
2024 Kuaishou Industry Crowd Portrait Report - Major Appliances Category

author:Industry Report Think Tank

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Abstract: The report shows that the category of major appliances is constantly refined, from traditional TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines to kitchen and bathroom appliances, the category division is becoming more and more detailed. In the TV category, high-end products such as 4K TV and OLED TV have gradually become the new favorite in the market. Traditional categories such as refrigerators and washing machines are also constantly innovating in terms of intelligence, energy conservation and environmental protection to meet consumers' pursuit of high-quality life.

When buying major appliances, consumers pay more attention to the after-sales service, brand awareness and price of the product. Especially for high-tech products such as TVs and air conditioners, functional attributes such as picture quality, size, energy consumption level and noise level have also become the focus of consumers' considerations. When consumers choose major appliances, they not only pay attention to the brand and price, but also pay more attention to the actual use experience and performance of the product.

The report divides the consumers of major appliances into three categories: the enjoyment experience family, the pragmatic Mesozoic generation and the stable life home. Young consumers are more inclined to try new technologies and pursue quality life; Middle-aged consumers pay more attention to the practicality and cost-effectiveness of products; Older consumers, on the other hand, pay more attention to the durability and after-sales service of their products.

There are obvious differences in the geographical distribution of major appliance interest groups. Consumers in first-tier cities have a stronger demand for major appliances, while consumers in second- and third-tier cities pay more attention to cost-effectiveness. Consumers in different regions have different preferences for major appliances.

In terms of brand awareness, brands such as Xiaomi and Haier occupy a leading position in the TV category, while in the categories of air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines, established brands such as Gree and Midea are still trusted by consumers. Search trends show that consumers are showing strong interest in smart home, energy-efficient and other features of the appliance.

Excerpts from the report are set out below

2024 Kuaishou Industry Crowd Portrait Report - Major Appliances Category
2024 Kuaishou Industry Crowd Portrait Report - Major Appliances Category
2024 Kuaishou Industry Crowd Portrait Report - Major Appliances Category
2024 Kuaishou Industry Crowd Portrait Report - Major Appliances Category
2024 Kuaishou Industry Crowd Portrait Report - Major Appliances Category

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