
The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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"Lao Li, you have been sticking to a bowl of barley porridge every day for a year, what is the effect?" Colleague Xiao Zhang asked curiously.

Sister Li, 49 years old, is a primary school teacher who works diligently and likes to pursue health in life. Since a year ago, she heard by chance that barley porridge has many benefits for the body, so she decided to drink a bowl of barley porridge every morning.

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

This year, she couldn't shake it, and boiled a pot of fragrant barley porridge on time every morning to enjoy this simple and healthy breakfast.

In the hospital, Sister Li's attending doctor, Dr. Zhang, looked through her physical examination report and couldn't help but show a surprised look: "Sister Li, your physical condition is really enviable!" ”

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

When Sister Li heard this, she couldn't be happier. She couldn't help but ask, "Doctor, what's so magical about this barley porridge?" ”

"Barley is a very nutritious grain that is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. It has a variety of effects such as strengthening the spleen and dehumidifying, clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling. ”

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

Barley is not only nutritious, but also has strong health benefits. Dr Teo continued, "Barley is also high in dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. ”

Dietary fiber can increase the volume of stool and shorten the residence time of stool in the intestine, thereby reducing the irritation of harmful substances to the intestine and preventing the occurrence of colon cancer.

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

Sister Li was fascinated by what she heard, and couldn't help but ask, "Is there any other benefit to barley porridge?" ”

Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "Of course, some of the ingredients in barley also have antioxidant effects, which can remove free radicals in the body and delay aging. The vitamin E and selenium in barley are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage, thereby slowing down the aging process. ”

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

The antioxidant effect of barley has also significantly improved Sister Li's skin condition. She found that her skin had become smoother and more delicate over the past year, and even her friends praised her for her good complexion, as if she was several years younger.

Dr. Zhang continued, "Barley also has a very important effect, which is to regulate blood sugar and blood lipids. The dietary fiber and polysaccharides in barley can delay the absorption of glucose, thereby stabilizing blood sugar levels. In addition, the unsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols in barley can reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis. ”

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

Hearing this, Sister Li was even more excited, she was originally worried that her blood sugar and blood lipids would increase as she got older, but this year's barley porridge kept her various indicators within a healthy range.

Dr. Zhang also mentioned that barley has a high protein content and a comprehensive amino acid composition, which can provide a variety of essential amino acids required by the human body. The protein in barley is easy to digest and absorb, which can effectively supplement the needs of the human body and improve immunity.

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

Sister Li's heart was full of gratitude for barley porridge, and she felt that she had found the secret to staying healthy. Seeing Sister Li so happy, Dr. Zhang also reminded her: "Sister Li, although barley porridge has many benefits, you should also pay attention to the appropriate amount, one bowl a day is enough." In addition, it is important to eat a balanced diet and not rely on one food alone to stay healthy. ”

Sister Li nodded again and again, she understood that nothing should be excessive, and moderate amounts were the way to health. She also decided to continue this good eating habit and share it with more friends and family.

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

After returning home, Sister Li immediately shared the good news of her physical examination in the family WeChat group, and everyone said that they wanted to learn from her and drink a bowl of barley porridge every morning.

Sister Li also deliberately introduced the practice of barley porridge in detail: soak the barley overnight in advance, and then cook the porridge with rice, according to personal taste, you can add some red dates, wolfberries, etc., and a bowl of fragrant barley porridge is ready.

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

A few months later, Sister Li's friend Xiao Wang also came to ask her for advice and asked, "Sister Li, I haven't had a good stomach recently, and I heard that barley porridge is good for the stomach, isn't that so?" ”

Sister Li replied with a smile: "Yes, barley porridge is very good for the stomach, especially for those with weak spleen and stomach. Barley has the effect of strengthening the spleen and dehumidifying, which can improve the function of the spleen and stomach and promote digestion. You can drink a bowl of barley porridge every morning and stick to it for a while, and there will definitely be improvements. ”

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

A few months later, Xiao Wang's gastrointestinal problems have been significantly improved, and he said to Sister Li gratefully: "Thank you so much, Sister Li, this barley porridge is really a good thing." ”

Sister Li is also full of a sense of accomplishment in her heart, and she feels that she has not only maintained her health, but also helped her friends. She decided to continue to promote this healthy eating habit to more people.

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

How important a healthy diet is for the body. Although barley porridge is simple, it contains rich nutrients and many health benefits. A bowl of barley porridge every day can not only provide the nutrients needed by the body, but also prevent a variety of diseases and maintain good health.

What do you think about a bowl of barley porridge a day? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 49-year-old eldest sister has a bowl of barley porridge every day, and she goes for a physical examination after 1 year, and her physical condition makes the doctor envious

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