
The United States has taken drastic medicine, the Navy and Taiwan Island have conducted joint military exercises, and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Resisting reunification by force is a dead end

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

A few days ago, a number of media announced a joint military exercise between the US Navy and the Taiwan Fleet in the Pacific Ocean, and the DPP authorities on Taiwan Island did not deny the media report. Judging from the information released by Taiwan, the so-called "accidental encounter" at sea was drilled for several days, and the scale of the warships used was also quite large. In recent years, Taiwan has vigorously developed its maritime forces, and has built amphibious dock landing ships carrying anti-ship missiles, conventionally powered submarines, and high-speed anti-ship missile boats with two hulls.

The United States has taken drastic medicine, the Navy and Taiwan Island have conducted joint military exercises, and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Resisting reunification by force is a dead end

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities on Taiwan have made no secret of the interaction between Taiwan and the United States in the military field, and recently Taiwan's green media revealed that Taiwan's troops had participated in the "Southern Joint Military Exercise" organized by the US military on the mainland. As a matter of fact, since last year, some battalion-level units have gone to the United States to participate in military training, and the "National Defense Authorization Act" passed by the US Congress stipulates that the Pentagon will promote military training on Taiwan, and in addition, it has also encouraged Taiwan to participate in the "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise" organized by the United States, thus exposing the intention of the US Congress, and the United States will persist in using the "Taiwan card" to oppose China, and for this reason there has been interaction in the military field.

The United States has taken drastic medicine, the Navy and Taiwan Island have conducted joint military exercises, and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Resisting reunification by force is a dead end

Judging from the joint military exercises of the US Navy and Taiwan's maritime forces, the United States is giving Taiwan a fierce medicine and enhancing its military cooperation with Taiwan through military interaction, which is actually directly encouraging Taiwan to "resist reunification by force." Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin publicly responded, saying that "resisting reunification by force is a dead end," thus telling the DPP authorities on Taiwan Island and sending a clear signal to the United States, demanding that the United States abide by the "three joint communiques" on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, earnestly implement the "one-China policy," and stop colluding with Taiwan in the military field.

The United States has taken drastic medicine, the Navy and Taiwan Island have conducted joint military exercises, and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Resisting reunification by force is a dead end

Although the United States does not have an "official relationship" with Taiwan, it has close cooperation, and the United States is still constantly arming Taiwan, and at the same time, the Taiwan fighter squadron has maintained a long-term deployment in the United States; in fact, since Taiwan purchased F-16A/B fighters, the fighter squadron has rarely returned to Taiwan, so that it can directly obtain the corresponding tactical capability from the US military. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, successive US administrations have reaffirmed their adherence to the "one-China policy," but they have never stopped their strategy of arming Taiwan, thus exposing the essence of the United States in "saying one thing and doing another." As a matter of fact, the United States still has military personnel deployed on Taiwan to provide Taiwan with "hand-in-hand" military training.

The United States has taken drastic medicine, the Navy and Taiwan Island have conducted joint military exercises, and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Resisting reunification by force is a dead end

The United States is very obsessed with its hegemonic status and cannot tolerate China replacing the United States as the world's number one, so it has adopted a strategy of pressing China step by step. Now the United States has imposed a new round of sanctions on China, including the imposition of 100% tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China, highlighting the United States' strategy of wantonly encircling and containing China.

The United States has taken drastic medicine, the Navy and Taiwan Island have conducted joint military exercises, and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Resisting reunification by force is a dead end

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