
I can't laugh anymore, the cute baby took a toy electric drill to wake up her father, and I died laughing in the comments of netizens

author:Happy banana cat
I can't laugh anymore, the cute baby took a toy electric drill to wake up her father, and I died laughing in the comments of netizens

On June 30th, a little baby in Jiangsu took a toy electric drill to his sleeping father, trying to wake up his father who was sleeping lazily on the weekend.

I can't laugh anymore, the cute baby took a toy electric drill to wake up her father, and I died laughing in the comments of netizens

Kid, where are you drilling?

It turned out that the son wanted to play with his father, but the father finally caught a weekend and couldn't catch up on sleep. After the son asked his mother, the mother asked him to figure out his own way, and the son had to "make this decision".


As soon as the video spread on the Internet, netizens ridiculed, "Don't hurry up and coax your son, wait for the next time the water gun is filled with urine, who will call you", "This kid is quite smart and knows how to drill screws", "What are you, my son woke up in the morning and directly buttoned my nose to wake me up"——

Let's take a look at what netizens ridiculed:

If you give birth to one, you can experience being abrupt [laughs]

I can't laugh anymore, the cute baby took a toy electric drill to wake up her father, and I died laughing in the comments of netizens

Like you, I just had a fight in the morning because of this

I can't laugh anymore, the cute baby took a toy electric drill to wake up her father, and I died laughing in the comments of netizens

Hahaha, the top filial son

I can't laugh anymore, the cute baby took a toy electric drill to wake up her father, and I died laughing in the comments of netizens

The place where he drilled was a little awkward, haha [covering his face] He took that for a rivet

I can't laugh anymore, the cute baby took a toy electric drill to wake up her father, and I died laughing in the comments of netizens

My family too, as long as he wakes up, you are not allowed to sleep, you have to play with him all the time, little ancestor [covering his face]

I can't laugh anymore, the cute baby took a toy electric drill to wake up her father, and I died laughing in the comments of netizens
I can't laugh anymore, the cute baby took a toy electric drill to wake up her father, and I died laughing in the comments of netizens


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