
Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

author:Pu'er Fire Fighting

Recently, the Pu'er Youth Federation of the Pu'er Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League issued the "Notice on Commending the 2024 "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal", and Li Guoqing, a firefighter from the Fenghuang Road Fire and Rescue Station of the Ning'er County Fire and Rescue Brigade, won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

Li Guoqing, male, Hani nationality, born in 1996, is an active member of the party, and is currently a third-level firefighter at the Fenghuang Road Fire and Rescue Station of Ning'er County, Pu'er Fire and Rescue Detachment. In 2019, he won the outstanding new firefighter once, and in 2020, he won the "first place" in the internal affairs evaluation of the detachment's "learning new regulations, setting new standards, and showing a new image"; In 2020, he won the "first place" in the 100-meter weight-bearing competition of the "Sharpening Sword • 2020" physical competition held by the new training detachment of the Yunnan Provincial Fire and Rescue Corps; Won the "Outstanding Student" in the 2022 city-wide duty training coach training; In 2023, the "4.11" Yuxi forest fire fighting won 1 commendation; In the second quarter of 2023, "Pu'er Good People" will be 1 time.

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

On the evening of April 13, 2023, the Ning'er County Fire and Rescue Brigade received a dispatch to Yuxi River to carry out forest fire fighting and reinforcement tasks. Comrade Li Guoqing took the initiative to ask for help, moved forward bravely, joined the reinforcement team as soon as possible, and always charged at the front line of the rescue team. After a fierce battle of 7 days and 6 nights, only 2 nights of complete rest, and the whole 4 nights were accompanied by sparks, and finally successfully completed the village garrison, reinforcement fire extinguishing line, fire monitoring, personnel evacuation, cleaning up the remaining fires and other work, all of which were successfully completed. In this firefighting and rescue, Comrade Li Guoqing was not afraid of sacrifice, charged ahead, was not afraid of hardships and dangers, resolutely obeyed orders and obeyed commands, and was able to complete the division of labor and deployment of the tasks of the commanders without discount, and made outstanding contributions to saving the safety of the people's lives and property.

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

At 23:15 on March 15, 2024, a natural gas tanker tire caught fire on the Kunmo high-speed downward line of Kunmo Expressway in Wanzitian Village, Mohei Town, Ning'er County, and the fire was in the stage of fierce burning. In the face of the spread of the fire and the threat of explosion, Comrade Li Guoqing was undaunted and quickly launched rescue work. As a firefighting group, Comrade Li Guoqing made use of his rich experience in daily training to play the role of the main force, and was fearless and charged ahead. The first time to go deep into the fire scene, the water cannon launched an attack from the burning part of the tank truck tire fire, intercepted the fire near the tank truck fuel tank, and the open flame was extinguished, Comrade Li Guoqing once again used the water gun to continue to cool the tank and the body to prevent high temperature from causing combustion and other dangers. Due to the increase in the internal pressure of the tank due to high temperature and tank deformation, the tanker needs to be reloaded, Comrade Li Guoqing took the initiative to ask Ying to fully cooperate with the danger and danger elimination, and prepare for fire fighting and rescue. After 2 days and 1 night of hard work, the fire accident was successfully dealt with and a bigger accident was avoided. In the four years since joining the team, Comrade Li Guoqing has made more than 200 police dispatches and rescued and evacuated more than 100 trapped people.

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

Pay attention to study, and be firm in political ideology

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

Comrade Li Guoqing always kept in mind the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's precepts and the spirit of a series of important speeches, unswervingly adhered to the party's absolute leadership, always implemented the highest political requirements for party loyalty, and devoted himself to various tasks with full work enthusiasm and work style, truly interpreting the spirit of the fire rescue team not afraid of hardships and sweating, and gave full play to the exemplary leading role with a decisive battle and decisive fighting attitude, and interpreted "loyalty to the party, strict discipline, going to the soup and fire, and serving the people wholeheartedly" with bit by bit actions The spirit of the precepts.

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".
Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

Practice your skills hard and surpass yourself as a top soldier

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

Although there are no earth-shattering achievements, the leaders are assured and the comrades recognize the best evaluation of Comrade Li Guoqing's silent dedication and selfless dedication. In order to complete various tasks with quality and quantity, "5 + 2" and "white + black" have become the norm of work, and Comrade Li Guoqing will always have inexhaustible strength and unbeatable passion, inspiring all fire and rescue personnel to work towards a common goal. In the training, Comrade Li Guoqing always used inexhaustible energy to do every technical move over and over again, and thought of every tactical detail in place, and also set a training standard for himself of "running one more lap and going faster." In his work, Comrade Li Guoqing is meticulous and conscientious, can absolutely obey the orders of his superiors, and never complains no matter how tired he is; In life, Comrade Li Guoqing was able to unite comrades, think about others everywhere, care about others in everything, and better maintain the mutual unity of the team members.

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".
Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

The interests of the masses are no trivial matter, and the love of the innocent child warms the hearts of the people

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

Comrade Li Guoqing always kept in mind the purpose, wholeheartedly served the people, regarded the station as his hometown, regarded the people as his parents, always kept the safety and suffering of the people in his heart, faithfully fulfilled the solemn promise of "the people's fire protection for the people", and played a moving chapter of loving the people with ordinary and trivial things. It has successively delivered more than 100 times of water to the masses, a total of more than 900 tons of water, more than 60 times of taking hornet's nests, catching snakes more than 100 times, participating in volunteer service activities, the creation of civilized cities, patriotic health 7 special actions and other activities, and participated in more than 30 voluntary actions such as cleaning streets, governing rivers, and washing streets, helping to solve the practical difficulties of the masses with practical actions, and establishing a good image of the fire rescue team being close to the people, loving the people, and serving the people.

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".
Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

In the face of the choice of blood and fire, life and death, Comrade Li Guoqing always rushed to the front without hesitation with the dedication of a fire and rescue personnel, resolutely did not change the original intention of the restructuring, did not change the style of subordination, and was a good "night watchman" of the party and the people, and always be a loyal guardian of the party and the people.

In the next step, the brigade will take this commendation as an opportunity to actively call on all fire and rescue personnel to learn from Comrade Li Guoqing, actively spread the positive energy of young people, maintain the safety of people's lives and property, and faithfully perform the duties and missions of a fire and rescue personnel with their own practical actions.

Good news! A commander and fighter of Ning'er Fire won the honor of "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal".

▌Source: Ning'er County Fire and Rescue Brigade

▌Editor: Zhou Ruini

▌Proofreader: He Yunfu

▌Audit: Ziyuan Yuan

▌Final review: Wang Yi

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