
Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

author:Walk through the shadows


Xie Yuan is one of the "Three Musketeers of Mainland Comedy", the "Four Best Actors" who have won many awards, and the eternal humor in the hearts of the audience.

However, it was such a radiant star who made a puzzling decision at the end of his life and resolutely refused to hold a funeral.

In a blink of an eye, Xie Yuan has been dead for four years, why did he choose a life without children and no daughters, and why did he insist on not doing it when he was dying.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

A magical twist of fate

Xie Yuan is destined to perform a wonderful drama on the stage of life, however, fate seems to have arranged an unexpected turn for him.

Xie Yuan lost his father when he was 2 years old, and his mother had to remarry in order to make a living.

Xie Yuanxin in his youth, very interested in archaeology, in the college entrance examination, he set his sights on the Department of Archaeology of Peking University, but the result gave him a blow to the head, just when Xie Yuan was confused, the god of fate quietly smiled.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

A discerning teacher discovered Xie Yuan's amazing talent for imitation, and without any professional training, Xie Yuan was able to interpret various roles vividly.

A teacher's suggestion made Xie Yuan's life trajectory take a huge turn, and he decided to apply for the Beijing Film Academy.

In 1978, Xie Yuan stood in the examination room of Beiying, but he chose a different path, Xie Yuan began to imitate, from expression to action, from tone to lines, interpreting each character vividly.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

In this way, Xie Yuan became the first and only student in the history of Beijing Film Academy to be admitted with his imitation ability.

Since then, the gears of fate have begun to turn, and a future master of comedy is hibernating.

Xie Yuan, who walked into the Beiying campus, is like a fish in water, because there are professional guidance, like-minded partners, and unlimited possibilities.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

He eagerly learns acting techniques, delves into theater theory, and strives to translate his talent into professionalism, and it is at this time that Xie Yuan gradually discovers that he has a special preference and talent for comedy.

After graduation, Xie Yuan did not rush to join the film and television industry, but chose to stay in school to teach, this decision seemed uneventful, but it laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

In the process of teaching and learning, Xie Yuan has continuously improved his performance skills and accumulated rich stage experience.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

In 1981, Xie Yuan was invited to participate in "New Soldier Ma Qiang" directed by director Yu Qing, playing the role of "Xiao Yunfeng", which was his first step into the film and television industry, although it did not cause much repercussions, but it opened the door to his acting career.

In the following years, Xie Yuan participated in a number of works, but the real turning point came in 1987.

In order to perfectly interpret the role, Xie Yuan did not hesitate to sacrifice his image, did not take a bath or wash for a long time, starved and thin, and tanned his skin.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

This kind of professionalism and outstanding performance won him the "Golden Phoenix Award Society Award" and also made him stand out in the entertainment industry.

Since then, Xie Yuan's acting career has been like a rocket, and he has frequently appeared in major film and television works, creating roles that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In 1995, his film with Ge You and Liang Tian made him famous in one fell swoop, and he was known as one of the "Three Musketeers of Mainland Comedy".

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

From the hopeful archaeological dream, to stepping into the theater by mistake, from an unknown film school student, to the radiant "Four Actors".

Xie Yuan's life trajectory is like a wonderful drama, full of accidents and surprises.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

Ups and downs of love

Xie Yuan's love script is like a series of ups and downs, both sweet and warm, but also bitter and helpless, and his two marriages, like two completely different stories, are also deeply imprinted in his life.

Xiaolin, the daughter of a high school teacher, was Xie Yuan's first wife.

At that time, after Xie Yuan entered the Beijing Film Academy, he maintained a close contact with Xiaolin, Xiaolin had a dream of stardom, and Xie Yuan happened to become the teacher of Beiying.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

The affection between the two gradually grew under such a coincidence, however, Xiaolin's dream of being an actor did not come true, and she finally chose the path of medicine.

Xie Yuan waited for four years, and on the day Xiaolin graduated from university, Xie Yuan knelt down on one knee and made a lifelong commitment.

There was no luxurious wedding, no extravagant diamond rings, only two hearts that sincerely loved each other, and their married life began in this way, although they were poor, but full of hope.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

The reality is always unsatisfactory, due to financial difficulties, the newlywed Xie Yuan had to live in the house of his parents-in-law, and the gossip of the neighbors was like a sharp sword, piercing the hearts of the newlyweds.

In 1984, Xie Yuan finally ushered in a turning point in his career, because of his outstanding performance in "The Child King", he became famous in one fell swoop, followed by a series of film and television works, and Xie Yuan's life gradually improved.

However, an accident in 1986 completely changed the trajectory of this marriage, Xiaolin became pregnant, but she chose not to have this child.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

As an obstetrician and gynecologist, Xiaolin has seen too many joys and sorrows caused by her child, and she feels that she is not ready to welcome a new life.

This decision was like a time bomb, which finally detonated the contradiction between the two, and the disappointment and anger in Xie Yuan's heart were not because of the loss of the child, but because of his wife's concealment.

Once the rift of trust appeared, it was difficult to heal, and in 1991, the marriage, which had lasted for nearly a decade, finally ended in divorce.

The drama of life is that when you think a story has ended, a new chapter quietly opens, in 1996, Xie Yuan, who teaches at Beijing Film Academy, meets Qiu Yue, a quirky female student.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

Qiu Yue is 17 years younger than Xie Yuan, full of vitality, like a little sun that never goes out, she is not Xie Yuan's professional student, but she always skips classes to listen to lectures, and often asks some strange questions.

Xie Yuan was attracted by the young girl's vitality, but out of protection for her, he chose to restrain his feelings, even if Xie Yuan politely rejected Qiu Yue's confession and told her to wait for her to grow up, Qiu Yue still waited persistently.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, 47-year-old Xie Yuan and 30-year-old Qiu Yue entered the palace of marriage.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

And Xie Yuan and Qiu Yue's marriage, like a melodious hymn to love, will compose their own happy movement in the next 22 years.

When Qiu Yue was ready to have a child for Xie Yuan, fate played a joke on them again, and after years of unsuccessful efforts, Xie Yuan and Qiu Yue had to face the reality that they could not have children.

In order to protect his wife, Xie Yuan claimed to the public that he insisted on "Dink" and took all the pressure on himself.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

Gentle lies

Xie Yuan and Qiu Yue's journey to pregnancy was a journey full of hardships and tears, and soon after marriage, the two began to try to get pregnant. As time passed, the expected good news never came.

They traveled to various hospitals and tried various methods, but the results were always disappointing.

Every failure is like an invisible knife, deeply stabbing the couple's hearts, especially Qiu Yue, as a wife who is 17 years younger than Xie Yuan, she is under more pressure.

Xie Yuan saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart, he knew his wife's pain very well, and he also understood that this pain could last for a long time.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

Xie Yuan is well aware that in traditional Chinese culture, infertility is often regarded as "unfilial piety", and he is well aware that this decision may expose him to huge public pressure.

Since then, Xie Yuan has always adhered to the statement of "Dink" in public, he said that not having children is to better enjoy the world of the two and to be able to devote himself to his career.

He even humorously said that he was a "child who didn't grow up" and didn't need a real child to distract him.

This gentle lie not only protected Qiu Yue, but also gave the two of them a breathing space.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

In order to make up for the regret of not having children, Xie Yuan poured more love into Qiu Yue, and they traveled together, learned new skills, participated in public welfare activities, and worked hard to make life more colorful.

Xie Yuan also pays special attention to children's public welfare undertakings and expresses his care for the next generation in his own way.

As time passed, Xie Yuan and Qiu Yue gradually accepted the reality and truly began to enjoy the beauty of their world, and their relationship became deeper and deeper, supporting each other and facing the challenges of life together.

Xie Yuan often said that Qiu Yue was his "little padded jacket" and the most important person in his life.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

The final curtain call

On August 18, 2018, a piece of news shocked the entire entertainment industry like a thunderbolt from the sky, and the famous actor Xie Yuan died of a heart attack in Beijing at the age of 61.

The master of comedy, who once brought laughter to countless audiences, passed away quietly, and what is even more surprising is that Xie Yuan insisted on not holding a funeral before his death, a decision that made many people confused and puzzled.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

On the occasion of his death, Xie Yuan made a special request to his wife Qiu Yue - not to hold a funeral for him.

Xie Yuan's decision reflects his consistent attitude towards the world to a certain extent, and in his acting career, Xie Yuan has always maintained a low-key and humble style.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

The decision not to hold a funeral may also stem from Xie Yuan's unique understanding of life.

In addition, Xie Yuan's decision may also be out of protection for his family, and he knows that his death will bring a huge blow to his wife Qiu Yue.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

If a funeral is held, Qiu Yue will have to deal with all the guests in grief, which will undoubtedly increase her psychological burden, and by not holding a funeral, Xie Yuan may want to give his wife a quiet mourning space.

Despite the absence of a funeral, Xie Yuan's death has sparked widespread public attention, with people taking to social media to express their nostalgia for the comedy master, review his classics and share the joy he brought to people.

Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters in his life, and resolutely refused to hold a funeral when he was dying, has passed away for 5 years

This kind of spontaneous commemoration, to some extent, reflects the status of Xie Yuan in people's hearts more than any formal ceremony.

Xie Yuan's life is as wonderful as the comedy he performs, from obscurity to attention, from a young boy to a respected artist, he has left a strong mark in the Chinese film and television industry with his talent and efforts.

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