
Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

author:Shen Zhi Yi

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Shen Zhiyi

Edited by Shen Zhiyi

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

Preface :

In his youth, everyone has had a lonely courage to chase the dream they yearn for.

But reality is often like a heavy blow, shattering these dreams.

Is it to stick to the ideal and make unremitting efforts, or to compromise the reality to protect yourself?

In the face of these two choices, everyone will make a different choice.

And Huang Bo chose the latter.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

The expectations of parents at an early age

Huang Bo was born in Qingdao, Shandong Province in 1974, and his family is well-off.

His parents are intellectuals, and they hope that he can study hard, study at a prestigious university in the future, and finally become a decent civil servant like himself and live a stable life.

But Huang Bo is at odds with his parents' ideals, he has been keen on singing and dancing since he was a child, and he still sways on one side of the road three times, behaving strangely, which makes people angry when he looks at it.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

As a traditional intellectual family, the father of course could not understand and agree with his son's behavior, and picked up the belt at every turn and jerked it.

Although Huang Bo has a bad memory, he has never been convinced, his father beat him, he did him, and he has never changed his dedication to his music dream.

Ongoing conflict with his father

After entering the rebellious period of youth, Huang Bo's behavior began to become more and more unpredictable.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

Not only does he always skip his homework after school, but he also wanders around all day long, and he also messes with some "fox friends and dogs".

The mother couldn't see it, so she had to beg her husband to change the way she disciplined: "The child has grown up, you should have something to reason with him, and you can't always beat and scold him at every turn."

Only then did his father realize that his approach might be too simple and rude, so he asked Huang Bo what his ideal was.

Unexpectedly, this question simply gave Huang Bo a chance to wait for the opportunity, and he replied briskly: "I want to be a singer, I want to sing and dance!"

Before the words fell, the father and son immediately quarreled.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

Huang Bo is not big, but he is very angry: "What qualifications do you have to say about me?" If you have the ability, why don't you open a song hall?"

The father was speechless for a moment, and could only re-show the old wife-belt.

Since then, Huang Bo's relationship with his father has long been planted.

Suffer a relentless blow from reality

When Huang Bo was in high school, the band movement was popular, so he and his friends formed a band called "Blue Wind and Sand", and recruited a girl, Xiao Ou, to be a backup dancer, which was also his later wife.

After graduating from high school, Huang Bo planned to take the band to Beijing, and Xiaoou also happily joined.

After coming to Beijing, the hardships of life were far beyond Huang Bo's imagination.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

In order to make ends meet, they had to work as resident singers in bars and cabarets to earn some living expenses.

During the break, he went out to promote the band.

But no matter how hard Huang Bo worked, the music company just didn't look down on them, and even was deceived.

Once singing in a bar, he was insulted and injured by a drunk customer.

In this way, they began to dissolve one after another, desperate.

In the end, only Huang Bo and Xiao Ou persisted obsessively and unrepentantly.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

In order to satisfy Huang Bo's hunger, Xiao Ou even gave him half of his share of the baked cake.

The hardships of Beipiao finally made Huang Bo realize that the so-called band is just a "ticket" nature, and it can't gain a foothold in Beijing at all.

was strongly recommended by a friend to change his career to filming

After recognizing the hopelessness of the road to music, Huang Bo could only return to his hometown gloomily and bow to his parents.

With the help of his family, he partnered with a friend to start a factory and became the owner.

In the past few years, Huang Bo has done a good job, and his parents finally put their minds at ease and urged him to marry Xiaoou quickly, after all, the woman's family has been waiting impatiently.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

At this moment, a phone call from a friend changed the trajectory of Huang Bo's life again.

In 2000, a friend suddenly found Huang Bo and said that Guan Hu was preparing to make a movie, and there was a small role that was very suitable for him.

A friend had a great kindness to Huang Bo, so he happily tried it.

Unexpectedly, this attempt made Huang Bo an instant hit in the later "Crazy Stone", and since then he has embarked on the road of no return as an actor.

Wife's support and understanding

On the occasion of becoming famous, Huang Bo did not forget his wife Xiaoou.

He said to Xiao Ou very sincerely: "Maybe I will have to wait a few more years before I can marry you."

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

There was no fluke in these words, Xiao Ou still chose to wait without hesitation, understanding and supporting her husband.

A few years later, they finally got married, so that Huang Bo no longer had any ties in his career.

With his outstanding vision and tenacious efforts, Huang Bo gradually opened up the situation on the road of being an actor.

A series of popular movies made him popular all over the country, won various awards, and finally became a first-line movie star and reached the peak of his career.

But at this time, some family disputes also began to follow.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

Refuted the rumors and denied the rumors of "abandoning his wife".

After becoming popular, some "goddesses" in the entertainment industry began to express their affection for Huang Bo explicitly, the most famous of which is Lin Chiling.

Once, a photo of an intimate photo with a mysterious woman was exposed, questioning that he had left Xiao Ou behind after becoming famous.

In the face of such rumors, Huang Bohuo Ran personally stood up, refuted the rumors and explained that the woman was just his agent, but fortunately, he finally got the strong evidence from his friends in the circle, which made the suspicion of "abandoning his wife" calm.

For Huang Bo, Xiao Ou has always been the unique person in his heart.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

My father's illness reflects the hardships of life

In 2011, Huang Bo and Xiaoou gave birth to a lovely daughter, and their lives were on the right track.

But with that, there is endless family distraction.

As an actor with a successful career, Huang Bo has become extremely busy, so much so that he goes home to visit his parents less and less.

Among them, taking care of the father is the most important.

Since suffering from Alzheimer's disease, my elderly father has always lost his way when he goes out, and my mother has been unable to discipline him.

In order to prevent his father from being in danger, Huang Bo could only hire a professional nurse, but he was often rejected by his father.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

In the end, Huang Bo made an extremely painful decision - to send his father to a professional nursing home.

Although Huang Bo is already a big-name movie star with an annual income of more than 100 million, he was still abused by countless people at that time and was accused of being an "unfilial son".

But who can understand the helplessness in his heart? He not only wants to give his father happiness in his old age, but also has to work hard for his wife and children, which is really difficult to juggle.

Unless he stays by his father's side all day and gives up his career completely, how can real life allow this?

Now the vicissitudes of life are content with the ordinary

When his wife Xiaoou saw it in her eyes, she was naturally the most heartbroken.

"Outside, he is a much-anticipated actor, but when he returns home, he is also an ordinary person, and he will encounter all kinds of troubles of ordinary people."

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

Looking at his father, who was gradually forgetting him, Huang Bo burst into tears and sighed with emotion: "How I hope now that my father can beat me again like before."

For a middle-aged person, isn't it also a kind of happiness to be guided and educated by his parents?

As mentioned at the beginning, Huang Bo's life has gone through a process of radical compromise with reality as an idealist.

From the childhood dream of music to the peak of middle-aged career, all kinds of encounters show that life is not autonomous, and can only passively adapt to the changes and arrangements of fate.

But no matter how much the outside world accuses, he must still have that original dream and enthusiasm in the deepest part of his heart, but he has been smoothed out by the heavy blows of reality.

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age


Between ideals and reality, some people choose to move on, while others choose to give up.

No matter what choice you make, in the face of every choice in life, in the face of the contradiction between ideals and reality, the inner struggle and hesitation are all the same.

Doesn't Huang Bo's experience show this?

Huang Bo: I quarreled with my father before I became famous, and after I became famous, I sent my father to a nursing home, and I was bitter when I reached middle age

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