
Studies have shown that the elderly who are not prone to stroke basically have these 4 habits, how many do you have?

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Uncle Li, your finger swelling and pain may be caused by high blood pressure." The doctor looked at the test results and said.

Li Guoqiang, 65 years old, is a retired secondary school teacher. During this time, he always felt that his fingers were swollen and painful, and he thought that he was suffering from rheumatism, so he went to the hospital for examination. After an examination, doctors found that his blood pressure was ridiculously high and needed immediate treatment.

Studies have shown that the elderly who are not prone to stroke basically have these 4 habits, how many do you have?

Uncle Li looked puzzled: "Doctor, I have been paying attention to diet and exercise, how can I get high blood pressure?" ”

The doctor explained: "Uncle Li, there are many causes of high blood pressure, in addition to diet and exercise, there are also family genetics, stress and other factors. If high blood pressure is not well controlled, it can easily lead to serious diseases such as stroke. ”

Uncle Li nodded, thinking: "It seems that it is not enough to think that a healthy lifestyle is not enough, but also to manage it scientifically." ”

The doctor continued: "Studies have shown that elderly people who are not prone to stroke basically have four good habits. Do you want to take a good look and see how many you occupy? ”

Uncle Li asked curiously, "Which four habits?" ”

The doctor smiled and began to explain in detail: "The first is to stick to a moderate amount of exercise. Doing a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can enhance cardiopulmonary function, promote blood circulation, and lower blood pressure. ”

Studies have shown that the elderly who are not prone to stroke basically have these 4 habits, how many do you have?

Uncle Li recalled his usual exercise habits, although he would take a walk every day, sometimes he would be lazy and not move because of bad weather or physical exhaustion. He decided that from now on, he insisted on doing a moderate amount of exercise every day and couldn't be lazy anymore.

The doctor went on to say, "The second is to maintain a healthy diet. Eat less foods high in salt, fat, and sugar, and eat more vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and high-quality protein. This can control weight, lower blood lipids, and stabilize blood pressure. ”

Uncle Li nodded, remembering that he usually likes to eat pickles and fried foods, although he knows that these foods are unhealthy, he always finds it difficult to resist the temptation of food. He was determined to get rid of these bad eating habits and eat more light, nutritious foods.

The doctor continued: "The third is to quit smoking and limit alcohol. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of stroke. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol can protect blood vessels and reduce the incidence of stroke. ”

Studies have shown that the elderly who are not prone to stroke basically have these 4 habits, how many do you have?

Uncle Li was shocked, he never left his cigarettes and alcohol when he was young, and although he relented after retirement, he occasionally got together with old friends for a few drinks. He decided never to touch tobacco and alcohol again, and health was the most important thing.

The doctor finally said, "The fourth is to maintain a good mental state. Long-term stress and negative emotions can affect physical health and increase the risk of stroke. Learning to reduce stress and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude can effectively prevent stroke. ”

Uncle Li remembers that he sometimes feels lonely and anxious after retirement, especially when his children are not around, and his mood swings are easily fluctuating. He decided to participate in more community activities, chat with old friends, and keep things in a good mood.

The doctor also gave an example: "There was a patient, Uncle Zhao, who was in his 60s because of high work pressure, often smoking and drinking, which led to high blood pressure, and later suffered a stroke. After treatment and rehabilitation, he began to focus on diet and exercise, quit smoking and limit alcohol, maintain a positive attitude, and is now recovering well. ”

Studies have shown that the elderly who are not prone to stroke basically have these 4 habits, how many do you have?

Uncle Li was deeply touched after hearing this, and sighed: "It seems that healthy living habits really start from every detail." ”

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, Uncle Li." Hopefully, you can stick to these four good habits to stay healthy and stay away from stroke. ”

After Uncle Li returned home, he began to seriously adjust his lifestyle. He insisted on walking every morning and evening, tried to choose fresh vegetables and fruits as his main food, completely quit smoking and drinking, and maintained an optimistic attitude every day and actively participated in community activities.

A few months later, Uncle Li went to the hospital again for a follow-up, and his blood pressure dropped significantly, and the symptoms of finger swelling and pain were greatly reduced. Seeing his changes, the doctor smiled with satisfaction: "Uncle Li, your physical condition has improved a lot, continue to maintain these good habits, and your health will get better and better." ”

Uncle Li said happily: "Thanks to the doctor's reminder, now I know how important a healthy lifestyle is. ”

Uncle Li's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Uncle Li, develop healthy living habits, and prevent strokes and other diseases.

Studies have shown that the elderly who are not prone to stroke basically have these 4 habits, how many do you have?

However, Uncle Li still has a question in his heart: "In addition to these four good habits, what other ways can help prevent stroke?" ”

With this question, Uncle Li consulted the doctor again. The doctor answered in detail:

"Uncle Li, in addition to these four good habits, there are some other ways that can also help prevent stroke."

"First of all, you should have regular medical checkups. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, it is recommended to have a comprehensive physical examination every year to detect and deal with potential health problems in a timely manner and control blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids. ”

"Second, pay attention to weight control. Obesity is one of the important factors that cause high blood pressure and stroke, and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of stroke. ”

"Third, a reasonable schedule and rest. Maintain a regular sleep schedule, get enough sleep, and avoid staying up late and overexertion. ”

"Fourth, avoid overexertion and strenuous exercise. Middle-aged and elderly people should do what they can when doing physical exercise, avoid sudden strenuous exercise, and prevent cardiovascular accidents. ”

Studies have shown that the elderly who are not prone to stroke basically have these 4 habits, how many do you have?

Through these methods, Uncle Li became more aware of the importance of comprehensive health management. He decided to start with all aspects to improve his lifestyle and keep his body healthy.

Uncle Li's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Uncle Li, arrange their lives scientifically and reasonably, and protect their health.

However, we also need to consider the question: in addition to the above-mentioned preventive measures, what other ways can we better protect our health and prevent stroke?

In order to answer this question, we need to understand some other methods.

First, maintain a healthy lifestyle.

This includes eating a balanced diet, exercising moderately, maintaining a good routine, and avoiding overwork and chronic stress.

Second, quit smoking and limit alcohol.

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are extremely harmful to the body, so it is recommended to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Studies have shown that the elderly who are not prone to stroke basically have these 4 habits, how many do you have?

Third, pay attention to mental health.

Long-term stress and negative emotions can affect the body's immune function and increase the risk of disease. It is recommended to learn to reduce stress and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Fourth, maintain a good social support system.

Participate in social activities, maintain close contact with family and friends, establish a good social support system, and enhance mental and physical health.

Through these methods, we can protect the health of the elderly more comprehensively and keep the body in good shape. I hope Uncle Li's story can give you some inspiration, let us pay attention to health management, arrange life scientifically and reasonably, and protect our bodies.

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