
Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

author:Shen Zhi Yi

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Shen Zhiyi

Edited by Shen Zhiyi

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life


Life is too short, how to live a wonderful life?

Do you go with the flow and spend your life doing nothing, or do you want to pursue it bravely and live your own life?

Does a person's life really have to live to be 100 years old to be considered complete?

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

Unruly teenager, unexpectedly staying in school

Xie Yuan, this name may be a little unfamiliar to most people.

But when it comes to the comedian on the screen in the eighties and nineties of the last century, who always showed a simple smile and brought countless joys to the audience, I believe many people will suddenly realize.

Xie Yuan's comedic talent and unique charm made him one of the most popular actors of that era.

However, behind this superstar, there is a little-known legendary life.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

Xie Yuan's life is a legend.

He was not from a wealthy background, his father died young, his mother remarried, and he spent his childhood at his grandmother's house.

His stepfather's surname was Xie, and he also changed his surname.

Perhaps due to the influence of family changes, Xie Yuan was introverted when he was a teenager.

It wasn't until he entered adolescence that his personality gradually became publicized under the care of his stepfather, and naughty mischief became commonplace.

Xie Yuan's stepfather was a generous and benevolent person, and his tolerance and guidance made Xie Yuan regain his confidence and happiness.

Xie Yuan, who did not achieve satisfactory results in the college entrance examination, was admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy by mistake.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

During his time at school, his pranks made his classmates miserable, and he vividly imitated the teacher and sent his good brothers Zhang Fengyi and Zhang Tielin to the "hospital".

However, this teenager, who had the lowest academic performance and played the troublemaker to the extreme, unexpectedly got the opportunity to stay in school to teach when he graduated, which surprised everyone.

It turned out that Xie Yuan's talent and potential had long been seen by the teachers.

They believe that this unruly teenager will eventually go further on the road of performance.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

Missed children, broken marriages

In the early eighties, Xie Yuan fell in love with his first love.

The two met and fell in love at film school, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

However, the happy life did not last long.

The wife quietly performed an abortion without Xie Yuan's knowledge, and this secret became the last straw that crushed the relationship between the two.

In 1991, the marriage ended in divorce.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

Xie Yuan's longing for his children and his disappointment in his wife turned into eternal pain in his heart.

He began to doubt himself, his love, and even the meaning of life.

Xie Yuan's desire for children has been buried in his heart since then.

He hides at work and numbs himself with his role.

Perhaps unwilling to face the emotional trauma again, or afraid of losing it again, Xie Yuan has been celibate since then.

It wasn't until the appearance of another girl that his long-closed heart was opened again.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

This girl is Qiu Yue, who later accompanied him all his life.

It was her appearance that rekindled Xie Yuan's hope for life and longing for love.

Love with a seventeen-year difference

In 1996, Xie Yuan met Qiu Yue, a female student 17 years younger than him, in the crew.

At that time, Xie Yuan was already a famous actor, and Qiu Yue was still a newcomer who had just stepped into the showbiz.

The two became acquainted with each other because of the play, knew each other because of their common hobbies, and fell in love because of each other's appreciation.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

The age gap, in their eyes, has never been a problem.

On the contrary, it is this difference in life experience that makes their love more precious and moving.

Faced with this long-overdue love, Xie Yuan fell into a tangle again.

He didn't want to delay Qiu Yue's youth, and wanted to give her enough time to think about it.

And Qiu Yue's persistence resolved all Xie Yuan's concerns.

She said, "I care about you as a person, I care about our future, let the past pass."

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

Qiu Yue's maturity and firmness moved Xie Yuan.

He understands that this time, he has met his true soulmate.

In 1998, the two finally became married.

The lives of the newlyweds Yan'er, Qingqing and me, Xie Yuan and Qiu Yue are as sweet and joyful as their laughter.

However, life is hard to come by.

Ten years later, when the two wanted to have children, they found that their age and physical condition no longer allowed it.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

This news is undoubtedly a heavy blow.

But Xie Yuan and Qiu Yue chose to face it with a positive and optimistic attitude.

They understand that the meaning of love is never as simple as reproduction.

The Dinks had fun

The child has once again become a regret that Xie Yuan cannot cross.

But he was not crushed by regrets, but faced life with a more open-minded attitude.

"We can always be in a world of two people", Xie Yuan comforted himself and his lover.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

They decided to give each other all their love.

From then on, their lives belonged only to each other.

Without the pressure of having children, Xie Yuan and Qiu Yue live more freely.

Together, they delved into astronomical knowledge, talked about the philosophy of life, and laughed at the world's eyes.

In Xie Yuan's later years, Qiu Yue has always been by his side, and the two jointly deduced what it is to "hold the hand of the son and grow old with the son".

In their own way, they interpret the true meaning of love.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

That is, no matter whether you are rich or poor, no matter in good times or bad, you will never give up and grow old hand in hand.

Sixty years of open-minded life

On August 18, 2020, Xie Yuan died of a heart attack.

Before his death, he left his last words, no funeral, everything is simple.

Perhaps, he wanted to leave Qiu Yue a clean farewell, just like his life, although he has only been 61 years, he has lived such a wonderful life.

Xie Yuan's departure took away the joyful memories of an era, but his influence will always remain in people's hearts.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

Xie Yuan's life has ups and downs, laughter and tears.

His open-mindedness allows him to face the unperfection of life calmly; His true temperament won the hearts of his lovers and friends; He used his own way to live a different and wonderful life.

Xie Yuan used his life to tell the world that the meaning of life is not in length, but in thickness.

A person, as long as he lives his or her own life, even if it is only for a few decades, can still shine.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

His story tells us that instead of living to be 100 years old, it is better to live a wonderful life for decades, just like him.

The meaning of life is not how long you live, but how wonderful you live and live yourself.

Xie Yuan has spent 60 years performing a wonderful life drama.

His open-mindedness, his true temperament, and his persistent pursuit are all worthy of each of us to learn and think about.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life


A short life can also bloom with dazzling brilliance.

Let us be like Xie Yuan, embrace life with an open-minded attitude, laugh at suffering, and pursue happiness.

Perhaps, when we look back on the past, what we will leave behind will also be a shining and unforgettable journey.

Xie Yuan: Don't have children before you die, don't hold a funeral after you die, and you don't need a hundred years for an open-minded life

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