
Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy

author:Qingjiang crane

It's the rice planting season again, and it's the season when the raspberries are ripe, and it is a very happy and interesting thing to go back to the countryside to hunt for raspberries in the mountains.

When I was a child, Qingjiang Crane was grazing cattle in the mountains, and I was fascinated by picking raspberries, which caused the "disobedient" cattle to "make a fuss" and gnaw other people's corn seedlings, and as a result, I lost money.

Picture 01~02): Raspberry on a mountain field

Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy
Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy

When I was a child, Qingjiang Crane did not know what raspberry was, only knew that the rice planting season, this kind of "mountain bubble" (commonly known as rice planting bubble) that grew on the mountain field was the peak season of picking, and it was necessary to seize the time to pick "all-weather", otherwise it would not be a few days later, and the rice planting bubble would fall to the ground and rot because it was overripe, which was a pity.

Later, when I went to junior high school, I studied Mr. Lu Xun's "From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Study" in the textbook, and Qingjiang Crane knew that the rice planting bubble we often praised was Mr. Lu Xun's raspberry.

Needless to say, the green cabbage, the smooth stone well bar, the tall honey locust tree, and the purple mulberry; Needless to say, the cicadas are singing in the leaves, the fat wasps are crouching on the cauliflower, and the light and agile Ye Tianzi suddenly rushes from the grass to the clouds.

Image 03~04): Freshly picked raspberries

Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy
Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy

Just the surrounding short mud wall roots are a lot of fun... If you're not afraid of thorns, you can also pick raspberries. Like a small ball of small coral beads, it is sour and sweet, and the color and taste are far better than Sangkan.

In this issue of pictures and texts, Qingjiang Crane will focus on and chat with all of you and teachers about the related topics of mountain and wild fruit "raspberries", I hope you like and actively participate in the interaction, forward and share this issue of pictures and texts.

Raspberry is the taste of spring, have you tasted it:

Raspberry, also known as raspberry, is a perennial woody plant of the genus Rubus in the family Rosaceae. It is known by many other names, such as "sling", "raspberry", "raspberry", "raspberry", "wild berry", "raspberry", "blackberry". There are also many "little names". For example, some places call raspberries "rice planting bubbles" and "field planting bubbles", some places call them "raspberries", some places call them "hairy berries", and some places call them "pseudo-raspberries", or shape, time or place, and so on.

Picture 05~06): Freshly picked raspberries on a mountain field

Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy
Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy

The fruit of raspberries is aggregate and red or dark red, golden yellow or purplish-black, but predominantly red or dark red raspberries. It is shaped like a small wine glass, and the surface is covered with a layer of fine fluff, hence the name "raspberry".

Raspberry prefers a warm and humid environment, and grows mostly in mountain areas such as mountain slopes and river valleys, and is a mountain fruit. However, in foreign countries, raspberries have been used as special fruits, and they have been improved and cultivated, called "golden fruits", realizing a gorgeous turn from "local chicken" to "phoenix".

Raspberries bloom in spring, while the fruits ripen in early summer (Nitakayama ripens in early to mid-May). There are two main ways to reproduce raspberries: seed propagation and cuttings propagation. If you want to carry out artificial wild transformation of "home" growth value-added cultivation, it is best to use cuttings to propagate seedlings, and a small amount of artificial cultivation can use the method of ramification propagation and seedling raising, which can shorten the seedling formation time, enter the fruiting period of raspberries early, and increase planting income to achieve planting benefits (economic and social benefits).

Picture 07~08): Ripe raspberries

Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy
Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy

Raspberries are highly nutritious, rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, dietary fiber, and a variety of minerals. These nutrients have many health benefits, such as boosting immunity, improving digestion, and preventing cardiovascular disease.

In May, the raspberries are ripe and falling, have you tasted them? The taste of spring.

Raspberries have the reputation of being the "golden fruit" only because of their unique medicinal properties:

In addition to being a delicious mountain fruit, raspberries have a wide range of medicinal properties.

"Suspense Record" and "New Tang Dynasty Book" record the story of raspberry medicine "Five Sons Shouxian Prescription", which is a record of Zhang Guolao, one of the "Eight Immortals", offering a secret recipe to Tang Xuanzong.

Image 09~10): Raspberries have high medicinal properties

Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy
Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy

It is said that raspberry has the effect of nourishing the kidney and invigorating the essence and soothing the kidney qi. It has a good curative effect on male infertility and is known as the "ancestor of yang supplements". Of course, there is also a combination of medicinal herbs such as dodder seed, psyllium, schisandra chinensis, amla (later wolfberry).

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that raspberry has the effects of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang, brightening the eyes and nourishing the liver, clearing heat and detoxifying. Modern medical research has also confirmed that a variety of active ingredients in raspberry have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and other effects. Therefore, raspberry has a wide range of application prospects in the field of medicine.

In addition, raspberries can also be used to make health supplements and cosmetics. For example, raspberry extract can be used to make skin care products such as anti-aging creams, eye creams, etc.; Raspberry juice can be used to make health drinks, which have the effect of beautifying and enhancing physical strength.

Picture 11~12): purple-black raspberry

Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy
Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy

Raspberry was endowed with humanistic charm by literati and ink writers:

Raspberries not only bloom with the brilliance of life in nature, but also leave many moving stories in human history.

In many ancient myths and legends, raspberries have been endowed with magical symbolism. It symbolizes love, happiness, and fulfillment. In some folk tales, raspberries are also depicted as miraculous fruits that bring good luck and health.

In real life, raspberries also carry people's yearning and pursuit of a better life. In the summer, people pick raspberries to taste their delicious taste and feel the gifts of nature. At the same time, raspberry has also become an important resource for rural tourism and ecological tourism, injecting new vitality into the local economic development.

Picture 13~14): A golden raspberry cultivated by hand

Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy
Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy

Cherish raspberries and inherit the beauty of nature:

Raspberry has become a treasure in people's hearts with its unique natural biological characteristics, rich and profound medicinal value and deep-rooted humanistic connotation.

We should cherish this gift of nature and inherit the beautiful story and cultural connotation of raspberries. At the same time, we should also strengthen the protection and utilization of raspberry resources, so that more people can taste its delicacy and feel its charm.

Picture 15~16): This one is very similar to raspberries

Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy
Raspberry, known as the "golden fruit", is a "fairy pill" formula because of its efficacy

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