
From now on, take good care of your eyes. Five ways to protect your eyes!

author:Elegant white cloud fL
From now on, take good care of your eyes. Five ways to protect your eyes!
From now on, take good care of your eyes. Five ways to protect your eyes!
From now on, take good care of your eyes. Five ways to protect your eyes!
From now on, take good care of your eyes. Five ways to protect your eyes!

In the bustling business world, Li Ming, the president of Shengshi Group, is a high-profile business leader. He is wise and discerning, and can always seize business opportunities and lead the market trend. However, long hours of work and high-intensity eye habits made his eyes gradually feel tired.

One night, Li Ming sat in his office, staring at a computer screen, reviewing an important contract. Suddenly, he felt a tingling in his eyes, and he couldn't help but frown. At this time, his secretary Xiao Chen walked in with a cup of hot tea in his hand.

"Mr. Li, you have worked hard, drink a cup of tea to refresh yourself." Xiao Chen said with concern.

Li Ming raised his head and saw Xiao Chen's concerned eyes, and his heart felt warm. He took the teacup, blew the hot air gently, and then asked, "Xiao Chen, are you short-sighted?" ”

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, my eyesight has always been very good." Mr. Li, what's wrong with you? ”

Li Ming sighed and pointed to his eyes: "I've been too busy with work recently, and my eyes are a little uncomfortable." I've heard that prolonged use of your eyes is not good for your eyes, and you have to protect them well. ”

Xiao Chen nodded and said seriously: "Mr. Li, you are right. Our eyes are the windows to our souls and must be well protected. Actually, I have some ways to protect your eyes that I can share with you. ”

When Li Ming heard this, he immediately became interested, he put down the teacup and motioned for Xiao Chen to continue.

Xiao Chen cleared his throat and began to speak: "First of all, pay attention to the time you use your eyes. Staring at a computer or phone screen for a long time can overstrain your eyes. It is advisable to take a break every once in a while and take a look out the window or close your eyes and rest for a few minutes. ”

Li Ming nodded and agreed: "This suggestion is very good, I did ignore this issue before." ”

Xiao Chen continued: "Secondly, you must maintain the correct posture of using your eyes. Sit upright, keep your eyes at an appropriate distance from the screen, and avoid looking down or looking up at the screen for long periods of time. ”

Li Ming recalled his sitting posture and found that there were indeed some problems, and he secretly decided to correct them.

Xiao Chen added: "Third, eat more foods that are good for your eyes. For example, foods rich in vitamins A and C, such as carrots, spinach, oranges, etc., can help protect eyesight. ”

Li Ming's eyes lit up, this advice is very practical for him, he is usually busy with work, and rarely pays attention to the impact of diet on health.

Xiao Chen continued to share: "Fourth, maintain eye hygiene. Wipe the skin around your eyes often with a clean towel to avoid bacterial growth. At the same time, avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands to avoid infection. ”

Li Ming nodded, indicating that he hadn't noticed this habit before.

Finally, Xiao Chen said: "Fifth, you should have regular eye examinations. As we age, our eyes also change. Regular eye examinations can detect and treat eye diseases in a timely manner. ”

Li Ming's heart moved, and he realized that he had indeed not had an eye examination for a long time. He looked at Xiao Chen gratefully and said, "Xiao Chen, you are really my mentor and friend!" These methods of eye protection are too important for me. ”

Xiao Chen smiled modestly: "Mr. Li has won the award." In fact, I learned these methods from doctors, and I shared them when I thought they would be useful to everyone. ”

Li Ming sighed with emotion: "Yes, we are usually too busy with work and often neglect our physical health. From today onwards, I want to take good care of my eyes. ”

Xiao Chen was very happy after hearing this: "Mr. Li, I believe that as long as you stick to these methods, your eyes will definitely become healthier and healthier." ”

Li Ming stood up and stretched: "Okay, I'm going to take a rest." Xiao Chen, thank you for your reminder and suggestions today. ”

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded: "You're welcome Mr. Li, go and rest." ”

When Li Ming walked out of the office, his heart was full of gratitude and determination. He knows that protecting his eyes is not only for his own health, but also for better work and life. From today onwards, he will conscientiously implement these methods to protect his eyes and make his eyes brighter and healthier.

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