
"Employees break up and leave in seconds", Baidu Vice President Xuan Jing's controversial remarks fermented, and the company's market value evaporated by more than 6 billion Hong Kong dollars (information source: interface news, Baidu stock price) Recently, hundred

author:Xiaojiu Entertainment Gathering

"Employees break up and leave the company in seconds", Baidu's vice president Xuan Jing's controversial remarks fermented, and the company's market value evaporated by more than 6 billion Hong Kong dollars

(Information source: Jiemian News, Baidu stock price)

Recently, the vice president of Baidu said on a video platform, "I will approve the resignation of employees in seconds", which directly aroused heated discussions among a large number of netizens, and the company's market value evaporated by 6 billion overnight.

In recent years, with the rise of short videos, many entrepreneurs have seen a new development path and have settled in video platforms, such as Yu Minhong, chairman of New Oriental, Lei Jun, chairman of Xiaomi, and Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360.

Baidu Vice President Xuan (qú) Jing may also want to get a piece of the pie and release short videos with the crowd, but she didn't expect her to fall into a storm of public opinion.

After Xuan Jing, known as "Baidu Public Relations No. 1", opened her account, she posted five or six videos in four days, with an average of thousands of likes per video, but more than 900,000 fans, which is seriously disproportionate, and people can't help but suspect that she bought this account.

In addition, the quality of her video content is worrying, which makes most migrant workers feel uncomfortable.

In her first video, she directly and unceremoniously mentioned that "I will approve the resignation of employees in seconds", believing that she has no obligation to consider the employee's family, only whether the employee has completed the work in time at his post.

And she did not ask employees to accompany her on business trips on weekends, did not violate labor laws, and employees did not have to take on important work, so naturally it had nothing to do with promotions and salary increases.

The employee broke up with her boyfriend and had nothing to do with her, the employee could resign if she cared so much about her boyfriend's opinion, and she as a supervisor had no obligation to know the status of the employee.

She claimed that she did not threaten employees, but at the same time said that employees who traveled with her would naturally have incentives and salary increases, and verbally implied that employees should consciously work overtime.

The video may seem like nothing wrong with it, and it's understandable to be a corporate executive asking employees to get their work done, but when you look closely, her logic is full of contradictory pitfalls.

She claimed that she did not violate the labor law by making employees work overtime, but she also hinted that only employees who traveled with her could get a raise, so that employees could get rolls if they didn't want to.

In such a high-pressure environment, employees can't stand resignation, but she pushes the problem to quarrel with her boyfriend, which is not only to avoid the important and trivial, but also to slander the employee.

Even so, Xuan Jing did not think that she was at fault, and continued to publish new videos, revealing that she had received 300 report letters from her subordinates.

In the second video, she confessed that when she first became the vice president of Baidu, she received 300 report letters, which filled her desk.

Xuan Jing scoffed at the letters, dismissing them as low-prongs, and claiming that she would find a lawyer to sue them, and that she would not be threatened at all.

She believes that most of the reports were rumors, and that the employees didn't know what she was doing and just wanted to get rid of her.

She even threatened these employees with their identities and connections, as long as she took action, they could be discredited in the entire industry and not be able to find jobs.

Netizens were very dissatisfied with her attitude of oppressing employees, and did not treat employees as people, but as tools that must listen to her.

Such a pattern has made netizens question Baidu's corporate culture, which is nothing more than the Internet giant.

Baidu's share price has been falling in the past few days, and so far, Baidu's share price has fallen 1.66% to HK$106.5, and its market value has evaporated by more than HK$6 billion.

In the video, Xuan Jing, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, kept her account private after the incident fermented, and netizens with slow Internet speed could not see her "bold words".

She wanted to build herself into a strong character through a sober and calm style, but stealing chickens did not turn out to be a counter-attack, which made people unable to sympathize.

"Employees break up and leave in seconds", Baidu Vice President Xuan Jing's controversial remarks fermented, and the company's market value evaporated by more than 6 billion Hong Kong dollars (information source: interface news, Baidu stock price) Recently, hundred
"Employees break up and leave in seconds", Baidu Vice President Xuan Jing's controversial remarks fermented, and the company's market value evaporated by more than 6 billion Hong Kong dollars (information source: interface news, Baidu stock price) Recently, hundred
"Employees break up and leave in seconds", Baidu Vice President Xuan Jing's controversial remarks fermented, and the company's market value evaporated by more than 6 billion Hong Kong dollars (information source: interface news, Baidu stock price) Recently, hundred

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