
Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

author:Shen Zhi Yi

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Shen Zhiyi

Edited by Shen Zhiyi

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law


Love, marriage, career, family, these seemingly ordinary words may be commonplace for ordinary people, but for actors, what kind of twists and turns and struggles are involved?

A Northeast girl, with her persistent pursuit of her dreams, finally reached the pinnacle of life, but she never expected that the road to happiness was not smooth.

How did she maintain her original intention and stick to her true nature in the worldly torrent of seven emotions and six desires? Let's find out.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

Family environment and personal growth

In an inconspicuous community in Changchun, Jilin Province, there is a family of three.

His father, Sui Yigang, was a taxi driver, and his mother, Sui Liping, was a skilled trader.

In 1979, their first child, Sui Junbo, came into this world.

Although the family is not well-off, the educational philosophy of the parents is to follow the guidance and teach by example.

They told Sui Junbo with their actions that as long as they work hard, they will definitely be able to get out of the haze and live a more decent life.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

Sui Junbo has been a smart and clever child since she was a child, she always remembers the earnest teachings of her parents, studies hard, and develops an independent character.

Sui Junbo, who was in elementary school, liked to dance in addition to schoolwork.

Looking at their daughter's talent, Sui Yigang and his wife did everything they could for her to learn dance.

In 1992, 13-year-old Sui Junbo was admitted to the Dance Academy Affiliated to Minzu University of China with excellent results.

This is undoubtedly a great joy in life for the family, marking that their perseverance and hard work have finally paid off.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

The first love during the school period is troubled

Studying away from home is a major turning point in the life of any young person.

After Sui Junbo came to Beijing, he not only had to live independently, but also devoted himself to the arduous training of dance.

As a country girl, this independent life that she has never experienced since she was a child has brought her a lot of pressure and challenges.

On the campus of the Central Academy of Drama, Sui Junbo met her first relationship.

That person is Jin Dong, who later became the husband of the nation.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

The young and prosperous two get along day and night, and soon have a heart-to-heart love.

However, what Sui Junbo never expected was that this belated first love would actually annoy her father.

It turned out that before Sui Junbo left home and went to the city, her father Sui Yigang solemnly told her: study hard after arriving in Beijing, and never fall in love.

As a traditional Northeasterner, Sui Yigang knows that the troubles of love will distract his daughter's learning energy.

However, with the impulsiveness and frankness of young people, Sui Junbo never dreamed that she would fall into the entanglement of marriage under her father's strict prohibition.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

Career start-ups and breakup pains

Entering the new century, Sui Junbo, who has achieved success in his studies, began his own acting career.

In 2001, she acted in her first TV series "City Starry Sky".

Although it is only a small role, this drama earned Sui Junbo a salary of 60,000 yuan.

For a girl from an ordinary family, this amount of money is undoubtedly a huge amount of money.

In order to thank his parents for their long-term dedication, Sui Junbo did not hesitate to give all the money to his parents.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

This filial piety stems from Sui Junbo's simple and kind nature.

After that, Sui Junbo made persistent efforts and starred in a series of excellent works such as "Give Me a Cigarette", and also got acquainted with senior director Zhao Baogang.

Under his guidance, Sui Junbo's acting skills continued to improve, and he was in the limelight for a while.

Zhao Baogang praised her and created the identity of "Bao Girl" for her.

Just when his career was getting better, Sui Junbo encountered tough opposition from his father.

Her parents not only found out about her relationship with Jin Dong, but also sternly asked her to break up with Jin Dong.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

Under the pressure of his parents, Sui Junbo made up his mind and parted ways with Jin Dong.

Despite this, seeing that Jin Dong later married someone else and had children, Sui Junbo still felt a little sad in his heart.

The regret of this crush has become an eternal thorn in her heart.

Director husband and happy marriage

Just when her parents were heartbroken for Sui Junbo's blind date, a new director appeared in her life.

As an innocent bachelor, this director left a good impression on Sui Junbo.

The two gradually got to know each other, and in the process of getting to know each other, both sides saw the simple and kind side of each other's hearts.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

Finally in 2013, Sui Junbo, who was 34 years old at the time, finally married the director.

This marriage gave Sui Junbo unprecedented freedom of relaxation.

Not only did her husband respect her lifestyle and work choices, but he also readily agreed to her arrangement not to live with her in-laws.

After marriage, Sui Junbo lived the highly independent life he wanted.

The birth of his daughter added more color to Sui Junbo's life.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

However, it is touching that her husband has never blamed or complained about this, but encouraged her to continue to pursue her career dreams.

With the full support of her husband, Sui Junbo was able to balance her career development and family life, and finally achieved a beautiful balance in her life.

For Sui Junbo, this is simply a godsend.

Low-key life and gratitude to the public

Today's Sui Junbo has lived a happy life that ordinary people envy.

Her husband has a successful career, her daughter is cute and smart, and her acting career is also famous.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

However, this Northeast girl has never lost herself because of success, but has become more humble and low-key.

She often tells those around her that all her achievements come from the support and help of family and friends.

In order to repay the kindness of his relatives and friends, Sui Junbo generously donated money to buy real estate for his parents and many relatives and friends in Beijing.

She knows that without everyone's support and encouragement, she would not be able to get to where she is today, so she is determined to repay her benefactor with practical actions.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

It is precisely because of this rustic Northeast Festival that Sui Junbo has never exposed her husband's real name in front of the media.

Despite speculation that her husband was a famous director, she remained silent and insisted on staying alone.

Not only that, but she also cherishes every moment with her family, and only posts photos with her daughter on social media, never revealing the privacy of other family members.

This kind of low-key life and gratitude is the biggest reason why Sui Junbo won a happy life.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law


On the seemingly glamorous stage of the entertainment industry, it is not easy to maintain the original intention.

But Sui Junbo did it, she used her life history to explain to us what it means to be indifferent to fame and fortune and unswerving.

From an obscure family to a shining superstar, her story shows that if you dream and work hard for it, you will be able to overcome all difficulties and ultimately win happiness.

Sui Junbo: Her parents urged her to marry a famous director, and she didn't live with her in-laws, and her husband praised her for being a good daughter-in-law

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