
Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

author:Dinghaishen needle

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Dinghaishen needle

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Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving


What kind of ups and downs does a person's life have to go through in order to be called a legend?

Is it glory, or ups and downs?

Is it to have a perfect family, or to regret it for the rest of your life?

Let's follow the footsteps of Xie Yuan, the "Four Actors", to explore his extraordinary life trajectory, appreciate his acting achievements and emotional entanglements, and feel his open-mindedness and freedom in life.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

Ill-fated, ups and downs of childhood

In 1959, Xie Yuan was born into a Manchu family and was supposed to have the surname "Song", but fate seemed to play a joke on him from the beginning.

When he was only two years old, Xie Yuan lost his biological father and changed his surname to "Xie" with his stepfather, starting his life with ups and downs.

Xie Yuan in childhood was a typical troubled teenager.

Naughty and mischievous, he is not good at school, and he can't seem to find the direction of life.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

However, a turning point in fate crept in.

A discerning teacher discovered Xie Yuan's acting talent and encouraged him to apply for the Beijing Film Academy.

In 1978, Xie Yuan stepped into the door of Beiying and started his acting career.

Here, he is at home and his talent is unleashed.

He has an excellent ability to imitate and quickly capture the charm of a character.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

This innate talent made him stand out from his classmates and also attracted the attention of his teachers.

The spring breeze is proud, the glorious years of acting career

After graduating from university, Xie Yuan was not in a hurry to step into the entertainment industry, but chose to stay in school to teach.

From a problematic student in the past to a strict teacher and helpful friend today, Xie Yuan has completed an amazing transformation.

He is extremely strict with his performance requirements and has put a lot of effort into the training of his students.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

Under his careful guidance, a number of outstanding actors such as Yu Nan and Sun Li have emerged.

However, Xie Yuan's acting talent is destined not to be bound by the classroom.

In 1987, he won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor for the first time with his outstanding performance.

This award, like a thunderclap, caused a huge repercussion in the entertainment industry.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

Xie Yuan, a once unknown teacher, became a much-anticipated actor overnight.

Since then, Xie Yuan has started a brilliant acting career.

He has won the actor trophy four times and is known as the "Four Best Actors".

From dramas to comedies, from ancient costumes to modern times, Xie Yuan controls various roles with ease.

His dedication and love for acting is perfectly interpreted in every role.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

The road to love is bumpy, and two frustrated marriages

However, life is like a play, and drama is like life.

Xie Yuan's love life is full of ups and downs.

His first marriage began with an encounter when he was a student.

Xiaolin, the daughter of Xie Yuan's enlightenment teacher, turned to Xie Yuan for help because of her acting dreams.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

The two sparked a spark of love in getting along day and night, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

However, reality is far from being as rosy as a fairy tale.

Without a home of their own, the young couple had to live with their parents-in-law.

This situation inevitably leads to gossip.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

In order to get rid of the rumor of "eating soft rice", Xie Yuan devoted himself more to his work, frequently going in and out of various crews.

Just when her career was in full swing, Xiaolin made a decision that Xie Yuan couldn't accept.

She hid it from her husband and quietly had an abortion.

When Xie Yuan learned the truth, shock, anger, grief, and all kinds of emotions were intertwined.

He couldn't understand his wife's choice, let alone forgive her for deceiving.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

Eventually, the marriage came to an end.

The frustrated Xie Yuan was not defeated.

In 1998, he and actor Qiu Yue, who was 17 years younger, stepped into the palace of marriage again.

This time, Xie Yuan learned to treat feelings more maturely.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

He fully supported his wife's career, and the two went hand in hand to pursue their acting dreams together.

has no children and no daughters, and calmly faces the regrets of life

However, God always seems to like to joke with Xie Yuan.

Although he has a love and a career, he has never been associated with the role of "father".

Due to their early filming careers and work pressure, Xie Yuan and Qiu Yue missed the best age to have children.

By the time they were ready to have children, they realized it was too late.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

Not having children is a pity for many.

But Xie Yuan faced all this with a detached attitude.

He and Qiu Yue chose the "Dink" lifestyle and poured all their love into each other.

In Xie Yuan's view, with the nourishment of love, life is complete enough.

In his later years, Xie Yuan gradually faded out of the public eye, but he did not stop pursuing the performing arts.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

He often works behind the scenes, providing guidance and assistance to young actors.

This selfless dedication also infected his wife Qiu Yue.

With Xie Yuan's support, Qiu Yue's career has reached new heights.

Refuse the funeral and face the end of life with an open mind

In 2020, bad news came.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

Xie Yuan died of a heart attack at the age of 64.

However, this superstar in the film industry has made a surprising decision——— rejecting the traditional funeral and only having a simple farewell ceremony.

For Xie Yuan, the meaning of life is not to commemorate, but to live in the present.

He wants people to remember his work and contributions, rather than drowning in grief.

This decision fully reflects Xie Yuan's open-minded attitude towards life.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

In his own way, he completed the curtain call of his life.

It has been 4 years since Xie Yuan passed away, but his spirit lives on.

His wife, Qiu Yue, still lives alone.

In her opinion, this is the best way to commemorate her husband.

Whenever she misses her husband, she will always quietly go to his grave and tell her inner thoughts.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

This deep and calm love is moving.


Xie Yuan's life is a legend of ups and downs.

From obscurity to fame, from the loss of love to the regain of happiness, Xie Yuan has experienced all kinds of joys and sorrows in life.

Although he did not have a complete family, he lived an extraordinary life with an open-minded attitude.

Xie Yuan used his own way to interpret what it means to be truly "alive".

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

His story is not only the story of an actor, but also the story of a mortal who bravely faced his fate.

Whether it is the ups and downs of feelings or the ups and downs of his career, Xie Yuan has always treated life with an optimistic and calm attitude, leaving us with valuable spiritual wealth.

Today, although Xie Yuan is gone from us, his spirit lives on.

Let us take him as an example, face the joys and sorrows of life with a more open-minded attitude, and live an infinite wonderful life in a limited life.

Xie Yuan had no children and no daughters in his life, and refused to be buried when he died, and the choice of his widow after 4 years was moving

This may be the best tribute to Xie Yuan.

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