
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

author:Qingjiang crane

In the vast natural resources, trees with their upright posture and proud height, remain in people's memory, and have always been a symbol of the cultural spirit of upward force. However, there is a plant called the masan tree that arouses people's curiosity with its unique growth characteristics.

Picture 01~02): Masan fruit on a mulberry tree

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

Because the mulberry tree is not tall, it will bend down when it reaches three feet. So why is it that the mulberry tree does not grow tall and tends to bend over when it reaches a height of three feet? What is the scientific mystery behind this phenomenon?

In this issue of pictures and texts, Qingjiang Crane will focus on and chat with all the parents and teachers about the topic of "not growing tall", aiming to take you to explore why the mulberry tree is not tall and easy to hook the waist. I hope you like and actively participate in the interaction, forward and share the pictures and texts of this issue.

The marginalized "wasted" firewood, horses, and mulberry trees do not enter the "law" eyes of farmers:

Mulberry tree, also known as poisonous empty wood, chicken plague firewood, water mulberry, etc., belongs to the genus Massan shrubs, mostly grown on hillsides or ravines and shrubs. Compared to other tree species, the marsan tree is particularly short, and the newly extracted branches are prone to bending, giving it a distinctive beauty. This unique growth form is not only curious, but also arouses the research interest of many scholars.

Picture 03~04): "Tall" new shoots of Masan

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

There is a wooden house in the courtyard of Qingjiang He's hometown, and according to the elders, the four beams and eight pillars that make up the house are all mulberry trees. These beams are large, thick and straight, very practical, durable, and stable. Therefore, the Masang tree that remains in the memory of Qingjiang Crane should be a tall and majestic tree species. However, the reality is that Marsan never "grew up" to be great. Not only are the branches and leaves brittle and not tall or tall, but even the newly drawn young branches, no matter how strong they grow, are about three feet tall and "bow their heads", and from then on they form branches and shrubs.

The marsan tree is very drought tolerant and has a larger "water store" than other tree species. In the past, the village people used the branches and leaves of the Masang tree to make firewood for cooking, and the undried firewood could not be burned. Therefore, people call the mulberry tree "chicken plague firewood" water masang. Even if he went to look for Chai He, he would rather return empty-handed than take half a Ma Sang branch, which would properly attract people's dislike.

Picture 05~06): Mulberry trees are overgrown

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

Why does the mulberry tree "not grow tall" and "bend over" when it grows three feet:

01) The "not tall" of the Masang tree may be affected by the environment in which it grows:

The reason why the Masang tree does not grow tall is closely related to its growing environment. The growth rate and height of the marberry tree may be limited by the poor soil and insufficient water in the shrubs of the hillside or ravine, which may limit the growth rate and height of the mulberry tree. In such an environment, the marsan tree must adapt to the environment and enhance its stability by reducing its height and eliminating the "apical dominance" to inhibit its vegetative growth and resist wind and rain.

Picture 07~08): A new branch on a Masang tree

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

02) The "not tall" of the Masang tree may be affected by its biological characteristics:

In addition to environmental factors, the biological characteristics of the marsan tree also determine its growth height and morphology. The branches of the Masang tree are relatively fragile and the degree of lignification is not high, which makes their newly extracted young shoots or erect stems prone to bending during growth and development. In addition, the root system of the marsan tree is relatively weak and does not allow it to penetrate deep into the soil and obtain enough nutrients and water like other tree species. These "congenital deficiencies" together lead to the phenomenon that the mulberry tree does not grow tall.

03) The "tall growth" of the Masang tree may be a smart choice for its ecological adaptation:

From an ecological point of view, the growth form of the Masang tree "not growing tall" and "bending over" when it grows three feet is a manifestation of wisdom to adapt to the "reverse growth" environment.

Picture 09~10): Abundant mulberry fruit on the Masan tree

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

Because in an environment with "limited" resources, the marsan tree saves energy and material inputs by reducing or limiting its height and inhibiting vegetative and reproductive growth, and uses limited resources for life-sustaining activities. This growth "strategy" enables the Masang tree to survive in the harsh environment and show tenacious vitality, which is commendable, and it is also a choice for "intelligent survival" against the growth environment.

The "tall and tall" Masang tree was given a "story" by the literati and artists:

Based on the natural phenomenon of the mulberry tree "not growing tall", the literati and writers mysteriously told it. There are many different versions of the story of Masan's "not tall and tall" in folklore.

Picture 11~12): Flowers on a masan tree

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

The main ones are "Taishang Lao Jun said", "Luo Xiucai said", "Jade Emperor punished said", "Cowherd and Weaver Girl said".

01) Taishang Laojun put a spell on the Ma Mulberry tree "not growing tall":

Legend has it that Sun Wukong, who has 18 martial arts and 72 changes, went to heaven along the Ma Sang tree, stole the elixir wine and peach, which angered Taishang Laojun, in order to avoid the recurrence of such incidents, Taishang Laojun cast a spell on Ma Sang "not tall", so that his growth height could not exceed 3 feet (more than 3 feet will "bend" by itself).

Picture 13~14): Mulberry trees in the mountains

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

02) Punish Masang to prevent the monkey from committing a crime in heaven:

A monkey went up to heaven along the Masang tree, and in the process of "sleepwalking", he accidentally broke the Jade Emperor's mirror water bottle, which caused concentrated precipitation and flooding among the people, causing many innocent people. So the Jade Emperor punished Ma Sang when he punished the monkey's companions. ordered Ma San to bow his head and "bend" when he grew three feet from now on.

03) The "" manifestation of the forced Xiucai:

As soon as the rumors fell, Xiucai was tired on the way back from the exam, so he leaned on a mulberry tree to rest, and soon fell asleep. In the dream, an old man "borrowed" a straw hat from Xiucai. Xiucai is not allowed. As a result, when Xiucai woke up, he found that the mulberry tree had grown into the clouds for half a day, and the straw hat hanging on the branch had also washed up into the sky with the tree.

Picture 15~16): The barren growth and development environment of Marsan

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

Xiucai couldn't get the straw hat, so he angrily "shouted" to Ma San: Ma Sang Paoer, the Ma Mulberry tree, bends down when it grows to three feet. As a result, the mulberry tree suddenly bent down. Xiucai was satisfied with the straw hat, but Marsan never grew more than 3 feet tall.

04) The story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and Marsan:

Since the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl were separated by the Queen Mother on both sides of the Tianhe River, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet on the "Magpie Bridge" every year. But it was difficult to go to heaven, so Lao Dao pointed out to him the path of a date in heaven, first climbing Masang and then going up to the Magpie Bridge.

As a result, this "green channel" was once again "cut off" by the Queen Mother, and Ma Sang was also subjected to "joint punishment."

Picture 17~18): Pretty Marsan

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

In addition, in traditional folklore culture, the mulberry tree is also endowed with special symbolic meaning. Some people believe that the marsan tree's characteristics of not growing tall and bending over easily symbolize humility and tenacity. Although they are not comparable to the towering trees, they have been able to survive adversity and show an indomitable spirit. This interpretation not only enriches the cultural connotation of the Masang tree, but also gives us a deeper understanding of biodiversity and ecological wisdom in nature.

The words written at the end of the Masang tree's "not tall and tall":

Through the exploration of the growth characteristics of the Masang tree, it is not difficult for us to find that every organism in nature has its own unique survival characteristics and ecological values.

Picture 19~20): Massan is also known as "Drunken Fish"

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise

The Masan Tree, with its short, curved form, tells us that it is not easy to survive adversity, but as long as we maintain a humble and resilient attitude, we can continue to move forward on the road of life like the Masan tree. Let us cherish and protect these unique biological resources and jointly protect our home planet.

Pictures 21~22): The story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and Marsan

Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise
Why is Ma San, the "sacred tree" of heaven, not tall and easy to bend over? 3 factor limitations, both helpless and wise