
Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

author:A good man has a safe life

Xie Yuan, this name may not be unfamiliar to many people, he is a person with his own unique philosophy of life. He chose a different path – Dink, which is choosing not to have children. In the eyes of many people, this may be an incomprehensible decision, but Xie Yuan has his own reasons and opinions.

First of all, Xie Yuan believes that when you are in the world, you should enjoy every moment of life to the fullest. He feels that life itself is a beautiful experience, whether it is joy or sadness, it is a part of life. He doesn't like to be bound by traditional concepts, such as being sure to get married and have children, and having offspring to continue the incense. Xie Yuan feels that these concepts are all remnants of a bygone era, and that modern society should be more open and inclusive, and everyone has the right to choose their own way of life.

In Xie Yuan's view, not having children does not mean being irresponsible, but rather a kind of thoughtful consideration for himself and his future. He feels that if he does not have enough ability and conditions to give his children a happy life, then not having children is a more responsible choice. Xie Yuan also mentioned that there is so much pressure in society now, and raising a child requires not only money, but also time and energy. He didn't want to sacrifice his chances to pursue his dreams and enjoy life because of a child.

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

Xie Yuan's view may cause controversy among some people, but he doesn't care. He believes that everyone has the right to live their own life according to their own wishes, and should not be disturbed and judged by the outside world. Xie Yuan's philosophy of life is to live oneself and live a wonderful life.

Even in the face of a serious illness, Xie Yuan's attitude is very open-minded. He once said that he didn't want any kind of funeral if one day he did leave this world. He believes that death is a part of life and there is no need to grieve excessively. Xie Yuan hopes that his friends will remember the moments of his life, rather than expressing their condolences through a funeral after his death.

Xie Yuan's attitude reflects his deep understanding of life and death. He felt that the meaning of life was not in length, but in quality and depth. He wanted his life to be full and meaningful, not bound by some external forms and rituals.

Overall, Xie Yuan's Dink's philosophy of choice and life, although not mainstream, represents a new attitude and values towards life. His story teaches us that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life, as long as that choice is made out of sincerity and respect for life. Xie Yuan's life, although different, is full of personality and charm. He lived a wonderful life in his own way.

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

Xie Yuan, a name that continues to explore and grow on the road of art. His story is a journey of dreams and perseverance. Xie Yuan's artistic career can be said to have started from the moment his talent for imitation was discovered. As a child, he showed a keen interest in acting and an extraordinary ability to imitate. Whether it's imitating the mannerisms of his family or being a star on TV, he always captures the essence of the character and makes people laugh.

This talent is not buried. In a school art performance, Xie Yuan's imitation performance won a full house, and it also made him realize for the first time that he might be able to embark on the road of art. Since then, he has taken every opportunity to perform more seriously, honing his craft.

Being admitted to Beijing Film Academy was an important turning point for Xie Yuan. Here, he not only received systematic acting training, but also met many like-minded friends. His study at the Academy gave him a deeper understanding of performance and laid a solid foundation for his future artistic career.

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

After graduation, Xie Yuan was not in a hurry to enter the showbiz, but chose to hone himself on the drama stage. In the world of drama, he can explore the characters more freely and dig deeper into the hearts of the characters. Every performance is a new challenge and an opportunity to grow.

Over time, Xie Yuan's talent was gradually recognized. He began to emerge in film and television dramas, and with his superb acting skills and unique personal charm, he gradually became a well-known actor in the eyes of the audience. The characters he plays, whether decent or villainous, can penetrate into the hearts of the people and leave a deep impression on the audience.

Xie Yuan's artistic career is a process of continuous learning and growth. He has always maintained his love and awe for acting, constantly challenging himself and pushing his limits. In him, we can see an artist's persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in art.

However, Xie Yuan did not rest on his laurels. He knows that the road of art is endless, and only by constantly learning and making progress can he go further on this road. He began to experiment with different forms of acting, from films to TV series, from dramas to musicals, and each attempt was a new exploration.

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

In the process, Xie Yuan also encountered many difficulties and challenges. But he never gave up and always faced it with a positive attitude. He believes that as long as you stick to your dreams and pursue them bravely, nothing is impossible.

Xie Yuan's story is a journey of dreaming, perseverance and growth. He used his own experience to tell us that as long as there is a dream, enthusiasm, and courage, everyone can shine in their own field and become the protagonist in their own life.

Xie Yuan, the artist who left a deep mark on the film industry, also had a dramatic life. His two marriages are very similar to the characters he plays, complex and real.

In his first marriage, Xie Yuan married a young woman. Their relationship was at first full of sweetness and anticipation. However, as time passed, the contradictions between the two began to be revealed. The biggest problem arises with the child. Xie Yuan's wife, Xiaolin, got pregnant unexpectedly, but for various reasons, she finally chose to have an abortion. This incident was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Xie Yuan, and he felt deep disappointment and anger. The marriage eventually came to an end because of the problems with the children.5

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

After experiencing a failed marriage, Xie Yuan did not give up the pursuit of love. His second marriage is a love story that spans age and identity. He met his student, Qiu Yue, and the two were brought together by a common hobby and love for art. Although the two are 17 years apart, this has not been an obstacle to their love. Qiu Yue's optimism and cheerfulness slowly warmed Xie Yuan's heart, which had become indifferent due to the failure of his marriage.4

Xie Yuan and Qiu Yue's marriage was a journey full of understanding and support. They support each other and grow together. Xie Yuan has made brilliant achievements in her acting career, and Qiu Yue continues to pursue her artistic dreams with the support of her husband. Their lives, though childless, are full of love and harmony4.

Xie Yuan has his own unique perspective on family life. He insisted on the Dink life, believing that mutual understanding and support between couples was more important than having children. He has publicly stated that people live for themselves, and they do not need children to support them, nor do they need the burden of passing on the family lineage. This open-minded attitude made his and Qiu Yue's lives more free and fulfilling.8

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

However, fate always seems to play a joke. At the age of 61, Xie Yuan left this world because of a heart attack. His death caused Qiu Yue to lose his dearest partner. However, Qiu Yue did not give up on life because of this, she continued to move forward strongly, turning her love and longing for Xie Yuan into the motivation of life2.

Although Xie Yuan's life has experienced ups and downs, he has always maintained his love for life and the pursuit of art. His two marriages, both sweet beginnings and regretful endings, were indelible parts of his life. And his dink life with Qiu Yue is a deep understanding and choice of his family life. Xie Yuan's story allows us to see an artist's love for life and dedication to love.

Xie Yuan's later life can be said to be the epitome of his lifelong philosophical thinking. After a brilliant artistic career and complex life experiences, Xie Yuan cherishes every freedom and tranquility in life even more. In his later years, he chose a simpler and indifferent lifestyle, away from the distractions of the entertainment industry, and enjoyed his own peace and ease.

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

Xie Yuan's attitude towards life in his later years reflects his deep understanding and detachment from life. He no longer pursues fame and fortune, and is no longer swayed by the evaluation of the outside world, but focuses on his inner world, pursuing spiritual satisfaction and tranquility. In his free time, he likes to read, write, or catch up with friends to talk about life and share stories and insights.

In the face of death, Xie Yuan showed unusual open-mindedness and calmness. He has publicly stated many times that he is not afraid of death, and even has a unique understanding and acceptance of death. He believes that death is a part of life and a natural law that everyone must face. Therefore, he does not want his family and friends to be saddened and troubled by his loss after his death.

Xie Yuan's arrangements for his posthumous affairs reflect his wisdom in life and his deep concern for his family. He made it clear that he did not want any kind of funeral to be held after his death, and he did not want his family to bear additional financial and mental burdens because of his death. He hoped that his family would respect his last wish and let him leave this world quietly and not be bound by worldly rituals.

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

Xie Yuan's last wish is not only a kind of respect for his own life, but also a kind of love for his family. He doesn't want his loss to be a burden to his family, but wants them to be able to move on with their lives without being haunted by grief and memories. This open-minded attitude towards life and death, and deep concern for his family, makes people awe of the artist.

Xie Yuan's later life and last wishes allow us to see an artist's deep understanding of life and his detached attitude towards death. In his own way, he interpreted the meaning of life and showed the demeanor of a wise man. His story is not only a legend, but also a true portrayal of his perception and perseverance in life. Although Xie Yuan's life has come to an end, what he left us is a precious spiritual wealth, which allows us to have a deeper thinking and understanding of life.

Xie Yuan's death undoubtedly brought a huge change to the life of his widow Qiu Yue. This strong woman who has walked hand in hand with Xie Yuan in the entertainment industry for 22 years, in the face of sudden changes, chose to respect her husband's last wish and continue to move forward alone.

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

Xie Yuan expressed before his death that he did not want his death to be a burden to his relatives and friends. He wanted his funeral to be simple, with no funeral hall and no memorial service.9 Qiu Yue knew her husband's thoughts, so after Xie Yuan's death, she did not hold any public mourning activities, but chose to remember her husband quietly at home. Her life seems to have pressed the pause button, every day at home, facing Xie Yuan's portrait, recalling the bits and pieces that the two spent together.

Qiu Yue's life can be said to be spent in loneliness and nostalgia. She did not choose to remarry and did not have children to accompany her, but pinned all her emotions on missing Xie Yuan. In the dead of night, she would look through the photos of the two and relive those sweet times. Xie Yuan's voice and smile seemed to echo in her ears, bringing her a trace of warmth and endless sadness.

However, life always has to go on. Qiu Yue didn't completely indulge in grief, she tried to get out of the house and start a new life of her own. She switched to business and became a female boss, supporting her later life with her own hands10. This courage and strength are undoubtedly the best consolation for Xie Yuan. She knows that Xie Yuan hopes that she can be happy and that she can bravely face the challenges of life.

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

Qiu Yue's choice made people feel teary-eyed. She didn't forget Xie Yuan, but she didn't give up on her life either. She uses her own way to continue the spirit of Xie Yuan, and proves the value of life with her own actions. Her story is the best interpretation of love and strength, and it is also a deep reflection on the meaning of life.

Qiu Yue's life, although she does not have Xie Yuan's company, her heart is still full of thoughts and regrets for her husband. She knew that Xie Yuan hoped that she could be happy and that she could live bravely. Therefore, she walks forward in nostalgia and finds hope in regret. Although there is no longer Xie Yuan's figure in her life, her heart will always be with Xie Yuan. This affection, this perseverance, is touching and admirable.

Two years after his death, he learned why Xie Yuan, who had no children and no daughters, resolutely did not hold a funeral when he was dying

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