
Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

author:Shen Zhi Yi

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Shen Zhiyi

Edited by Shen Zhiyi

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers


Love is the beauty that everyone is looking for in their lives.

Some people choose to compromise, some people choose to compromise, and some people always adhere to their inner ideals.

Hao Lei is such a love idealist.

She is not greedy for fame and fortune, but only for pure love.

However, what price did the gap between reality and ideals cost her?

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

and Li Guangjie: Sympathy, but it is difficult to escape the test of reality

In 2006, Hao Lei and Li Guangjie met in the crew of "Secret Order 1949".

At that time, Hao Lei was already a well-known star, and Li Guangjie was just an unknown actor.

But Li Guangjie's talent and self-motivation soon attracted Hao Lei's attention.

Although the two are at different stages of their careers, their love for acting makes them have a common topic.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

In the crew, while the other actors were having fun in their spare time, Li Guangjie always studied the script alone.

His dedication and dedication made Hao Lei feel a spiritual fit.

Gradually, the two were like-minded and secretly in love.

In between shooting, Li Guangjie will intimately bring hot tea to Hao Lei.

After learning that Hao Lei was not used to eating southern food, he also specially bought Northeast dishes to reward the crew.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

These meticulous actions made Hao Lei feel the care from the soul.

She began to believe that perhaps this was the love she had been looking for.

However, the test of reality soon came.

The relationship between two people, before the baptism of time, will face the pressure of material life.

At the end of 2006, Hao Lei and Li Guangjie got married in a low-key manner.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

In order to support her husband's career, Hao Lei did not hesitate to give up her wedding house to her in-laws to live in, and she lived in a rental house with Li Guangjie.

She put her career on the back burner and fully supported her husband's acting development.

For Li Guangjie, his wife's dedication not only moved him, but also made him more stressed.

For a while, there were good stories about this loving couple in the entertainment industry, but only they knew that the burden of life had quietly arrived.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

But the gap between ideals and reality is difficult to bridge after all.

When the passion of love recedes, all that remains is the triviality of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

In 2009, a photo of Li Guangjie with a female friend late at night caused a stir in the media.

Although Li Guangjie explained that it was just a work entertainment, the gossip has caused a rift in the marriage.

Although Hao Lei did not publicly accuse, she was photographed crying alone on the street during the Double Ninth Festival, which still made the outside world feel that this marriage had hit the rocks.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

At that moment, she suddenly realized that love also needs the nourishment of reality.

In 2010, Hao Lei took the initiative to admit that she and Li Guangjie existed in name only.

From acquaintance to divorce, in just three years, the two who originally cherished each other gradually drifted apart.

Recalling the reason for the separation, maybe it was just that the run-in of life made each other feel tired.

But more often than not, it's the loss after the bubble of idealism is punctured by reality.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

and Liu Ye: The bland marriage of outsiders is difficult to defeat the seven-year itch

After divorcing Li Guangjie, Hao Lei stayed away from the rights and wrongs of the entertainment industry and started another journey in her life.

She began to reflect on whether she should let go of her obsession with love and live a simple life.

In 2011, with the help of relatives and friends, she met Liu Ye, a little-known civil servant.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

Liu Ye is completely different from insiders, he has no interest in fame and fortune, and just wants to live a simple life.

Hao Lei, who has experienced too much, also longs to have a stable and ordinary relationship.

She began to imagine that maybe with an ordinary person, she could find a spiritual home.

Before confirming the relationship, Hao Lei deliberately took Liu Ye to watch her masterpieces, including the large-scale "Summer Palace".

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

She wondered if the man would be able to accept himself as he really was.

Facing the passion scene on the screen, Liu Ye said calmly: "I'm here to see the movie, not to discuss problems with you."

Such a response made Hao Lei feel unprecedentedly down-to-earth.

She decided to give the relationship a chance.

Finally, in the arms of outsiders, Hao Lei tasted the sweetness of ordinary life.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

She began to experience the joy of being a wife and a mother, and began to enjoy the bits and pieces of life.

At the end of 2012, Hao Lei posted a wedding photo with Liu Ye, full of happiness.

In 2013, she gave birth to lovely twin sons.

The stable family allowed Hao Lei to shift her focus and devote herself to her acting career again, creating a series of classic roles.

Looking at his wife who has a career and family, Liu Ye is also very pleased.

For a while, the outside world was envious, lamenting that Hao Lei had finally found her true home.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

The couple's life is plain and fulfilling, as if it has been going on for a long time.

However, under the surface calm, the seven-year itch crept in.

As time went on, the differences between the two became more and more apparent.

One day in 2019, the paparazzi photographed Hao Lei interacting intimately with a mysterious man.

In the face of the overwhelming scandal, Hao Lei chose to generously admit that she and Liu Ye had broken up peacefully a few years ago.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

The seemingly perfect marriage collapsed like this.

One can't help but ask, what exactly brought this marriage to an end?

Is it a difference in personality, or is it an incongruity in life?

Or is it just burnout after the passion has faded?

Whatever the answer, one thing is for sure, even the most perfect combination will stand the test of time.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

and Deng Chao: The vigorous first love ended without a problem

Back in 2002, Hao Lei, who was only 24 years old, sparked a spark with Deng Chao, the actor of the same play, with her amazing performance in "Young Son of Heaven".

At that time, they were too young and too enthusiastic, and they all thought that love could overcome everything.

Two fledgling actors, met and fell in love in the spotlight, and everything was as beautiful as a fairy tale.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

Ignoring the objections of their agents, the two secretly went to tattoo a couple, vowing to be desolate.

They can't wait to declare their love to the world, and they can't wait to take out their hearts and show each other.

At that time, Hao Lei did not realize that love needs the accumulation of time and the test of reality.

She just relied on her enthusiasm to devote herself to this relationship without hesitation.

However, such a vigorous love also buried hidden dangers.

After the passion, the two begin to discover the differences between them.

Deng Chao is on the rise, focusing on his career; And Hao Lei hopes to get more company.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

The contradictions are accumulating little by little, but they have never erupted.

In 2005, Deng Chao had an affair with an actress while filming.

Hao Lei rushed to the crew angrily and asked to be confronted face to face.

She didn't understand why she gave her heart and soul in exchange for betrayal.

In the same year, Hao Lei took over Lou Ye's literary film "Summer Palace".

The large-scale erotic scenes in the film put Hao Lei, who has always been idealistic, in a dilemma.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

As an actor, she is eager to break through herself and interpret more possibilities; But as Deng Chao's girlfriend, she is worried that this will affect the relationship between the two.

In the end, reality defeats ideals.

Deng Chao couldn't accept Hao Lei in "Summer Palace", and the two broke up unhappily.

Years later, when Hao Lei recalled this relationship, she said: "Maybe, we are just too young to know how to manage love."

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

"Summer Palace" was banned due to scale issues, and Hao Lei was infamous.

Her career is frustrated, her love is shattered, and she falls into the darkest moment of her life.

When everyone was questioning her, only she understood that it was all for the persistence in her heart.

Facing reporters' questions, Hao Lei did not regret it, she said: "I took this play, not for anyone, but for the acting career I love."

At that moment, she finally understood that love can be compromised, but dreams cannot be given up.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers


In this life, people must always live for themselves once.

Looking back on Hao Lei's road of love, her insistence on ideals is sometimes like a sharp sword, hurting others and hurting herself.

But it is precisely this persistence that has created her concept of love - simple and pure, without impurities.

Perhaps, there is no standard answer to love.

Instead of blindly pursuing, it is better to learn to understand and learn to fulfill.

True love should be two separate souls that grow together on the basis of appreciating each other.

Hao Lei: Not greedy for fame and fortune, only greedy for love, after becoming famous, love and marriage are all chicken feathers

Just like Hao Lei's dedication to her career, she has never given up her desire and pursuit of love.

It's just that maybe when she learns to achieve herself first, she will have a better chance of meeting someone who can share her heart.

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