
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

author:Zealous orange Ds

Love and mortal courage: Hold on to the encirclement of earthly heaven

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

In the long river of history, countless stories and legends are interwoven into a magnificent picture. In these stories, there is one theme that always captivates people's hearts, and that is love. Love, a word that seems to exist only in poetry and fiction, has actually run through every corner of human history. It gives us ordinary people extraordinary courage to persevere in the encirclement of earthly heaven, even if we are so poor that only love remains.

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

1. The origin and power of love

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

Love, the origin of the word can be traced back to the times of ancient civilizations. In ancient Greek mythology, Eros, the goddess of love, shot people in the heart with an arrow, causing them to fall in deep love. In traditional Chinese culture, love is regarded as a beautiful vision of "wishing to be a winged bird in heaven and a branch in the earth". Whether in the East or in the West, love is endowed with mysterious and powerful powers.

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

In the long river of history, the power of love has been fully demonstrated. Countless heroes and heroes fought bravely for love, even at the cost of their own lives. For example, the love story of Antony of the ancient Roman Empire and Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, who gave up the prosperity and power of the empire for the sake of love, and finally came to the end of their lives together. This story teaches us that the power of love is endless, and it can allow people to transcend the constraints of the world and bravely pursue their own happiness.

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

2. The love and courage of mortals

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

However, in the torrent of history, more love stories are written by ordinary people. They may not have a prominent position and endless wealth, but they interpret the true meaning of love with their actions. The love stories of these ordinary people, although not as vigorous as the heroes and heroes, are more real and touching.

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

For example, in a small town in ancient China, there was a poor scholar and his wife. Although they live in poverty, they love each other deeply. However, a sudden plague swept through the town, and many people lost their lives in the disaster. At this critical moment, the scholar did not choose to escape, but chose to stay with his wife. They supported each other and got through this difficult time together. In the end, they defeated the plague and also won the admiration and respect of those around them. This story teaches us that even ordinary people are able to show extraordinary courage with the support of love.

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

3. The encirclement and persistence of earthly heaven

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

However, in real life, love often faces various challenges and difficulties. These challenges can come from family, social, economic and other aspects. Sometimes, we even feel like we are surrounded by earthly heaven and cannot escape. But, as the brave mortal said, "Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of the encirclement of the earthly heavens." ”

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

There are also many such stories on the stage of history. For example, during World War II, many lovers were forced to separate because of the war. Although they were in a different place, they encouraged and supported each other through letters and other means. Their love withstood the test of war and finally ushered in peace. These stories tell us that no matter how difficult and challenging we face, as long as we stick to love, we will be able to overcome everything.

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

IV. Conclusion

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven

In the long course of history, love has always been an eternal theme. It has given us ordinary people extraordinary courage to persevere in the encirclement of earthly heaven. Whether they are heroes or ordinary people, they all interpret the true meaning of love with their actions. Therefore, we should cherish love and guard it with our courage and wisdom. Only in this way can we continue to grow and progress under the power of love, and ultimately move towards a better future.

He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven


He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven
He said I was mortal. Even if I am so poor that I am left with only love, I will never be afraid of earthly heaven