
Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County: Roses bloom rich farmer's house

author:Throughout the news

On May 9th, walking into the rose garden of Bailuwan Ecological Tourism Zone, Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County, colorful roses bloomed one after another, delicate, fragrant and fragrant, and beautiful.

Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County: Roses bloom rich farmer's house

Bailuwan Ecological Tourism Zone involves 3 villages of Caogou, Gekou and Heilongtan, Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County, with a total area of more than 8,000 acres, and the construction began in 2018, with a planned investment of 350 million yuan, carefully built in accordance with the national 4A-level tourist attraction standards, with a comprehensive service area, an ecological agriculture sightseeing area, an egret viewing area, a hydrophilic recreation area, a health and leisure area, and a rose product processing area. As far as the eye can see, the mountains and hills here are embraced, the Yanshan Reservoir meanders north and south, and a large number of egrets gather and inhabit, presenting a magnificent picture of lakes and mountains, and vast smoke waves.

Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County: Roses bloom rich farmer's house

Zhang Yaxin, deputy mayor of Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County, introduced that more than 5,000 acres of roses were planted in the Bailuwan Ecotourism Zone, with an average income of more than 4,000 yuan per mu. From April to August every year, the rose picking period is the time for the roses, and the nearby villagers come to work in the rose garden, earning 100-150 yuan per day.

Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County: Roses bloom rich farmer's house

In order to lengthen the industrial chain and help the development of the rose industry, Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County, adheres to the concept of industrialization promotion, large-scale planting and market-oriented management, adopts the model of "village collective + cooperative + farmer", builds 3 rose product processing production lines, 4 supporting drying equipment and 20 extraction equipment, and signs strategic cooperation agreements with Chinese herbal medicine wholesalers and liquor processing factories.

Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County: Roses bloom rich farmer's house

In recent years, Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County, relying on the Bailuwan Ecological Tourism Zone, has built high-end homestays and resort hotels around Yanshan Reservoir, based on fishing, leisure and physiotherapy, to create a health and wellness base, and to develop a health and wellness project based on the deep processing of rose products, supplemented by sightseeing tours, picking tours, outward bound training, popular science research, leisure and vacation, etc. Implement the "self-driving trunk" project, strengthen the construction of tourism extension services, develop a number of distinctive and creative sightseeing tourism products, and realize the integrated development of eco-tourism and primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

"Through the development of the rose industry and eco-tourism, the village-level collective economy has grown, and the masses have a wider range of ways to increase their income." Liu Manzhang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yanglou Town, Fangcheng County, said that the next step will be to increase investment and develop more new products. At the same time, strengthen environmental governance, improve supporting facilities, improve service levels, attract tourists to check in, and promote the quality and upgrading of cultural tourism. (Liu Zhenwei, Zhang Dongcha, Sun Yuanman)

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