
The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

author:Hill Sports

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The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand


In the group stage of the U18 Women's Basketball World Cup on June 28, Zhang Ziyu of the Chinese women's basketball team performed amazingly.

She shot 20-of-22 from the field and had 44 points and 14 rebounds.

Japan's center was like a schoolboy in front of her, and when she made up the basket, the Japanese team was helpless, and she easily picked up her guard teammates after the game.

This performance shocked foreign media, and she was the hope of Chinese basketball.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Basketball star: Zhang Ziyu

On the stage of the U18 Women's Basketball World Cup, Zhang Ziyu used a stunning performance of 44 points and 14 rebounds to make the world look sideways.

In this match, she almost single-handedly defeated her opponent and showed incredible dominance.

Against Japan, Zhang Ziyu's every touch of the ball became the focus of the game.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Her chemistry with her teammates and her relentless tearing apart of Japan's defence are a testament to her leadership qualities.

Although the Japanese team resisted hard, Zhang Ziyu's presence was like an insurmountable barrier, which made the opponent's despair permeate the entire arena.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Three unforgettable moments

In one offense, Zhang Ziyu jumped up easily and picked up the rebound from the top of his opponent's head.

The subsequent turn and dunk action was clean, and at that moment, her dominance was most intuitively reflected.

This moment not only became a classic of the game, but also forever engraved in the hearts of the audience.

In the face of the Japanese team's bag and clamp tactics, Zhang Ziyu showed extraordinary calmness and wisdom.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Her precise passing, and seamless coordination with her teammates, made the opponent's strategy come to naught.

Instead, she has achieved great results in assists.

When the whistle blew at the end of the game, Zhang Ziyu hugged his teammates tightly.

Her face was filled with the joy of victory, and she had a smile full of anticipation for the future.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

At this moment, she is not only a basketball player, but also a dreamer, showing the world the power of Chinese basketball.

Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance quickly attracted wide attention from the global media.

Sports headlines rushed to cover her story, and praise poured in.

The American media even hailed her as "the next basketball superstar", predicting that she would lead the Chinese women's basketball team to open a new chapter in history.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Zhang Ziyu, the basketball genius from the East, is doing it in her own unique way

It has changed people's understanding of basketball and has become a beautiful landscape in the basketball world in Asia and even the world.

Zhang Ziyu's story is not only the beginning of a basketball legend, but also the beginning of countless young people's basketball dreams.

Her success inspires every young person with a basketball dream.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Tell them: as long as you have dreams and persistence, it is possible to create your own miracles.

Zhang Ziyu, the rising star of Chinese basketball, is using her strength and charm.

Writing a new chapter in the history of basketball in China and even Asia, her light is destined to illuminate the future of the basketball world.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Zhang Ziyu's Basketball Journey: From Dream to Reality

In the world of basketball, every leap and every shot is a pursuit of a dream.

For Zhang Ziyu, basketball is not only a sport, but also a kind of belief and a kind of power that leads her from ordinary to extraordinary.

Showing her love and talent for basketball since she was a child, Zhang Ziyu's growth path was full of sweat and tears, but she never gave up.

Every training, every competition, she will devote herself wholeheartedly, with practical actions to interpret the spirit of "never say die".

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

It is this dedication and enthusiasm that made her shine in the U18 Women's Basketball World Cup and become the new pride of Chinese basketball.

In the domestic league, Zhang Ziyu has shown amazing potential and strength, but she is not satisfied with this.

The international arena is a litmus test of a player's true strength.

Facing a higher-level opponent, Zhang Ziyu did not flinch, but chose to face the difficulties.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

In the U18 Women's Basketball World Cup, she proved her strength and value with wonderful performances.

This is not only the accumulation of personal honors, but also a recognition of the overall strength of Chinese basketball.

Zhang Ziyu's success has opened up a new path for Chinese basketball and inspired the fighting spirit and dreams of more young players.

Zhang Ziyu's basketball journey is far from over, and every step of her way is writing a new history.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

In the face of praise and anticipation, she remains humble and calm, knowing full well that more difficult challenges lie ahead.

Whether it is the improvement of technology or the maturity of mentality.

Zhang Ziyu is constantly surpassing himself and striving to improve in every game.

She knows that the real strong person is the one who can still insist on himself and move forward bravely in the face of adversity.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Zhang Ziyu is moving towards a higher goal with such a attitude.

The rise of Zhang Ziyu is not only the glory of Chinese basketball, but also an inspiration to all young people.

Her story tells us, no matter what the starting point is.

As long as you have a dream and work hard for it, you can create your own brilliance.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Under the influence of Zhang Ziyu, more and more young players began to devote themselves to basketball.

I dream of one day standing on the world stage and winning glory for Chinese basketball.

At the same time, Zhang Ziyu's success has also prompted the Chinese basketball community to pay more attention to the cultivation of young people.

Provide them with better training conditions and competition opportunities to help Chinese basketball achieve a qualitative leap.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Zhang Ziyu, the name, has become a bright star in the history of Chinese basketball.

Her story is not only a personal legend, but also a microcosm of the development of Chinese basketball.

In the days to come, we look forward to seeing more good players like Zhang Ziyu emerge.

Jointly write a glorious chapter of Chinese basketball.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand


Zhang Ziyu is using her strength and perseverance to open a new era for Chinese basketball.

Let us witness together that the future of Chinese basketball will be more brilliant because of her.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand
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