
The Russian diplomat refused to take an alcohol test and was filed, and the Korean media questioned the diplomatic immunity, and the Russian embassy responded

author:Tsubasa Boxin

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The Russian diplomat refused to take an alcohol test and was filed, and the Korean media questioned the diplomatic immunity, and the Russian embassy responded


"Chosun Ilbo" recently broke the news that the diplomat Ah A, who Russia sent to Seoul, actually had a car accident and refused to take a wine test, and went to court, causing a little unhappiness between the two countries. See, just such a small thing can lead to misunderstanding. The Russian embassy, on the other hand, said that it was in compliance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and felt that diplomats could not be arrested casually. It seems that the issue of immunity for diplomats is complicated enough in international law.

The Russian diplomat refused to take an alcohol test and was filed, and the Korean media questioned the diplomatic immunity, and the Russian embassy responded

This is actually a small matter, but when it comes to diplomats, it becomes lively. This is not only because it is special, but also because in the international arena now, small things can make big trouble. The South Koreans and the government are very excited, indicating that they are very concerned about the behavior of foreign diplomats in South Korea, and they also emphasize the need to act in accordance with the law.

South Korea's dissatisfaction and reaction to Russia-North Korea relations

Next door, South Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Yeon-jun heard that Russia and the DPRK had signed a "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty" and was worried that it would affect the security of his own South Korea. The South Korean government has taken this matter seriously, in fact, it has always been concerned about the changes in the strategic balance in East Asia. It is no wonder that South Korea is so worried, given that it has always been strained about security in Northeast Asia, especially when it comes to its own military and economic cooperation.

The Russian diplomat refused to take an alcohol test and was filed, and the Korean media questioned the diplomatic immunity, and the Russian embassy responded

Look at that Zhang Huzhen, who spoke without ambiguity in the South Korean presidential palace, and directly criticized Russia. These bigwigs think the same way, and they want to turn Russia back through diplomatic means, which shows how eager South Korea is to protect its interests.

The future direction of Russian-South Korean relations

Relations between Russia and South Korea have been very tense recently, and everyone wants to know what's going on. Russia's ambassador Zinoviev has hardened his argument and said that he will not be intimidated by South Korea, which may make Sino-South Korean relations more tense, especially in terms of military security.

The Russian diplomat refused to take an alcohol test and was filed, and the Korean media questioned the diplomatic immunity, and the Russian embassy responded

Look, Putin said in his speech in Vietnam that it's okay for North Korea to sign an agreement with Russia, don't worry about South Korea. This may be a casual remark to ease the atmosphere, but it can also be seen that the Russians are diplomatically smart.

The impact of the possible supply of weapons by South Korea to Ukraine

South Korea is going to send weapons to Ukraine, so that it will provoke Russia. Russia is certainly angry, and relations between South Korea and Russia could also be affected. Are the South Koreans trying to put pressure on Russia? Maybe there's some benefit.

The Russian diplomat refused to take an alcohol test and was filed, and the Korean media questioned the diplomatic immunity, and the Russian embassy responded

It's a risky decision, and it might lead to a world war! South Korea has never given Ukraine anything good before, and if it suddenly changes its mind, it will directly affect their position and strategy in the international community.

Practical considerations of Russian-South Korean economic relations

Although relations between Russia and South Korea have become a little strained, they still do business. Things sold in Russia are quite popular in South Korea! Therefore, if South Korea really wants to help Ukraine with weapons, it may not just be crazy about money, but perhaps more because of the political situation.

The Russian diplomat refused to take an alcohol test and was filed, and the Korean media questioned the diplomatic immunity, and the Russian embassy responded

This seems to be an economic and political wrestling between countries, which means that each country has to consider not only its own face, but also how to protect its own economic interests. South Korea's actions at this time seem to be trying to fight for more voice on the global stage, and I'm afraid he really doesn't want to do it!

Conclusions and questions provoke thought

A quarrel between Russia and South Korea is not a trivial matter, but it involves a lot of diplomatic problems. The actions of any country could affect the whole world. So how should we view our own interests, global responsibilities, and peacekeeping and development? These are questions that need to be thought about. If you have any good ideas, please tell us about them in the comment area; Don't forget to like and share, so you can discuss the international situation with your friends!

The Russian diplomat refused to take an alcohol test and was filed, and the Korean media questioned the diplomatic immunity, and the Russian embassy responded

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