
In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

author:Argument A

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son Wang Wenyi returned to the motherland after a long absence, and went to visit the tomb to pay respects to his ancestors. However, when he walked into the Plum Blossom Mountain in Nanjing, he was stunned by what he saw. The luxurious tomb built by his father, Wang Jingwei, at a cost of 50 million yuan, has long since ceased to exist, and has been replaced by a pavilion with kneeling stone statues of his parents standing next to the tomb. Faced with this scene, Wang Wendi, who was seventy years old, burst into tears and said 9 words with tears. What exactly are these 9 words? What kind of stories and costs do they hide? Let's go back to the torrent of history and find out.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

Wang Jingwei's anti-Qing revolution

With the invasion of Western powers in the late nineteenth century, the decaying rule of the Manchu dynasty was increasingly shaken. A group of people with lofty ideals recognized the general trend and stood up to shout the cry of overthrowing the Manchu Qing Dynasty and rejuvenating China. Among these revolutionary pioneers, Wang Jingwei can be described as a well-known member.

In July 1905, Wang Jingwei met Sun Yat-sen in Japan and resolutely joined the League and became Sun Yat-sen's right-hand man. He not only participated in the drafting of the constitution of the League, but also used his superb pen skills. Under the pseudonym "Jingwei," Wang published a series of articles in the Minbao newspaper, propagating revolutionary ideas and violently attacking the fallacies of the royalists, and quickly became an important theoretician of the revolutionary party.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

It is precisely with his outstanding literary talent that Wang Jingwei won the respect of Sun Yat-sen. It is said that Liang Qichao, the royalist boss at that time, was unable to resist Wang's literary offensive, so he intended to meet in private in order to calm Wang's revolutionary enthusiasm with "friendship." It can be seen how amazing Wang's literary and ink energy is.

However, theory alone is arbitrary. In 1906, after graduating from Hosei University in Japan, Wang Jingwei was tempted by Cen Chunxuan, the governor of Liangguang, and hoped that he would return to China to serve the imperial court, but ignored him. He firmly chose to share weal and woe with Sun Yat-sen, and went into exile to preach the revolution.

How could the imperial court sit idly by and watch the revolutionary party behave in a reckless manner? Pressure was soon exerted to force the Japanese government to issue an expulsion order. After being expelled from Japan, Wang Jingwei immediately came to Nanyang and served as the chief writer of the "Zhongxing Daily", and continued the battle with the royalists for 300 rounds. It was during this period that Wang Jingwei's speech was able to show its grandeur.

Someone commented: "The listener let him escape, and I haven't seen anyone who has spoken too well for more than 20 years." What's more, he said bluntly: "The awakening of overseas Chinese in Nanyang is really due to the power of Wang Jun, and it is not false." It can be seen from this that Wang Jingwei's eloquence has indeed aroused the enthusiastic support of overseas Chinese in Nanyang for the revolutionary cause.

In addition to his identity as an orator, Wang Jingwei also has a superb appearance of martial arts and is regarded as one of the "four beautiful men" of the Republic of China. It is no wonder that while promoting the revolutionary idea, he also won the heart of Chen Bijun, a generation of beauties. The combination of the two had a far-reaching impact and affected the future and destiny of Wang Jingwei's revolutionary career.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

Wang Jingwei's plot to assassinate the regent

Although the Xinhai Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen overthrew the decaying Qing Dynasty, the future of the country was not satisfactory. Warlords have risen everywhere, and the people are struggling to make a living. At this critical moment, the radicals advocated striking while the iron was hot and breaking all reactionary resistance. The young and vigorous Wang Jingwei responded to this call and personally organized the assassination of those in power in the Qing Dynasty.

In the winter of 1909, Wang Jingwei, Chen Bijun and other 7 people formed an assassination team and began to assassinate the real power figure at that time, the regent Zaifeng. They carefully planned to detonate the explosives under the Ganshui Bridge in Shichahai, and prepared to detonate the explosives when the regent passed by. The plan may seem like a drop in the bucket, but things don't always go as planned.

Just when Wang Jingwei and others were arranging explosives, they were accidentally discovered by others and reported to the authorities. After the government learned the news, it naturally vigorously arrested it. The assassination operation failed, and Wang Jingwei and others had nowhere to hide, so they had to be arrested and imprisoned obediently. This unique assassination conspiracy opened a new chapter in Wang Jingwei's life.

In prison, Wang Jingwei was once ready to die, leaving behind the pride of "leading the knife into a piece, living up to the head of the youth". However, in the end, he picked up a life thanks to Chen Bijun's all-out rescue. Chen Bijun not only tried his best to intercede to rescue Wang, but also spent a lot of money to bribe the jailers, and threatened to live and die with him.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

In the face of such affectionate love, Wang Jingwei was undoubtedly flattered. After that, he not only married Chen Bijun as his wife, but the two were inseparable and gave birth to children. Chen Bijun's move also affected the direction of Wang Jingwei's revolutionary road to a great extent.

In the end, out of secret considerations, the Qing court did not kill Wang Jingwei and others as small revolutionaries, but allowed them to be released from prison. Among them, Prince Su Shanqi also came to "do Wang Jingwei's ideological work" in person. Wang Jingwei was therefore unforgettable for Shanqi's kindness of "saving me".

The following year, the Wuchang Uprising broke out, and the shaky Qing Dynasty quickly collapsed, and Wang Jingwei was freed from prison. However, this battle obviously left an indelible wound on Wang Jingwei, which cooled his irritable and arrogant revolutionary enthusiasm, and his personality became more and more indecisive, inferior and cowardly.

Soon after, Wang Jingwei made the first major compromise of his life, trying to persuade Sun Yat-sen to give way to the revolutionary gains in favor of Yuan Shikai. This compromise was obviously a big mistake, but it also planted the root of Wang Jingwei's treason and usurpation of the throne in the future.

Wang Jingwei submitted to Japanese colonial rule

Time flies, and the years are merciless. With the outbreak of World War II, the crisis of the fall of Northeast China is increasingly approaching the Chinese nation. In the face of the fierce hooves of a strong enemy, Wang Jingwei failed to regard death as home, but instead made a series of deeds that betrayed the interests of the country.

As early as the early days of the war, Wang Jingwei strongly advocated the concept of "the main peace faction" and called on China to follow the example of Li Hongzhang and Zhang Zhidong to "seek peace and not war." He made a generous speech and vigorously lobbied Chiang Kai-shek to sign the humiliating peace agreement and cede land for peace. Although Chiang did not comply, Wang's treasonous posture had already begun to take shape.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

In July 1937, the Lugou Bridge Incident kicked off the all-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In the face of the violent and cruel Japanese army, the Chinese soldiers and civilians rose up to defend themselves and showed their tenacious and unyielding will to resist. However, at this critical moment, Wang Jingwei went back on his word and vigorously advocated the "peace movement," which was severely criticized by public opinion.

Especially after the fall of Nanjing, Wang Jingwei failed to treat death as if he were at home like Zhou Fohai and Tan Yanhong, but instead made a series of pro-Japanese and flattering deeds. He was generous and submissive, voluntarily submitting to the iron hooves of the Japanese colonists, creating a precedent for the hidden rule of traitors.

In order to win the favor of the colonists, Wang Jingwei personally led his important ministers to Tokyo to meet with the leaders of the Japanese army. In Beiping, not far away, he was even more loyal to the Japanese emperor in the capacity of "Permanent Military Attache of the Republic of China to Japan". A series of shameless deeds are chilling, and it is really a shame for the ancestors.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

Just when the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was in full swing, Wang Jingwei played the most unbearable role of a traitor. He colluded with the Japanese colonizers to establish a puppet regime in Nanjing, the so-called "Nationalist Government". This move is tantamount to pouring cold water on the head of the Chinese nation's bloody struggle.

In order to ensure the smooth operation of the puppet regime, Wang Jingwei even promulgated a series of pro-Japanese laws and regulations to serve the Japanese army's colonial rule in China. The most vicious of these was the establishment of a "military command" spy agency dedicated to suppressing anti-Japanese patriots, and its atrocities caused an uproar.

As the saying goes, "vice versa, go far". Wang Jingwei's decision to defect to the Japanese army ran counter to the interests of the whole nation. He insisted on going his own way, not only ruining his revolutionary future, but also causing great damage to the entire national struggle. The catastrophe has mercilessly befallen the Chinese nation, and its fault is truly an unforgivable sin.

Wang Jingwei's decision to establish a puppet regime in Nanjing

The giant ship of history rushed forward and finally sailed into the 1940s. In this decisive decade, Wang Jingwei, a former revolutionary, went so far as to commit a series of ugly deeds that betrayed the interests of the nation, which is jaw-dropping.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

In March 1940, at the connivance and instigation of the Japanese army, Wang Jingwei formally established a puppet "national government" in Nanjing. The establishment of this traitorous puppet regime marked Wang Jingwei's complete betrayal of the ideals of the nation and the revolution and his becoming the embodiment of a pro-Japanese traitor.

In order to maintain this ridiculous puppet regime, Wang Jingwei had to promulgate a series of pro-Japanese laws and regulations. One of the most heinous is the mandatory use of the Japanese language in the areas under its jurisdiction to promote pro-Japanese ideas; In addition, there is a large-scale suppression of opposition forces and severe suppression and persecution of anti-Japanese people.

Faced with such an absurd situation, one cannot help but ask: how did this former revolutionary embark on this road of no return? It turned out that in the early days of the revolution, Wang Jingwei advocated handing over the achievements of the revolution to Yuan Shikai due to his lack of foresight. This time, it was even more wrong again and again, and it was completely misguided.

However, the real root cause of Wang Jingwei's betrayal of the motherland and betrayal of the nation was his own selfish desire for profit. According to the memories of the surviving Japanese generals, Wang Jingwei's initial determination to collude with the Japanese army was entirely motivated by greed for personal status, power, and wealth.

To this end, Wang Jingwei not only built a luxurious mansion in Nanjing, but also purchased a treasure jade for himself. He had money, beauty, indulgence in waves, and lived a promiscuous life that was ridiculed by the Japanese army as "the tycoon of Greater East Asia". It can be seen that his character and ethics are low, and it is difficult to write.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

What is even more shameful is that in order to ensure the rule of the puppet regime, Wang Jingwei specially set up a special organization of "military unification" agents. This spy agency used ruthless methods, specifically suppressed anti-Japanese patriots, and committed heinous crimes against the Chinese people. Its brutality is far beyond people's imagination.

In the face of the encroachment and humiliation of the Japanese army, Wang Jingwei not only connived at the inaction, but also took the opportunity to exploit the Chinese people on a large scale. He picked peaches to exterminate traitors, and did not hesitate to fund the Japanese army to be extremely vicious to his compatriots. All of a sudden, the flames of war spread all over the Central Plains, and Wang Jingwei became the culprit of this catastrophe.

However, the development of history is destined to be tortuous and circuitous. As the war progressed, the destruction of the Japanese army was doomed. On August 15, 1945, after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan finally announced its unconditional surrender, ending the war. As a traitor, Wang Jingwei naturally could not escape.

Wang Jingwei defected to Taiwan and was killed

Time flies, and it has been August 15, 1945. After the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan finally surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, and World War II ended. As the horse boy of the Tojo cabinet, the fate of Wang Jingwei, a traitor, can be imagined.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

Faced with the impending liquidation, Wang Jingwei embarked on a desperate escape. On August 9, he fled Nanjing with his family and went to Huzhou, a small town in Zhejiang. Later, he moved to Hangzhou, seeking the opportunity to travel to Taiwan.

Just when Wang Jingwei was displaced, his son Wang Wenbin was captured alive by the Kuomintang army and subjected to severe interrogation to extract a confession. The fate of the father and son parted ways. Wen Bin was escorted back to Nanjing for trial, while Jingwei went into exile and fled to Ningbo.

On October 25, Wang Jingwei finally waited for the opportunity to go to Taiwan. He took off from Ningbo on a Japanese military plane and prepared to take refuge in Taiwan. However, just as the flight was about to land in Taipei, the plane was heavily bombed by the Kuomintang Air Force.

In the face of the attack of the enemy plane, the pilot of the Japanese plane urgently activated the "desperate stroke". At the last moment before the plane was about to collapse, the pilot hurriedly opened the cabin door, and Wang Jingwei and his entourage were thrown off the plane and fell into a rice field on the banks of the Tamsui River in Taiwan.

This fall can be described as embarrassing, but Wang Jingwei survived. However, the good times did not last long, and the soldiers of the national army who came soon surrounded them and launched a final sweep and clearance battle.

In 2005, Wang Jingwei's son returned to China to sweep the grave, saw the stone statue of his parents kneeling, and said 9 words with tears

In the face of the enemy's hot weapons, although Wang Jingwei and his entourage made some counterattacks, they were all killed on the spot. In this way, the bleak life of this traitor came to an end. The conspiracy and power desires in his life have finally been in vain.

Wang Jingwei's body was transported to Nanjing and buried in Meihua Mountain. In this way, it is really an incomparable irony and sorrow of life that a revolutionary who was in the ascendant in the past ended up becoming a traitor.

However, the story doesn't end there. In the following years, future generations made great repairs to Wang Jingwei's burial place, costing a huge amount of 50 million yuan.

According to the expectations of his mother-in-law, Liu Gangying, Wang Jingwei's tomb is located in the magnificent place of Meihua Mountain, occupying dozens of acres of land, which is resplendent and extremely luxurious. The coffin is made of fine rosewood and inlaid with emeralds, which is more luxurious than ordinary people can imagine.


What's more, a memorial hall was set up at the tomb to commemorate the traitor's so-called "revolutionary exploits". The hall is carved with the oath of "Wang Jingwei Langmei Tomb", for fear that future generations will not know about him.