
Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

author:Superman has a different view


Wang Liyun, a veteran actor, has had a strong interest in acting since she was a child. She was born into a family full of artistic atmosphere, which laid a solid foundation for her acting career. With her hard work and talent, she has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry and won the love and recognition of many audiences.

Che Xiaotong is also an excellent actor, and he also has good achievements in his acting career. On the party's 103rd birthday, Wang Liyun posted a set of photos in military uniforms, heroic, so that people couldn't tell that she was 70 years old. The photos quickly went viral on the Internet and sparked heated discussions. As a veteran actor, Wang Liyun has always been loved and recognized by the audience with her excellent acting skills and unique charm. The exposure of this photo not only shows her heroic posture, but also makes people sigh that she is still in excellent condition at the age of 70.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

In addition, Wang Liyun in the photo also appeared with her ex-husband Che Xiaotong, and the two not only had a harmonious relationship, but even celebrated together on their birthdays, showing rare family affection. Such a picture also makes people have a strong interest in their stories, and many people must be full of curiosity about their emotional experiences and attitudes towards life.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

1. Photos of Wang Liyun wearing a military uniform were exposed

Recently, Wang Liyun posted a set of photos in military uniform on the party's 103rd birthday, in which she looked focused and heroic, with no traces of 70 years old at all, and still maintained an excellent state. As a senior actor, Wang Liyun has always loved her career very much, and she is full of dedication and seriousness in every work, so she has also won the love and support of countless audiences.

And being able to see her new works also makes the audience feel very much looking forward to it, and I believe that in the near future, there will be wonderful performances in front of the audience. In addition to her hard work, Wang Liyun's life status has also attracted much attention, although she is over the age of six, she still maintains a healthy body and a positive attitude, and lives a very fulfilling and happy life.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

2. Harmonious coexistence with her ex-husband Che Xiaotong

And in this group of photos, in addition to Wang Liyun's heroic posture, there is also a man who accompanies her, and if you look closely, it turns out to be her ex-husband Che Xiaotong. The two wore military uniforms and appeared in the photo together, and it was very surprising to be able to have such a group photo, after all, they have been divorced for many years, and it is really surprising that they can live in harmony and even celebrate their birthdays together.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

As for the relationship between the two, it has also caused widespread speculation and heated discussions, and many netizens have left messages to bless the two, thinking that it is very rare to be able to get along in such harmony, and hope that they can always be happy like this. The relationship between Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong has always attracted much attention from the outside world, and although their married life has gone through ups and downs, they finally chose to divorce.

In fact, Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong once had a good marriage. They went through many ups and downs together, but in the end they chose to separate. However, their love for their daughter Che Xiao has never diminished. Che Xiao grew up in such a family atmosphere and also developed a positive and optimistic personality. The cultural background of the place also had an influence on them. The place where they live pays attention to the maintenance of family values and family ties, which also allows them to maintain a good relationship after divorce. In the entertainment industry, there are similar cases. For example, a celebrity couple, although they are no longer husband and wife after divorce, they still get along as friends and care about the growth of their children together. This mature way of dealing with it creates a relatively healthy environment for children to grow up.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

3. Che Xiao shared the harmonious picture of his parents

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!
Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

Although the relationship between husband and wife has ended, the two have always given the greatest care and support to the growth of their daughter Che Xiao, and also allowed her to thrive in a healthy and happy family atmosphere. As for her parents' divorce, Che Xiao has always maintained an understanding and tolerant attitude, and she believes that her parents can choose a lifestyle that suits her, which is the best help and education for her.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

On her birthday, she also did not hesitate to post a picture of harmony with her parents, thanking them for their growth and education, and also letting everyone see such a picture, giving the most sincere blessings and support to her parents' choice. And being able to have such a family atmosphere has also benefited Che Xiao a lot, and she has always maintained a positive attitude on her own life path, worked hard, and lived the life she wanted.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

Fourth, Wang Liyun is still active on the screen

In addition to the happiness of family life, Wang Liyun's work is also very good, she has always maintained her love and dedication to her acting career, constantly enriching herself and improving herself, and has gained a lot of works and the love of the audience. Every year, she can be seen on the screen, with many works to meet the audience, and every performance can leave a deep impression, showing very good acting skills and charm.

In the days to come, she still has a number of new works to meet with the audience, I believe that through her efforts and performance, she will be able to bring a lot of surprises and touches to the audience, and I also look forward to her being able to maintain such an excellent state and live the life she wants.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

5. Che Xiao's marriage experience

As Wang Liyun's daughter, she has always attracted much attention, not only because of her identity, but also because of her excellent appearance and temperament, so she is also considered a very successful second-generation star. In terms of marriage choice, she once married a coal boss in Shanxi and lived a very luxurious and wealthy life, but finally chose to divorce.

This experience has also made her receive a lot of attention and heated discussions, many people feel that marriage is not what she imagined, and after the divorce, her life has also undergone some changes, whether it is career or life, she has encountered some difficulties and challenges, but she did not give up, still remained optimistic and strong, worked hard to face everything, and lived the life she wanted.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!

6. The inspiration of a harmonious divorce

Through the stories of Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong, we can not only feel their optimism and positivity, but also get a lot of inspiration and reflection from them. At the age of 70, Wang Liyun is still in excellent condition, and her experience tells us that only by maintaining a positive attitude towards life can we live a fulfilling and happy life, and no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we must face them bravely and stick to our dreams and goals.

, the harmonious coexistence between her and Che Xiaotong shows a very mature divorce model, which has a very far-reaching impact on her life and the growth of her children, and has also given many people a lot of inspiration. In today's society, the phenomenon of divorce is becoming more and more common, and how to divorce harmoniously has become the focus of many people's attention.

Wang Liyun posted the medal of "50 Years of Party Member", and her daughter Che Xiao's ex-husband made a rare appearance, and the picture was harmonious!


The stories of Wang Liyun and Che Xiaotong, whether in their careers or in life, have given us a lot of inspiration and touching, their growth experience tells us that no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we encounter, we must face them bravely, believe in ourselves, and stick to our dreams, so that we can live a wonderful life that truly belongs to us.

Their stories also remind us that when facing marriage and family, we must choose carefully, no matter what kind of choice, it requires a lot of courage and responsibility, and no matter what the result is, we need to face it with a mature and rational attitude, and believe that only in this way can we find true happiness and joy.

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