
It is known as the "heart umbrella", with comprehensive nutrition, spleen and appetizing, and children eat more brain-strengthening and intellectual

author:Think more

In summer, when the hot weather makes the appetite unwinding, this is when chayote, a refreshing and delicious vegetable, becomes a delicacy on the table. Not only is it crisp, but it's also packed with nutrients, making it a healthy choice for summer.

I remember when I was a child, every summer, my grandmother would always pick fresh chayote from the vegetable garden and make a stir-fried chayote for us. The fresh taste and subtle sweetness always whet my appetite.

Chayote has a very high nutritional value, it is rich in vitamin C, carotene, potassium, calcium and other nutrients, which is very beneficial to health. Especially in summer, the human body is prone to sweating, resulting in nutrient loss, and eating more chayote can well replenish the body's needs.

Chayote is made in a variety of ways and can be used for stir-frying, making soups, cold salads, etc. Here are 6 delicious ways to do it, no matter which way, you can retain the fresh taste and nutritional value of chayote.

It is known as the "heart umbrella", with comprehensive nutrition, spleen and appetizing, and children eat more brain-strengthening and intellectual

1. Stir-fried beef with garlic chayote

Ingredients: beef, corn starch, sugar, salt, oyster sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine


1. Cornstarch, sugar, salt, oyster sauce, soy sauce, and cooking wine first marinate beef

2. Put the minced garlic and beef in the pot and fry it for seven years, put it on and set it aside

3. Then fry the peeled Buddha's palm melon, and put the same garlic and oil into the pot

4. Enlarge half a bowl of water and stir-fry it, cover it and cook it, and finally the water is drained, and then put the beef in and fry it with the Buddha's palm melon, and add some oyster sauce, soy sauce and sugar to taste, and it is done

It is known as the "heart umbrella", with comprehensive nutrition, spleen and appetizing, and children eat more brain-strengthening and intellectual

2. Chilled chayote

Ingredients: chayote, millet spicy, garlic, minced garlic, sesame seeds, chili peppers, light soy sauce, aged vinegar, oyster sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate


1. Peel and shred the chayote (tender chayote does not need to be peeled, the surface can be scrubbed clean with coarse salt and edible), blanched for 30s to remove it.

2. Seasoning sauce: Put minced garlic, sesame seeds, and chili peppers in the bowl, pour in hot oil, add a spoon of light soy sauce, 1 sentence of aged vinegar, half a sentence of oyster sauce, sugar, appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate and stir well, if you like sour, you can add more vinegar.

3. Shredded chayote in cold water, add the juice, stir well, and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour to taste better. A bowl of porridge for dinner with crisp and refreshing side dishes is healthy and delicious, and it is a good choice for a fat reduction meal to eat alone, come and try it!

It is known as the "heart umbrella", with comprehensive nutrition, spleen and appetizing, and children eat more brain-strengthening and intellectual

3. Chayote stewed pork ribs

Ingredients: chayote, pork ribs, ginger slices, green onion, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar


1. Pork ribs to remove fish, I am very, very sensitive to the fishy smell, so the process of boiling and removing the smell was operated twice, cut the ribs into small pieces, and wash them with water first

2. In a pot under cold water, put the three-piece set of pork ribs (ginger, green onion, cooking wine) into it and boil, scoop out the foam and pour it out, and take out the pork ribs and put them in an empty bowl

3. The second time and then pour cold water, put ginger slices, green onion white, depending on the situation, cooking wine can be added or not, so that the fishy smell is almost completely gone, and then take it out and put it in an empty bowl for later use

4. Take out the big pot of stewed pork ribs, heat the oil, put the three-piece stir-fry set (garlic slices, ginger, green onions) and fry until it changes color, pour in the ribs, add a little salt, monosodium glutamate, and sugar to color the ribs

5. Then fry almost, pour water into it and wait for boiling, add side dishes (chayote, radish, etc.) I forgot to add my stew soup supplement early Goji berry Codonopsis astragalus and the like, you can add it here, stew for a longer time, turn to low heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes after boiling, taste it, and add it yourself if it is not salty enough.

It is known as the "heart umbrella", with comprehensive nutrition, spleen and appetizing, and children eat more brain-strengthening and intellectual

Fourth, chayote egg sea rice dumplings

Ingredients: chayote, eggs, chopped green onion, sea rice, matsutake powder, salt, peanut oil, flour


1. Blanch the chayote by pitting and cutting into pieces, put it in a blender and whip it, squeeze the water, and put it in a basin.

2. Stir-fry the eggs and put them in a basin, add chopped green onions, chopped sea rice, matsutake powder (can be replaced by monosodium glutamate), peanut oil, and salt, and mix well.

3. Knead the flour with water to form a smooth dough, let it rise for half an hour, divide it into dough and roll it into a skin, and wrap it with filling. Bring the dumplings to a boil and light the water three times to cook.

It is known as the "heart umbrella", with comprehensive nutrition, spleen and appetizing, and children eat more brain-strengthening and intellectual

5. Pickled chayote in sauce

Eating chayote pickled in sauce at the restaurant is amazing! Chayote's unique aroma and crisp texture make it a cold dish that surpasses pickled cucumbers and pickled radishes! No oil, low calorie, no burden!

Ingredients: chayote, salt, green onion, coriander, garlic slices, millet spicy, light soy sauce, aged vinegar, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar or rock sugar


1. Clean the chayote and cut it into small pieces, add salt, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes, and wait for the water to be precipitated (this step can keep the melon crisp)

2. Wash off the excess salt (marinate directly after washing, so use cool white)

3. Prepare the ingredients: add green onions, coriander, garlic slices, millet spicy, 6 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 8 tablespoons of aged vinegar, 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of sugar or rock sugar

4. Mix well and refrigerate overnight to eat! The same recipe applies to cucumbers and daikon radish.

It is known as the "heart umbrella", with comprehensive nutrition, spleen and appetizing, and children eat more brain-strengthening and intellectual

6. Chayote crucian carp soup

Ingredients: chayote, crucian carp, egg, green onion, wolfberry, salt, cooking wine, pepper


1. Buy a fresh crucian carp in the supermarket, and ask the staff to help you deal with it. Take it home and wash it a little!

2. Wash the chayote cleanly, peel and cut into slices. Don't forget to wear gloves, or the chayote juice may make your hands feel weird.

3. Prepare ginger slices, green onions and wolfberries. Fry the eggs until golden brown on both sides, then add three bowls of water to bring to a boil, pour out and set aside.

4. Heat the oil pan again, add the ginger slices, and gently fry the fish until golden brown on both sides. Remember to fry the fish slowly over low heat to keep the fish intact. Then, pour in the egg broth you have just cooked, sprinkle with goji berries, cover the pot, and simmer slowly over low heat for 10 minutes.

5. Add chayote slices and continue to simmer for another 5 minutes. Finally, sprinkle with salt, cooking wine and green onions, and a bowl of delicious fish soup is ready to go! If you like pepper, you can also sprinkle it with a little.

Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes for you, the 6 kinds of chayote practices shared above, have you all learned, learned to try to make it at home,! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.

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