
Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

author:Lotte Curiosity

In the middle of the night, in the suburbs of Dahong Village, Changtan Town, Zhongxiang, Hubei Province, in the desolate area of the sky in the distance, the roar of firecrackers was high and deafening, like a magnificent symphony, adding endless joyful atmosphere to the Spring Festival in this village. This is a traditional Chinese New Year custom, and children are like carnival-like children, happily setting off firecrackers to welcome the arrival of the new year.

However, on this lively night, there were several young people with nervous expressions lurking in that desolate land. They are prostrate on the ground, engrossed, constantly alert to the wind and grass around them, as if they are planning a mysterious and important action.

Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

Suddenly, a human head burst out of the ground between several people, and the man bowed slightly to his companions with a serious face, indicating that everything was ready. Then, he casually threw the electric drill in his hand to the ground next to him.

Immediately afterward, a young man discreetly took a few explosives from the package and jumped into the unfathomable pit without hesitation. Only a dull sound of "bang" was heard, and a puff of dust flew from the bottom of the pit in an instant.

As the dust began to fall, the young man had already made several holes in the top of the tomb and quickly shoved a towel into it.

After a few moments, he managed to crawl out of the pit, exhausted, but his eyes firmly signaled to his companions that he could light the fuse. At this moment, a bunch of colorful fireworks burst above their heads, sparks flying everywhere, and smoke filled the air.

A few people, you look at me, I look at you, smile knowingly, and then insert the lit fuse into the hole.

A loud "boom" that shook the world suddenly erupted in the night sky, and several people were almost stunned, almost unable to maintain a stable body posture. They clung to the walls, closed their eyes, and waited for the smoke from the explosion to dissipate.

Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

However, amidst the lively sound of firecrackers in the village, this thrilling explosion seemed insignificant.

After a long wait, a young man finally cautiously entered the pit again to check how effective the blasting was. Disappointingly, however, the top of the burial chamber was rock solid and barely affected.

After a long discussion between the crowd and the others, they made a deliberate decision to temporarily evacuate this uncharted area, patiently waiting for a more appropriate time to proceed with their actions. On the night of the 14th day of the Lunar New Year, they resolutely returned to the place, and after a long period of excavation and blasting, the top of the tomb remained rock solid and showed no signs of wavering.

On the twenty-third day of the first lunar month, this group of energetic young people changed their strategy and set their sights on the tomb of King Yingjing not far away, intending to find some rare cultural relics and treasures that might survive. Unfortunately, to everyone's surprise, one of the members was accidentally detected by the local patrol police and subsequently faced arrest. During the interrogation, the criminal plans of this tomb robber gang finally surfaced.

Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

This group of ignorant tomb robbers immediately went to the end of the road.

After an in-depth interrogation, the police finally uncover the truth of all this. It turned out that these young people were so obsessed with this because they had twice launched a fierce blasting attack on the same mysterious ancient tomb in an attempt to open the hidden treasure inside. Although they did not succeed, they have already caused irreparable damage to this precious tomb.

Faced with such a situation, the relevant archaeological experts decisively proposed that urgent rescue excavations must be launched immediately to prevent further damage to the precious cultural relics. Soon after, a large archaeological team was quickly assembled and engaged in the excavation work in an orderly manner.

When they arrived at the scene, they were shocked by what they saw - the burial chamber was already filled with muddy water, and water droplets were oozing from the top from time to time, apparently badly damaged. After meticulous investigation, the experts were even more surprised to find that the gate of this tomb was actually made of stone on one side and a decaying wooden structure on the other, and the identity of the owner of the cemetery was really puzzling.

Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

After in-depth discussion and analysis, senior experts in the archaeological team finally revealed the answer to this mystery. It turned out that the owner of this tomb turned out to be the famous Liangzhuang King Zhu Zhanyan of the Ming Dynasty! He is the grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, a generation of Ming monarchs, with a noble status and a transcendent status.

Knowing this shocking answer, everyone present couldn't help but take their breath away.

As the son of Zhu Yuanzhang, Taizu of the Ming Dynasty and the younger brother of Zhu Jianshen of Ming Xianzong, Zhu Zhanyan has been immersed in the endless glory of the emperor and general since the moment he was born. And after his elder brother Zhu Zhanji became Emperor Ming Xiaozong, he did not hesitate to give Zhu Zhanji a huge wealth of up to 100,000 banknotes, which shows his incomparable love for this younger brother.

However, what is incomprehensible is that Zhu Zhanyan has an introverted and modest personality, and even seems a little weak and timid. According to historical records, there was a time when one of his six-rank officials, Kong Qin, openly accused and kicked Zhu Zhanyan in front of everyone, which was really shocking.

Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

As a noble prince, Zhu Zhanyan should have punished Kong Qin immediately, but he was powerless to resist and could only let the other party act recklessly. What's even funnier is that Zhu Zhanyan not only did not pursue Kong Qin's crimes, but began to reflect on whether he was at fault, and even fell into despair for a while, and had the idea of suicide.

Zhu Zhanyan's wife, Princess Liang, had a deep affection for her husband, and Zhu Zhanyan admired her virtuous and kind before her death, so after her husband died, Princess Liang tried to be martyred twice to repay her husband's deep friendship.

In the end, Zhu Zhanyan decided to let his wife raise his two young daughters with peace of mind. Zhu Zhanyan was only in his early thirties when he died, leaving behind a thought-provoking nickname "Zhuang".

In order to fulfill Princess Liang's wish to be buried with her husband, the craftsmen at that time had to tear down the original sturdy stone tomb door and instead use a decaying wooden door to patchwork together with the stone door, which is the origin of the mausoleum's unique "half stone and half wood" structure.

Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

After the hard work of the archaeological team, the richness of the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb of Zhu Zhanyan made everyone amazed. According to statistics, a total of more than 5,100 pieces of gold and silver utensils, more than 3,400 pieces of gems and pearls have been unearthed, the most precious of which is a "gold-inlaid gemstone white jade hollow dragon wearing peony hat".

This treasure is beautifully crafted and highly skilled, and every detail is a national treasure. In addition, the total weight of the unearthed gold artifacts is close to twenty catties, and its value is self-evident.

Although Zhu Zhanyan is only a prince and his status is far inferior to that of the royal family, judging from the quantity and quality of these funeral goods, the treatment he enjoys is indeed extremely luxurious, almost comparable to some imperial tombs.

The experts studied deeply and found that the royal family's appreciation and love for this prince back then was incomparable.

Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

If those crazy tomb robbers can fulfill their wish and successfully tear the seal of this tomb of King Liang, they will ruthlessly sell those national treasures, which is simply irreparable damage to cultural heritage, which can be called a tragic loss!

Fortunately, it is a miracle that the document was unearthed unscathed and unscathed.

However, the defensive structure of Zhu Zhanyan's tomb is ingenious, and instead of using the traditional top-down excavation method, it first excavates a huge pit with a bottomless depth, and then excavates the tomb horizontally from the bottom of the pit outward.

The roof of the tomb is made of green bricks, and a special material of glutinous rice mixed with lime is added to form a structure that is tougher than modern concrete, which is why the robbers could not shake the roof even with electric drills and explosives.

Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

In fact, it is not difficult to open the door of Zhu Zhanyan's tomb. If those young tomb robbers can calmly analyze, use their ingenuity, and choose clever ways to pry, they may be able to successfully open this mysterious mausoleum.

After all, after two violent explosions, the roof of the tomb was already in danger, and the original solidity was no longer there.

Sadly, however, this group of greedy tomb robbers went their own way, blindly using brute force and violence, and in the end, they fell short, brushed shoulders with this amazing wealth, and missed the perfect opportunity to become rich.

When they heard the archaeological experts tell them in detail about the precious artifacts in the tomb, everyone felt extremely sorry and sighed. You must know that the treasures unearthed in this royal tomb are all important weapons of the country! If they had succeeded, those precious artifacts would have been sold out long ago, and the royal cultural heritage would have disappeared.

Firecrackers were set off for the Chinese New Year as cover, and several young people took electric drills to drill holes and blew up the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang

Several young people could not help but feel sad and regret their impulsiveness and ignorance. Instead of taking risks, they were supposed to be able to accumulate wealth on the legal path with wisdom and diligence, but instead of taking risks, they ended up with nothing and paid a heavy price – the loss of their freedom.

It is true that wealth can be obtained through industrious hands, but it must not go astray. Only by abiding by laws and regulations and working hard in a down-to-earth manner can we win a happy and fulfilling life.

Blindly pursuing shortcuts is not only against the code of ethics, but it will ultimately pay a heavy price.

These young people are undoubtedly brilliant and outstanding, but it is lamentable that in a pinch, they fail to show enough wisdom and instead blindly fall into the mire of greed. This indisputable fact is like a heavy alarm bell, which sends a warning to our younger generation: we must be wary of the temptation of financial gain, always keep a clear head, and uphold the integrity of life attitude and values, only in this way can we lead us to a hopeful and bright future.

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