
The 69-year-old man does not eat meat every day with fruits and vegetables, and after two years of physical examination, what changes have occurred in his body?

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Uncle Liu, your finger swelling and pain may be caused by a lack of certain nutrients." The doctor looked at the test results and said.

Uncle Liu, 69 years old this year, is a retired librarian. During this time, he always felt that his fingers were swollen and painful, and he thought that he was suffering from rheumatism, so he went to the hospital for examination. Doctors found that some of the nutrients in his body were clearly deficient and needed to be adjusted immediately.

The 69-year-old man does not eat meat every day with fruits and vegetables, and after two years of physical examination, what changes have occurred in his body?

Uncle Liu looked puzzled: "Doctor, I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables every day, how can I lack nutrition?" ”

The doctor explained: "Uncle Liu, although you have eaten a lot of fruits and vegetables, you have not eaten meat for a long time, resulting in a lack of some important nutrients in your body, especially protein, iron, vitamin B12, etc. ”

Uncle Liu nodded, thinking, "Is it also a problem to eat more fruits and vegetables?" ”

The doctor continued: "Fruits and vegetables do have many benefits for the body, but if you don't eat meat for a long time, it can lead to insufficient protein intake and affect body function. Especially for seniors like you, the body's need for protein is higher. ”

Uncle Liu recalled that he decided to change his eating habits two years ago, felt that meat was unhealthy, and instead ate a lot of fruits and vegetables every day. In the past two years, he does feel a lot better and his skin has improved, but the problem of finger swelling and pain has never been resolved.

The 69-year-old man does not eat meat every day with fruits and vegetables, and after two years of physical examination, what changes have occurred in his body?

The doctor further explained: "Protein is an essential nutrient for the human body, which is involved in the construction and repair of various tissues such as muscles, bones, and blood. If there is a chronic lack of protein, the muscles will become flaccid and the risk of osteoporosis will increase. ”

Uncle Liu thought to himself: "I see, it seems that there is still something wrong with my eating habits." ”

"In addition, iron and vitamin B12 are mainly derived from animal foods, and long-term absences from meat can lead to iron deficiency anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency, which affects blood production and nervous system function," the doctor continued. ”

Uncle Liu realized the seriousness of the problem and decided to adjust his diet according to the doctor's advice.

After returning home, Uncle Liu told his wife that he would change his eating habits and eat some meat in moderation. After hearing this, my wife also felt that it made sense, and began to prepare some lean meat, chicken and fish for him every day, with fruits and vegetables.

A few months later, Uncle Liu went to the hospital for a follow-up, and the symptoms of finger swelling and pain were significantly reduced, and his physical condition was also greatly improved. Seeing his changes, the doctor nodded with satisfaction: "Uncle Liu, your body is recovering well, and if you continue to maintain such a diet, you will have better results." ”

The 69-year-old man does not eat meat every day with fruits and vegetables, and after two years of physical examination, what changes have occurred in his body?

Uncle Liu said happily: "It seems that a balanced diet is the most important thing. ”

The doctor smiled and said, "Yes, a balanced diet, a scientific diet is essential for good health. ”

Uncle Liu's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Uncle Liu, attach importance to a balanced diet, and avoid falling into dietary misunderstandings.

However, Uncle Liu still has a question in his heart: "In addition to protein, iron and vitamin B12, what other nutrients do the elderly need to pay special attention to?" ”

With this question, Uncle Liu consulted the doctor again. The doctor answered in detail:

"Uncle Liu, in addition to protein, iron and vitamin B12, the elderly also need to pay special attention to the following nutritional elements."

The 69-year-old man does not eat meat every day with fruits and vegetables, and after two years of physical examination, what changes have occurred in his body?

"First of all, calcium. Elderly people are prone to osteoporosis, calcium is an important element of bone health, it is recommended to consume more calcium-rich foods, such as milk, yogurt, tofu, green leafy vegetables, etc. ”

"The second is vitamin D. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium, which can be achieved by spending time in the sun and eating foods rich in vitamin D, such as fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, etc. ”

"The third is omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health and can be supplemented by intake of foods such as fish oil, flaxseed oil, and walnuts. ”

"The fourth is dietary fiber. Dietary fiber contributes to digestive health and can be supplemented by eating more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. ”

After hearing this, Uncle Liu nodded again and again, and sighed: "It turns out that nutritional balance needs to be so exquisite, and you really have to pay attention to it." ”

The doctor also reminded in particular: "Uncle Liu, you should also pay attention to a diversified diet and maintain a balanced intake." Eat more vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes and high-quality protein, and avoid long-term monodiets. ”

Uncle Liu kept the doctor's advice in mind and began to arrange his diet scientifically and reasonably. He insists on a moderate amount of exercise every day, pays attention to his diet, has regular physical examinations, and maintains good living habits.

Uncle Liu's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Uncle Liu, arrange their diet scientifically and reasonably, and protect their health.

The 69-year-old man does not eat meat every day with fruits and vegetables, and after two years of physical examination, what changes have occurred in his body?

However, Uncle Liu still has a question in his heart: "In addition to diet, what lifestyle habits do the elderly need to pay attention to in order to better protect their health?" ”

With this question, Uncle Liu consulted the doctor again. The doctor answered in detail:

"Uncle Liu, in addition to diet, the elderly also need to pay attention to the following living habits."

First, maintain a moderate amount of exercise.

"Doing a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can enhance physical fitness and promote metabolism."

Second, maintain a good mental state.

"Older people are prone to loneliness and depression, so they should communicate more with family and friends, participate in community activities, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude."

Third, pay attention to the quality of your sleep.

"The elderly are prone to insomnia, so they should maintain a regular schedule and avoid drinking caffeine beverages to create a good sleeping environment."

Fourth, regular physical examinations.

"Regular physical examinations for the elderly can detect potential health problems in time, early detection and early treatment."

Through these methods, Uncle Liu became more aware of the importance of comprehensive health management. He decided to start with all aspects to improve his lifestyle and keep his body healthy.

The 69-year-old man does not eat meat every day with fruits and vegetables, and after two years of physical examination, what changes have occurred in his body?

Uncle Liu's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Uncle Liu, arrange their lives scientifically and reasonably, and protect their health.

However, we also need to consider the question: in addition to the above-mentioned preventive measures, what other ways can help the elderly better protect their health and prevent diseases?

In order to answer this question, we need to understand some other methods.

First, maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a balanced diet, exercising moderately, maintaining a good routine, and avoiding overwork and chronic stress.

Second, quit smoking and limit alcohol. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are extremely harmful to the body, so it is recommended to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Third, pay attention to mental health. Long-term stress and negative emotions can affect the body's immune function and increase the risk of disease. It is recommended to learn to reduce stress and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Fourth, maintain a good social support system. Participate in social activities, maintain close contact with family and friends, establish a good social support system, and enhance mental and physical health.

Through these methods, we can protect the health of the elderly more comprehensively and keep the body in good shape. I hope Uncle Liu's story can give you some inspiration, let us pay attention to health management, arrange life scientifically and reasonably, and protect our bodies.

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