. Their relationship is not like Wu Xin Du Haitao, Wu Xin can enter and exit Du Haitao's house at will, but he will lock his own door Du Haitao did not get a "random pass".

But Zhou Xun Chen Kun is different, they do not lock the door to each other, because they are assured and comfortable, so Zhou Xun can safely call Chen Kun's son "my son", and outsiders will not misunderstand, because the friendship has reached a spiritual communication so far, and the soul friend is Zhou Xun and Chen Kun.

Do you feel like there is pure heterosexual friendship? What other love affair with the opposite sex in the entertainment industry makes you feel touched and real? #娱乐圈有哪些异性好友 #

In 2014, Zhou Xun got married, and Chen Kun's son came to the stage to give her a ring. Standing in the middle of the red carpet wearing a white wedding dress, Zhou Xun looked at Chen Kun's son with a happy face and said to Gao Shengyuan: "This is also."
In 2014, Zhou Xun got married, and Chen Kun's son came to the stage to give her a ring. Standing in the middle of the red carpet wearing a white wedding dress, Zhou Xun looked at Chen Kun's son with a happy face and said to Gao Shengyuan: "This is also."
In 2014, Zhou Xun got married, and Chen Kun's son came to the stage to give her a ring. Standing in the middle of the red carpet wearing a white wedding dress, Zhou Xun looked at Chen Kun's son with a happy face and said to Gao Shengyuan: "This is also."
In 2014, Zhou Xun got married, and Chen Kun's son came to the stage to give her a ring. Standing in the middle of the red carpet wearing a white wedding dress, Zhou Xun looked at Chen Kun's son with a happy face and said to Gao Shengyuan: "This is also."

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