
Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

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"Can barley really lower uric acid? I've heard that it can get rid of uric acid like 'garbage' and prevent gout? ”

"This isn't a 'cleaner'! Don't be fooled by those internet rumors! ”

"But my friend's father just ate barley, and the gout got a lot better, and the doctor also said that barley is helpful for lowering uric acid?"

Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

"What the doctor said may be that barley is rich in dietary fiber, which can help excretion, but it can't directly lower uric acid, let alone clean up uric acid like 'garbage'!"

"So what the hell to do? I don't want to be like my dad and suffer from gout. ”

The conversation took place in a café and was between a young man and woman named Wang Qiang and Li Li. Wang Qiang is an architectural designer and Li Li is a lawyer, both of whom are urban white-collar workers, with a fast pace of life, high work pressure, irregular diet, often staying up late, and their physical condition is not very good.

Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

Wang Qiang has been feeling joint pain lately, especially his ankles, and he has some difficulty walking. After going to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor told him that he had gout and advised him to control his diet and eat more uric acid-lowering foods.

Li Li heard that barley can lower uric acid, so she told Wang Qiang and suggested that he eat more. Wang Qiang was skeptical, but he was worried that the gout would get worse and worse, so he searched the Internet for some information about barley.

There are many theories about the efficacy of barley on the Internet, some say that it can clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, reduce swelling and drain pus, and some say that it can lower uric acid and prevent gout. When Wang Qiang saw this information, he was even more puzzled.

Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

He found an old Chinese medicine doctor and consulted about uric acid lowering in barley. The old Chinese medicine doctor told him that barley does have a certain uric acid-lowering effect, but it is not a "cleaner" and cannot directly remove uric acid.

"Barley is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and help excretion, thereby indirectly reducing uric acid levels." "But it can't directly act on uric acid, let alone clean up uric acid like 'garbage'." ”

The old Chinese medicine doctor also reminded Wang Qiang that although barley has the effect of lowering uric acid, it also has certain side effects, such as causing diarrhea and bloating. If consumed in large quantities for a long time, it will also affect digestion and absorption, and even lead to malnutrition.

Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

"Therefore, barley cannot be used as a 'cleaner' for lowering uric acid, but can only be used as an adjuvant treatment." "If you want to effectively control gout, you still need to start with controlling your diet, regular life, and exercising appropriately. ”

After listening to the explanation of the old Chinese medicine doctor, Wang Qiang finally understood the truth about the uric acid lowering of barley. He realized that a lot of the propaganda about barley on the Internet was exaggerated and even misleading.

He decided to stop being superstitious about barley, but to follow the doctor's advice carefully, control his diet, live a regular life, exercise properly, and cooperate with medication.

Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

Wang Qiang's experience tells us that we must be rational about health information on the Internet, don't blindly believe it, and don't believe in "cleaners" and the like.

In addition to barley, what other foods can help lower uric acid?

Low-purine foods

The main cause of gout is high levels of uric acid in the body, which is mainly derived from the metabolism of purines. Therefore, the key to controlling gout is to control purine intake.

Low-purine foods refer to foods that contain low levels of purines, generally less than 100 mg per 100 grams of food.

Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

Common low-purine foods include:

Vegetables: cabbage, spinach, celery, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, winter melon, loofah, bitter gourd, pumpkin, broccoli, green pepper, mushroom, fungus, kelp, etc

Fruits: apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapes, strawberries, watermelons, pineapples, mangoes, etc

Staple foods: rice, steamed buns, noodles, corn, oats, buckwheat, etc

Eggs: eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, etc

Milk: milk, yogurt, cheese, etc

Soy products: tofu, tofu skin, dried tofu, etc. (but note that beans themselves have a high purine content, so it is recommended to eat them in moderation)

Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

In addition to controlling diet, regular life and appropriate exercise are also important ways to control gout.

Regular Lifestyle:

Get enough sleep and avoid staying up late.

Maintain a good mood and avoid overexertion.

Quit smoking and alcohol, and drink less sugary drinks.

Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often

Appropriate Exercise:

Choose an exercise that suits you, such as walking, swimming, jogging, etc.

Exercise at an appropriate intensity and avoid excessive exercise.

Exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week, for more than 30 minutes each time.

Is barley the "cleaner" of uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to be covered with stones, eat 3 kinds of coarse grains often


Gout is a chronic disease that requires long-term control. Controlling diet, regular life, and proper exercise are important ways to control gout, and barley is only an auxiliary treatment method, and cannot be used as a "cleaner" to lower uric acid.

I hope Wang Qiang's experience can remind everyone that we must be rational about health information on the Internet, don't blindly believe it, and don't believe in "cleaners" and the like.

Disclaimer: This article is for reference only, and the medical knowledge described is true and well-founded, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other


1. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)

2. Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Gout (2016)

3. Food Composition List of China (2018)

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