
"Education expert" Zhao Juying's suppressive education is very popular with parents, forcing girls to throw away grain, threatening boys to smash figures, and saying "good for you", pleasing parents but unable to help children.

author:Xiaojiu Entertainment Gathering

"Education expert" Zhao Juying's suppressive education is very popular with parents, forcing girls to throw away grain, threatening boys to smash figures, saying "good for you", pleasing parents but unable to help children, and their real identities are actually dishonest and old-fashioned, these so-called "experts" should be severely cracked down

(Source: Jimu News video content on May 6, 2024)

Wishing for a son to become a Chan is the hope of the vast majority of Chinese parents.

In order to improve their children's grades, parents are heartbroken, but they often have no choice, so they have to turn to the so-called "experts".

Recently, such an "education expert" has become popular, but not because of how useful her educational methods are, but because the means are too much.

The "expert's" accounts on a certain video platform are "Zhao Juying's Family Education", "Home Visit to China", "Zhao Juying Talks about Education", etc., which are used to record her "great achievements".

Zhao Juying is actually an old teacher who was dismissed for violating school regulations, and failed to speculate in stocks, with a debt of 3 million yuan.

But she packaged herself as an "education expert" under the name of a "retired teacher", and satisfied the psychology of parents through repressive education, making them think that what she did was for the good of their children.

But her so-called "good for the children" is aimed at two-dimensional students, letting the children destroy what they like with their own hands.

In one video, she enters a girl's room and first praises the cleanliness of the room, saying that it is "like a girl's room".

Then she sat down at the desk, and when she saw the dazzling array of grains on the table, she frowned, thinking that the girl's concentration was not good.

After learning that the girl was a second-year junior high school student, she thought that the girl was still messing up things when she was so old, so she started to clean up the grain, and criticized the girl for being a baby wearing diapers.

Later, she asked the girl to throw away the millet herself, and persuaded her to put all her energy into studying.

Regarding the girl's obedient and obedient performance, some netizens commented sharply: Zhao Juying specially picked those girls with middle and upper grades, and she didn't dare to look at the little sisters who smoked and drank, for fear of the little sisters.

Not only this girl, but also a boy who was also suppressed.

In another video, Zhao Juying held a ring ruler in her hand and trained the boy standing at the base of the wall to the point that he couldn't raise his head.

She smashes the boy's Gundam figures to the ground and asks him to bring the board from the kitchen, forcing him to smash them after asking him the price of each of them.

The boy was very reluctant to give up his beloved figure, and casually said "ouch", but was ridiculed by Zhao Juying, "This is your father, this is your mother?" And because of the boy's "disobedient" behavior, she also hit the boy's palm with a ring ruler.

After the boy smashed all the figures, she also forced the boy to smash it willingly, and pushed her own responsibility cleanly.

Zhao Juying's behavior angered countless netizens, and her repressive education is only to please those incompetent parents who dump their education problems on the two-dimensional hobby, and it cannot really solve the problem.

In the eyes of these parents, their children's academic performance is not good enough, not because of their educational failures, but because of "playthings".

In fact, every generation of parents has such a "back-pot man" in their hearts, and it used to be martial arts novels, arcade games, romance dramas, and so on.

According to their train of thought, each generation was "ruined".

Therefore, Zhao Juying's problem is not only the problem of this dishonest teacher, but also the problem that the majority of parents do not have sufficient understanding of education.

Parents should learn more about their children's situation, find the education methods that are really suitable for their children, and not listen to the opinions of "education experts" at will!

"Education expert" Zhao Juying's suppressive education is very popular with parents, forcing girls to throw away grain, threatening boys to smash figures, and saying "good for you", pleasing parents but unable to help children.
"Education expert" Zhao Juying's suppressive education is very popular with parents, forcing girls to throw away grain, threatening boys to smash figures, and saying "good for you", pleasing parents but unable to help children.
"Education expert" Zhao Juying's suppressive education is very popular with parents, forcing girls to throw away grain, threatening boys to smash figures, and saying "good for you", pleasing parents but unable to help children.

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